Deformation mechanisms, microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of nanoscale materials (Warrendale; Cambridge; New York, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаDeformation mechanisms, microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of nanoscale materials: symposium held November 29-December 3, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A / ed. by J.R.Greer et al. - Warrendale: Materials Research Society; Cambridge; New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2011. - x, 201 p.: ill. - (Materials Research Society symposia proceedings; vol.1297). - Incl. bibl. ref. and indexes. - ISBN 978-1-605-11274-9

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ ix
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings ............... xi

Nanometer Scale Mechanical Behavior of Grain Boundaries ......... 1
   Chien-Kai Wang, Huck Beng Chew, and Kyung-Suk Kim
Correlation between Adhesion Strength and Thin Film/Substrate
Mechanical Properties Using the Nano-scratch Technique ......... 11
   Bo Zhou, Nicholas Randall, and Barton Prorok
Bottom-up Modeling of the Elastic Properties of 
Organosilicate Glasses and Their Relation tp Composition and
Network Defects ................................................ 17
   Jan M. Knaup, Han Li, Joost J. Vlassak, and Efthimios
Evaluation of Crack Growth Retardation Effect Due to 
Nano-scale Voids Based on Molecular Dynamics Method ............ 23
   Shin Taniguchi and Toshihiro Kameda
Synthetic Control over the Structure and Symmetry of Carbon
Nanotubes: Towards Biomedical Applications ..................... 29
   Michael S. Lowry, Alfredo Rayms-Keller, Karen J. Long,
   Francisco Santiago, Victor H. Gehman, Jr., and Kevin 
   A. Boulais
A Phase-Field - Finite Element Model for Instabilities in 
Multilayer Thin Films .......................................... 35
   Mohsen Asle Zaeem, Sinisa Dj. Mesarovic, Haitham El
   Kadiri, and Paul T. Wang
Interphase Energies and Nonequilibrium Growth of 
γ-precipitates in Al-Ag: A DFT Study ........................... 47
   D.J. Watts, D.D. Johnson, and Daniel Finkenstadt
Influence of Nanoindenter Tip Radius on the Estimation
of the Elastic Modulus ......................................... 53
   Karim R. Gadelrab and Matteo Chiesa
Inception of Plasticity in the Presence of Vacancies
in FCC Single Crystals: Indenter Size Effect ................... 59
   I. Salehinia, V. Perez, M. Weber, and D.F. Bahr
NanoLAB Triboprobe: Characterizing Dynamic Wear, Friction and
Fatigue at the Nanoscale ....................................... 65
   A.J. Lockwood, J. Wedekind, R.S. Gay, J.J. Wang, 
   M.S. Bobji, B. Amavasai, M. Howarth, G. Möbus, and 
   B.J. Inkson
Nondeterministic Multiscale Modeling of Biomimetic Crack 
Self-Healing in Nanocrystalline Solids under Mechanical
Loading ........................................................ 71
   Eduard G. Karpov and Mykhailo Grankin
Deformation Mechanisms, Microstructure and Mechanical
Properties of Nanoscale Crystalline and Noncrystalline
Materials in Different Temperature Ranges ...................... 77
   Yuly V. Milman
Thermo-Mechanical Behavior at Nanoscale and Size Effects in
Shape Memory Alloys ............................................ 83
   Jose San Juan, Maria L. Nó, and Christopher A. Schuh
Nanoscale deformation of MEMS materials ........................ 95
   A.J. Lockwood, A. Padmanabhan, R.J.T. Bunyan, and 
   B.J. Inkson
Pressure-Induced Nano-Crystallization of Y2O3 ................. 101
   Stuart Deutsch, Jafar F. Al-Sharab, Bernard H. Kear, and
   Stephen D. Tse
Reaction Pathway Analysis of Homogeneous Dislocation
Nucleation in a Perfect Molybdenum Crystal .................... 105
   Hasan A. Saeed, Satoshi Izumi, Shotaro Hara, and Shinsuke
Atomistic Study of the Mechanical Properties of Metallic-
Glass Nanowires ............................................... 111
   K. Koshiyama and K. Shintani
Atomistic Study of the Mechanical Stability of Multi-layered
Graphene Nanobridges .......................................... 117
   T. Nakajima and K. Shintani
In Situ Spectroscopy and Modeling of Deformation Behavior of
Nanoscale Interfacial Materials ............................... 123
   Takakazu Suzuki, W. Suetaka, A. Suzuki, T. Sato, and
   T. Suzuki
Micro/Nano Structure and Morphology of Multi-phase Polymer/
Oxide Composites Prepared by Powder Melt Processing ........... 131
   Giorgiana Giancola and Richard Lehman
Influence of Processing Conditions on Mechanical and
Structural Properties of DLC Produced by FIB-CVD Method ....... 137
   Naomichi Sakamoto, Yusai Akita, Hiroyuki Harada, Takuya
   Yasuno, and Yasuo Kogo
Effect of Ag Content on Electrical Conductivity and Tensile
Properties of Cu-Ti-Ag Alloys ................................. 143
   Taek-Kyun Jung, Dong-Woo Joh, Hyo-Soo Lee, and Hyuk-Chon
Size Effect on Bending Properties of Diamond-like Carbon
Nanopillar Fabricated by Focused Ion Beam-Assisted Chemical
Vapor Deposition .............................................. 149
   Yasuo Kogo, Hiroyuki Harada, Yoji Shibutani, Naomichi
   Sakamoto, and Takuya Yasuno
Density Functional Theory Calculations of Properties of the
Grain Boundaries in Aluminum .................................. 155
   Marek Muzyk and Krzysztof J. Kurzydlowski
Strengthening Effect of Twin Boundaries in bcc Crystal
Evaluated through a Micro-bending Test ........................ 161
   Yuki Karasawa, Tso-Fu Mark Chang, Akinobu Shibata, and
   Masato Sone
Mechanical Behavior on Micro-compression Test in Ultra-low
Carbon Steel Produced by High Pressure Torsion ................ 169
   Takashi Nagoshi, Akinobu Shibata, Masato Sone, and
   Yoshikazu Todaka
Characterizing the Role of Deformation during Electrochemical
Etching of Metallic Films ..................................... 175
   Anil Kumar, Keng Hsu, Kyle Jacobs, Placid Ferreira, and
   Nicholas X. Fang
Modeling the Dislocation-Void Interaction in a Dislocation
Dynamics Simulation ........................................... 181
   Sylvain Queyreau, Ghiath Monnet, Brian D. Wirth, and
   Jaime Marian
Nanoindentation Induced Deformation Near Grain Boundaries of
Corrosion Resistant Nickel Alloys ............................. 187
   F. William Herbert, Bilge Yildiz, and Krystyn J. Van 
Profiling of the Mechanical Properties of Ultralow - A Films
Using Nanoindentation Techniques .............................. 193
   Holm Geisler, Ulrich Mayer, Matthias U. Lehr, Petra
   Hofmann, and Hans-Juergen Engelmann

Author Index .................................................. 199
Subject Index ................................................. 201

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