Apoptosis: physiology and pathology (Cambridge; New York, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаApoptosis: physiology and pathology / ed. by J.C.Reed, D.R.Green. - Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011. - xiii, 421 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-0-521-88656-7

Оглавление / Contents
Contributors ................................................... ix


1  Human Caspases - Apoptosis and Inflammation Signaling
   Proteases .................................................... 1
   Guy S. Salvesen
2  Inhibitor of Apoptosis Proteins ............................. 11
   Jason B. Garrison, Andreas Krieg, Kate Welsh, Yunfei Wen, 
   and John C. Reed
3  Death Domain-Containing Receptors - Decisions between
   Suicide and Fire ............................................ 23
   Henning Walczak and Chahrazade Kantari
4  Mitochondria and Cell Death ................................. 37
   Gavin P. McStay and Douglas R. Green
5  The Control of Mitochondrial Apoptosis by the BCL-2 Family .. 44
   Anthony Letai
6  Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Response in Cell Death and
   Cell Survival ............................................... 51
   Michael Boyce, Marta M. Lipinski, Bénédicte F. Py, and
   Junying Yuan
7  Autophagy - The Liaison between the Lysosomal System and
   Cell Death .................................................. 63
   Hiroshi Koga and Ana Maria Cuervo
8  Cell Death in Response to Genotoxic Stress and DNA Damage ... 74
   Pablo Lopez-Bergami and Ze'ev Ronai
9  Ceramide and Lipid Mediators in Apoptosis ................... 88
   Thomas D. Mullen, Russell W. Jenkins, Lina M. Obeid, and
   Yusuf A. Hannun
10 Cytotoxic Granules House Potent Proapoptotic Toxins
   Critical for Antiviral Responses and Immune Homeostasis .... 106
   Katherine Baran, Ilia Voskoboinik, Nigel J. Waterhouse,
   Vivien R. Sutton, and Joseph A. Trapani

11 Cell Death in Nervous System Development and Neurological
   Disease .................................................... 123
   JuyingLi and Junying Yuan
12 Role of Programmed Cell Death in Neurodegenerative
   Disease .................................................... 135
   Dale E. Bredesen
13 Implications of Nitrosative Stress-Induced Protein
   Misfolding in Neurodegeneration ............................ 145
   Tomohiro Nakamura and Stuart A. Lipton
14 Mitochondrial Mechanisms of Neural Cell Death in Cerebral
   Ischemia ................................................... 153
   Lucian Soane, Brian M. Polster, and Gary Fiskum
15 Cell Death in Spinal Cord Injury - An Evolving Taxonomy
   with Therapeutic Promise ................................... 154
   Rajiv R. Ratan and Moses V. Chao
16 Apoptosis and Homeostasis in the Eye ....................... 176
   Jerry Y. Niederkorn
17 Cell Death in the Inner Ear ................................ 182
   Lisa L. Cunningham and Justin Tan
18 Cell Death in the Olfactory System ......................... 194
   Pawel Kermer
19 Contribution of Apoptosis to Physiologic Remodeling of
   the Endocrine Pancreas and Pathophysiology of Diabetes ..... 201
   Nika N. Danial
20 Apoptosis in the Physiology and Diseases of the
   Respiratory Tract .......................................... 221
   Christian Taube and Martin Schьler
21 Regulation of Cell Death in the Gastrointestinal Tract ..... 231
   Maria Eugenia Guicciardi and Gregory J. Gores
22 Apoptosis in the Kidney .................................... 240
   Juan Antonio Moreno, Adrian Mario Ramos, and Alberto
23 Physiologic and Pathological Cell Death in the Mammary
   Gland ...................................................... 250
   Armelle Melet and Roya Khosravi-Far
24 Therapeutic Targeting Apoptosis in Female Reproductive
   Biology .................................................... 273
   Kaisa Selesniemi and Jonathan L. Tilly
25 Apoptotic Signaling in Male Germ Cells ..................... 283
   Amiya P. Sinha Hikim, Yue Jia, Yan-He Lue, Christina
   Wang, and Ronald S. Swerdloff
26 Cell Death in the Cardiovascular System .................... 295
   Vladimir Kaplinskiy, Martin R. Bennett, and Richard 
   N. Kitsis
27 Cell Death Regulation in Muscle ............................ 313
   Ayesha Saleem, Lawrence Kazak, Michael O'Leary, and David
   A. Hood
28 Cell Death in the Skin ..................................... 323
   Saskia Lippens, Esther Hoste, Peter Vandenabeele, and Wim
29 Apoptosis and Cell Survival in the Immune System ........... 333
   Delphine Mérino and Philippe Bouillet
30 Cell Death Regulation in the Hematopoietic System .......... 350
   Paul A. Ney
31 Apoptotic Cell Death in Sepsis ............................. 363
   Pavan Brahmamdam, Jared T. Muenzer, Richard S. Hotchkiss,
   and Jonathan E. McDunn
32 Host-Pathogen Interactions ................................. 372
   Maya Saleh


33 Programmed Cell Death in the Yeast Saccharomyces 
   cerevisiae ................................................. 389
   Valter D. Longo and Cristina Mazzoni
34 Caenorhabditis elegans and Apoptosis ....................... 397
   Brian L. Harry and Ding Xue
35 Apoptotic Cell Death in Drosophila ......................... 407
   Kathleen Galindo and John M. Abrams
36 Analysis of Cell Death in Zebrafish ........................ 412
   Ujwal J. Pyati and A. Thomas Look
Color plates follow ........................................... 226

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