Studies in the final Palaeolithic settlement of the Great European Plain (Poznan, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаStudies in the final Palaeolithic settlement of the Great European Plain / ed. by M.Kobusiewicz, J.Kabaciński; Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań Branch, Poznań Prehistoric Society. - Poznań, 2007. - 208 p.: ill., maps. - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-83-89959-85-0

Оглавление / Contents
Boleslaw Ginter, Marta Poltowicz
Magdalenian settlement in Poland before the Bøiling 
oscillation ..................................................... 7

Jacek Kabaciński, Michał Kobusiewicz
Krajola near Kolo (Central Poland) - the easternmost
settlement of Hamburgian Culture ............................... 21

Thomas Terberger, Harald Lübke
Between East and West - Hamburgian in Northeastern Germany? .... 53

Jan Michał Burdukiewicz, Adam Szynkiewicz and Małgorzata 
Paleoenvironmental setting of the Late Paleolithic sites in
Kopanica Valley ................................................ 67

Romuald Schild, Haiina Królik, Andrzej Jacek Tomaszewski,
Elzbieta Ciepielewska
Sociotopographic patterning of Rydno as seen after nearly
a centennial of exploration .................................... 87

Tomasz Płonka
Late Paleolithic settlement in the western reaches of the 
Gorzow Dale .................................................... 99

L'ubomíra Kaminská
The Final Paleolithic in Slovakia ............................. 111

Tadeusz Galiński
My own excavations and discoveries of Final Paleolithic
assemblages on the European Plain ............................. 129

Lou Schmitt
The West Swedish Hensbacka from an anthropological point of
view, and recent developments concerning the final drainage
of the Baltic Ice Lake ........................................ 139

Viola T. Dobosi
On the edges of the plains .................................... 151

Aleksei N. Sorokin
The Final Paleolithic of central Russia: Problem and
Solution ...................................................... 157

Zofia Sulgostowska
Ochre among the Mazovian societies ............................ 175

Witold Migal
On preferential points of the Final Paleolithic in the
Central European Lowland ...................................... 185

Högne Jungner, Ligita Lukševica, Ervins Lukševics, Ilga
Ancient reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) in Latvia ................ 201

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