Raman scattering in materials science (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2000). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаRaman scattering in materials science / ed. by W.H.Weber, R.Merlin. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2000. - xvii, 492 p.: ill. - (Springer series in materials science; 42). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.483-492. - ISBN 3-540-67223-0

Оглавление / Contents
1  Overview of Phonon Raman Scattering in Solids
   R. Merlin, A. Pinczuk, W.H. Weber ............................ 1
   1.1  Light Scattering Mechanisms and Selection Rules ......... 3
        1.1.1  Conservation Laws ................................ 3
        1.1.2  Kinematics: Wave Vector Conservation ............. 4
        1.1.3  Kinematics: Breakdown of Wave Vector
               Conservation ..................................... 5
        1.1.4  Light Scattering Susceptibilities ................ 6
        1.1.5  Enumeration of Raman Active Modes ................ 9
        1.1.6  Stokes and Anti-Stokes Scattering Intensities ... 11
   1.2  Resonant Light Scattering and Forbidden Effects ........ 12
   1.3  Two-Phonon Scattering .................................. 15
   1.4  Phonons in Semiconductor Alloys ........................ 17
   1.5  Impurity Centers and Other Defects ..................... 19
   1.6  Phonons in Amorphous Materials ......................... 22
   1.7  Structural Phase Transitions: Effects of Temperature,
        Pressure and Composition ............................... 23
   1.8  Conclusions ............................................ 26
        References ............................................. 26

I   The Effect of a Surface Space-Charge Electric Field on
    Raman Scattering by Optical Phonons
    Elias Burstein ............................................. 30
    References ................................................. 33

2  Raman Instrumentation
   Sanford A. Asher, Richard Bormett ........................... 35
   2.1  Raman Measurement Regime ............................... 36
        2.1.1  Spontaneous, Non-resonance Raman Spectral
               Measurements .................................... 36
        2.1.2  Spontaneous, Resonance Raman Spectral
               Measurements .................................... 37
        2.1.3  Nonlinear Raman Measurements .................... 38
   2.2  Choice of Raman Excitation Wavelength .................. 38
        2.2.1  CW Lasers ....................................... 38
        2.2.2  Pulsed Lasers ................................... 39
   2.3  Optical Methods for Rayleigh Rejection ................. 40
        2.3.1  Holographic Notch Filter ........................ 41
        2.3.2  Dielectric Edge Filters ......................... 41
        2.3.3  Pre-monochromator Rayleigh Rejection ............ 42
   2.4  Raman Spectrometers .................................... 42
        2.4.1  Dispersive Raman Spectrometers .................. 42
        2.4.2  FT-Raman Spectrometers .......................... 44
        2.4.3  Detectors ....................................... 44
        2.4.4  Imaging Raman Spectrometers ..................... 45
   2.5  Examples of New Raman Instruments for Materials
        Characterization ....................................... 46
        2.5.1  UV Raman Microspectrometer for CVD Diamond
               Studies ......................................... 47
        2.5.2  UV Raman Instrument for in situ Studies of CVD
               Diamond Growth .................................. 50
   2.6  Conclusions ............................................ 52
   References .................................................. 53

3  Characterization of Bulk Semiconductors Using Raman
   J. Menéndez ................................................. 55
   3.1  Inelastic Light Scattering by Phonons in
        Semiconductors ......................................... 56
        3.1.1  Phonons in Semiconductors ....................... 58
        3.1.2  Anharmonic Effects .............................. 63
        3.1.3  Raman Scattering by Phonons ..................... 64
   3.2  Semiconductor Characterization ......................... 76
        3.2.1  Crystal Orientation ............................. 76
        3.2.2  Temperature Monitoring .......................... 77
        3.2.3  Stress Measurements ............................. 80
        3.2.4  Impurities ...................................... 85
        3.2.5  Alloying ........................................ 90
   3.3  Conclusion ............................................. 99
        References ............................................. 99

II  Finding the Stress from the Raman Shifts: A Case Study
    Ingrid de Wolf ............................................ 104
    References ................................................ 106

III Brillouin Scattering from Semiconductors
    M. Grimsditch ............................................. 107
    References ................................................ 108

4  Raman Scattering in Semiconductor Heterostructures
   Daniel Gammon .............................................. 109
   4.1  Electrons in Semiconductor Heterostructures ........... 111
   4.2  Resonant Raman Scattering ............................. 114
   4.3  Kinematics ............................................ 117
   4.4  Vibrational Raman Scattering in Semiconductor
        Heterostructures ...................................... 118
        4.4.1  Phonons in Semiconductor Quantum Wells ......... 118
        4.4.2  Phonons as a Probe of Interface Roughness
               in a Quantum Well .............................. 124
   4.5  Electronic Raman Scattering in Semiconductor
        Heterostructures ...................................... 132
        4.5.1  Shallow Impurities ............................. 133
        4.5.2  Quasi-Two-Dimensional Electron Gas ............. 137
   4.6  Conclusion ............................................ 144
   References ................................................. 144

IV  Raman Scattering Enhancement by Optical Confinement in
    Semiconductor Planar Microcavities
    B. Jusserand, A. Fainstein ................................ 148
    References ................................................ 150

5  Raman Scattering in High-Tc Superconductors: Phonons,
   Electrons, and Magnons
   M. Cardona ................................................. 151
   5.1  High-Tc Superconductors: Chemical Composition
        and Crystal Structure ................................. 154
   5.2  Raman Scattering by Phonons in High-Tc
        Superconductors ....................................... 161
        5.2.1  Vibrational Frequencies and Eigenvectors ....... 161
        5.2.2  Raman Intensities, Raman Tensors ............... 173
        5.2.3  The Phases of the Raman Tensors ................ 173
   5.3  Scattering by Intraband Electronic Excitations ........ 176
        5.3.1  Normal Metals .................................. 176
        5.3.2  Scattering in the Superconducting State ........ 184
   5.4  Electron-Phonon Interaction ........................... 193
   5.5  Crystal Field Transitions Between ƒ-Electron Levels ... 199
   5.6  Light Scattering by Magnons in HTSC and Their
        Antiferromagnetic Parent Compounds .................... 204
        5.6.1  Antiferromagnetic Structures in the
               Underdoped Parent Compounds .................... 204
        5.6.2  Introduction to Light Scattering by Magnons
               in Antiferromagnets ............................ 208
        5.6.3  Electronic Structure of the СuО2
               Antiferromagnetic Insulator and the Mechanism
               of Scattering by Two Magnons ................... 210
        5.6.4  Lineshape of Two-Magnon Raman Scattering
               in the Insulating HTSC Phases .................. 214
        5.6.5  Resonant Raman Scattering by Magnons ........... 216
        5.6.6  Scattering by Magnetic Fluctuations in Doped
               (Superconducting) Cuprates ..................... 217
        References ............................................ 219

V   Thoughts About Raman Scattering from Superconductors
    Miles V. Klein ............................................ 226
    References ................................................ 228

VI  Two-Magnon Inelastic Light Scattering
    David J. Lockwood ......................................... 230
    References ................................................ 232

6  Raman Applications in Catalysts for Exhaust-Gas Treatment
   Willes H. Weber ............................................ 233
   6.1  Supports and Substrates ............................... 235
   6.2  Oxides of the Pt-Group Metals ......................... 239
        6.2.1  Platinum Oxides ................................ 239
        6.2.2  Iridium and Osmium Oxides ...................... 243
        6.2.3  Palladium Oxide ................................ 243
        6.2.4  Rhodium Oxides ................................. 246
        6.2.5  Ruthenium Oxide ................................ 246
        6.2.6  Mixed Oxides ................................... 248
   6.3  Oxygen Storage Materials .............................. 249
   6.4  Adsorbed Species ...................................... 252
        6.4.1  Oxides of Nitrogen ............................. 253
        6.4.2  Oxides of Sulfur ............................... 257
   6.5  Particle-Size Effects ................................. 259
   6.6  Quantitative Analyses ................................. 261
   6.7  Summary and Outlook ................................... 265
   References ................................................. 266

VII Historical Perspective of Raman Spectroscopy in
    Israel E. Wachs ........................................... 271
    References ................................................ 272

7  Raman Scattering Spectroscopy and Analyses of III-V
   Nitride-Based Materials
   Leah Bergman, Mitra Dutta, Robert J. Nemanich .............. 273
   7.1  Experimental Considerations for Raman Scattering
        of Wide Band-Gap Semiconductors ....................... 274
   7.2  Raman Scattering of GaN, AlN, and InN Films and
        Crystallites .......................................... 275
        7.2.1  Raman Tensors and Structure Identification of
               GaN, A1N, and InN .............................. 275
        7.2.2  Wurtzite and Zincblende Phases of GaN .......... 279
        7.2.3  Wurtzite and Zincblende Structure of AlN and
               InN ............................................ 284
   7.3  Stress Analysis and Substrate Issues for Epitaxial
        Growth ................................................ 287
        7.3.1  Stress Analysis of GaN Films ................... 287
        7.3.2  Stress Analysis in WZ-AlN ...................... 290
   7.4  Raman Analysis of the Quasi-Modes in AlN .............. 292
   7.5  Phonon-Plasmon Interaction in GaN Films and
        Crystallites .......................................... 296
   7.6  Isotopic Effects and Phonon Lifetimes in the
        Wurtzite Materials .................................... 301
   7.7  Wide Band-Gap Alloys .................................. 303
   7.8  Concluding Remarks .................................... 309
        References ............................................ 310

8  Raman Scattering in Fullerenes and Related Carbon-Based
   M.S. Dresselhaus, M.A. Pimenta, P.C. Eklund,
   G. Dresselhaus ............................................. 314
   8.1  Graphite Related Materials ............................ 316
        8.1.1  Single Crystal Graphite and 2D Graphene
               Layers ......................................... 317
        8.1.2  Raman Spectra of Disordered sp2 Carbons ........ 319
   8.2  Introduction to Fullerene Materials ................... 326
        8.2.1  Mode Classification in Fullerene Molecules ..... 327
        8.2.2  C60 Intra-Molecular Modes ...................... 329
        8.2.3  Higher-Order Raman Modes in C60 ................ 332
        8.2.4  Perturbations to the Raman Spectra ............. 333
        8.2.5  Vibrational Spectra for Phototransformed
               Fullerenes ..................................... 333
        8.2.6  Inter-Molecular Modes .......................... 335
        8.2.7  Vibrational Modes in Doped Ceo-based Solids .... 335
        8.2.8  Vibrational Spectra for C70 and Higher
               Fullerenes ..................................... 337
   8.3  Raman Scattering in Carbon Nanotubes .................. 337
        8.3.1  Structure of Carbon Nanotubes .................. 338
        8.3.2  Nanotube Phonon Modes .......................... 340
        8.3.3  Raman Spectra of Single-Walled Carbon
               Nanotubes ...................................... 343
        8.3.4  Raman Scattering Studies at High Pressure ...... 352
        8.3.5  Charge Transfer Effects in Single-Wall Carbon
               Nanotubes ...................................... 354
   8.4  Summary ............................................... 358
        References ............................................

VIII A Case History in Raman and Brillouin Scattering:
    Lattice Vibrations and Electronic Excitations in Diamond
    A.K. Ramdas ............................................... 365
    References ................................................ 368

9  Raman Spectroscopic Studies of Polymer Structure
   Shaw Ling Hsu .............................................. 369
   9.1  Overview of Structural Characterization ............... 375
        9.1.1  Amorphous Polymers: Low Frequency
               Observations ................................... 379
        9.1.2  Solid State Properties ......................... 382
   9.2  Polymer Anisotropy .................................... 385
        9.2.1  Motivation ..................................... 385
        9.2.2  Partially Oriented Systems ..................... 389
        9.2.3  Definition of Orientation Function ............. 394
   9.3  Long-Range Order and Disorder in Polymers ............. 396
        9.3.1  Initial Observations Made for Models and
               Polymers ....................................... 396
        9.3.2  Other LAM Observations ......................... 397
        9.3.3  Applications of LAM to Polymer Structural
               Characterization ............................... 400
   9.4  Fermi Resonance Interaction and Its Application
        to Structural Analysis ................................ 411
   9.5  Disordered States ..................................... 418
        9.5.1  Normal Coordinate Approach ..................... 419
        9.5.2  Molecular Dynamics Approach .................... 421
        9.5.3  Examples ....................................... 423
   References ................................................. 438

IX  C.V. Raman: A Personal Note
    Samuel Krimm .............................................. 446
    References ................................................ 447

10 Raman Scattering in Perovskite Manganites
   V.B. Podobedov, A. Weber ................................... 448
   10.1 Manganite Structure and Selection Rules for Optical
        Vibrational Modes ..................................... 451
   10.2 Doped Crystals (x > 0) ................................ 453
   10.3 Undoped Crystals (x = 0) .............................. 463
   10.4 Films ................................................. 467
   10.5 Summary ............................................... 475
        References ............................................ 476

X   Raman Scattering from Perovskite Ferroelectrics
    R.S. Katiyar .............................................. 479
    References ................................................ 481

Index ......................................................... 483

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