Massey B.S. Mechanics of fluids (Abington; New York, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMassey B.S. Mechanics of fluids / revised by J.Ward-Smith. - 9th ed. - Abington; New York: Spon Press, 2012. - viii., 705 p.: ill. - Ind.: p.698-705. - ISBN 978-0-415-60259-4

Оглавление / Contents
Preface to the ninth edition ................................... ix
1  Fundamental concepts ......................................... 1
   1.1  The characteristics of fluids ........................... 1
   1.2  Notation, dimensions, units and related matters ......... 4
   1.3  Properties of fluids ................................... 12
   1.4  The perfect gas: equation of state ..................... 17
   1.5  Compressibility ........................................ 20
   1.6  Viscosity .............................................. 21
   1.7  Surface tension ........................................ 28
   1.8  Basic characteristics of fluids in motion .............. 30
   1.9  Classification and description of fluid flow ........... 33
   1.10 The roles of experimentation and theory in fluid
        mechanics .............................................. 38
   1.11 Summary ................................................ 41
   Problems .................................................... 41
2  Fluid statics ............................................... 43
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 43
   2.2  Variation of pressure with position in a fluid ......... 43
   2.3  The measurement of pressure ............................ 48
   2.4  First and second moments of area ....................... 57
   2.5  Hydrostatic thrusts on submerged surfaces .............. 59
   2.6  Buoyancy ............................................... 69
   2.7  The stability of bodies in fluids ...................... 71
   2.8  Equilibrium of moving fluids ........................... 80
   Problems .................................................... 84
3  The principles governing fluids in motion ................... 89
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 89
   3.2  Acceleration of a fluid particle ....................... 89
   3.3  The continuity equation ................................ 90
   3.4  Bernoulli's equation ................................... 92
   3.5  General energy equation for steady flow of any fluid ... 96
   3.6  Pressure variation perpendicular to streamlines ....... 107
   3.7  Simple applications of Bernoulli's equation ........... 109
   Problems ................................................... 131
4  The momentum equation ...................................... 134
   4.1  Introduction .......................................... 134
   4.2  The momentum equation for steady flow ................. 134
   4.3  Applications of the momentum equation ................. 138
   Problems ................................................... 156
5  Physical similarity and dimensional analysis ............... 159
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 159
   5.2  Types of physical similarity .......................... 160
   5.3  Ratios of forces arising in dynamic similarity ........ 162
   5.4  The principal dimensionless groups of fluid dynamics .. 167
   5.5  Other dimensionless groups ............................ 167
   5.6  Dimensional analysis .................................. 170
   5.7  The application of dynamic similarity ................. 179
   5.8  Ship resistance ....................................... 182
   Problems ................................................... 188
6  Laminar flow between solid boundaries ...................... 191
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 191
   6.2  Steady laminar flow in circular pipes: the Hagen-
        Poiseuille law ........................................ 191
   6.3  Steady laminar flow through an annulus ................ 198
   6.4  Steady laminar flow between parallel planes ........... 199
   6.5  Steady laminar flow between parallel planes, one of
        which is moving ....................................... 204
   6.6  The measurement of viscosity .......................... 210
   6.7  Fundamentals of the theory of hydrodynamic
        lubrication ........................................... 220
   6.8  Laminar flow through porous media ..................... 239
   Problems ................................................... 242
7  Flow and losses in pipes and fittings ...................... 245
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 245
   7.2  Flow in pipes of circular cross-section ............... 245
   7.3  Variation of friction factor .......................... 249
   7.4  Distribution of shear stress in a circular pipe ....... 257
   7.5  Friction in non-circular conduits ..................... 259
   7.6  Other losses in pipes ................................. 260
   7.7  Total head and pressure lines ......................... 271
   7.8  Pipes in combination .................................. 277
   7.9  Conditions near the pipe entry ........................ 283
   7.10 Quasi-steady flow in pipes ............................ 284
   7.11 Flow measurement ...................................... 287
   Problems ................................................... 292
8  Boundary layers, wakes and other shear layers .............. 298
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 298
   8.2  Description of the boundary layer ..................... 299
   8.3  The thickness of the boundary layer ................... 301
   8.4  The momentum equation applied to the boundary layer ... 303
   8.5  The laminar boundary layer on a flat plate with zero
        pressure gradient ..................................... 306
   8.6  The turbulent boundary layer on a smooth flat plate
        with zero pressure gradient ........................... 313
   8.7  Friction drag for laminar and turbulent boundary
        layers together ....................................... 317
   8.8  Effect of pressure gradient ........................... 320
   8.9  Boundary-layer control ................................ 338
   8.10 Effect of compressibility on drag ..................... 340
   8.11 Eddy viscosity and the mixing-length hypothesis ....... 341
   8.12 Velocity distribution in turbulent flow ............... 344
   8.13 Free turbulence ....................................... 352
   8.14 Computational fluid dynamics .......................... 353
   Problems ................................................... 358
9  The flow of an inviscid fluid .............................. 361
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 361
   9.2  The stream function ................................... 362
   9.3  Circulation and vorticity ............................. 364
   9.4  Velocity potential .................................... 367
   9.5  Flow nets ............................................. 370
   9.6  Basic patterns of flow ................................ 373
   9.7  Combining flow patterns ............................... 383
   9.8  Combinations of basic flow patterns ................... 384
   9.9  Functions of a complex variable ....................... 399
   9.10 An introduction to elementary aerofoil theory ......... 403
   Problems ................................................... 410
10 Flow with a free surface ................................... 414
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 414
   10.2 Types of flow in open channels ........................ 415
   10.3 The steady-flow energy equation for open channels ..... 416
   10.4 Steady uniform flow: the Chezy equation ............... 419
   10.5 The boundary layer in open channels ................... 423
   10.6 Optimum shape of cross-section ........................ 425
   10.7 Flow in closed conduits only partly full .............. 426
   10.8 Simple waves and surges in open channels .............. 427
   10.9 Specific energy and alternative depths of flow ........ 431
   10.10 The hydraulic jump ................................... 438
   10.11 The occurrence of critical conditions ................ 443
   10.12 Gradually varied flow ................................ 456
   10.13 Oscillatory waves .................................... 464
   10.14 Tsunamis ............................................. 480
   10.15 Conclusion ........................................... 482
   Problems ................................................... 483
11 Compressible flow of gases ................................. 487
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 487
   11.2 Thermodynamic concepts ................................ 487
   11.3 Energy equation with variable density: static and
        stagnation temperature ................................ 491
   11.4 The speed of sound .................................... 493
   11.5 Shockwaves ............................................ 499
   11.6 Supersonic flow round a corner ........................ 512
   11.7 The Pitot tube in compressible flow ................... 517
   11.8 Some general relations for one-dimensional flows ...... 520
   11.9 One-dimensional flow through nozzles .................. 522
   11.10 Compressible flow in pipes of constant
         cross-section ........................................ 530
   11.11 High-speed flow past an aerofoil ..................... 544
   11.12 Analogy between compressible flow and flow with a
         free surface ......................................... 546
   11.13 Flow visualization ................................... 548
   Problems ................................................... 550
12 Unsteady flow .............................................. 554
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 554
   12.2 Inertia pressure ...................................... 555
   12.3 Pressure transients ................................... 558
   12.4 Surge tanks ........................................... 583
   Problems ................................................... 588
13 Fluid machines ............................................. 591
   13.1 Introduction .......................................... 591
   13.2 Reciprocating pumps ................................... 592
   13.3 Turbines .............................................. 596
   13.4 Rotodynamic pumps ..................................... 625
   13.5 Hydrodynamic transmissions ............................ 651
   13.6 The effect of size on the efficiency of fluid
        machines .............................................. 656
   Problems ................................................... 657
14 Fluid mechanics in a changing world ........................ 663
   14.1 Introduction .......................................... 663
   14.2 Energy generation in a changing world ................. 663
   14.3 Wind energy and wind farms ............................ 664
   14.4 Wave and tidal energy ................................. 665
   14.5 A comparison of different energy generation
        technologies .......................................... 666
   14.6 Rising sea levels ..................................... 669
   14.7 Fresh water; its management and distribution .......... 670
   14.8 Conclusion ............................................ 671
Appendix 1 Units and conversion factors ....................... 672
Appendix 2 Physical constants and properties of fluids ........ 676
Appendix 3 Tables of gas flow functions ....................... 681
Appendix 4 Algebraic symbols .................................. 688
Answers to problems ........................................... 694
Index ......................................................... 698

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