Lee H.S. Thermal design: heat sinks, thermoelectrics, heat pipes, compact heat exchangers, and solar cells (Hoboken, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаLee H.S. Thermal design: heat sinks, thermoelectrics, heat pipes, compact heat exchangers, and solar cells. - Hoboken: Wiley, 2010. - xviii, 630 p.: ill. - Ind.: p.613-630. - ISBN 978-0-470-49662-6

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xv

1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 1
   1.2  Humans and Energy ....................................... 1
   1.3  Thermodynamics .......................................... 2
        1.3.1  Energy, Heat, and Work ........................... 2
        1.3.2  The First Law of Thermodynamics .................. 2
        1.3.3  Heat Engines, Refrigerators, and Heat Pumps ...... 5
        1.3.4  The Second Law of Thermodynamics ................. 7
        1.3.5  Carnot Cycle ..................................... 7
   1.4  Heat Transfer .......................................... 11
        1.4.1  Introduction .................................... 11
        1.4.2  Conduction ...................................... 12
        1.4.3  Convection ...................................... 15
       Parallel Flow on an Isothermal Plate ... 15
       A Cylinder in Cross Flow ............... 18
       Flow in Ducts .......................... 18
       Free Convection ........................ 22
        1.4.4  Radiation ....................................... 25
       Thermal Radiation ...................... 25
       View Factor ............................ 29
       Radiation Exchange between Diffuse-
                        Gray Surfaces .......................... 31
    References ................................................. 32
2   Heat Sinks ................................................. 34
   2.1  Longitudinal Fin of Rectangular Profile ................ 34
   2.2  Heat Transfer from Fin ................................. 36
   2.3  Fin Effectiveness ...................................... 37
   2.4  Fin Efficiency ......................................... 38
   2.5  Corrected Profile Length ............................... 38
   2.6  Optimizations .......................................... 39
        2.6.1  Constant Profile Area Ap ........................ 39
        2.6.2  Constant Heat Transfer from a Fin ............... 41
        2.6.3  Constant Fin Volume or Mass ..................... 42
   2.7  Multiple Fin Array I ................................... 45
        2.7.1  Free (Natural) Convection Cooling ............... 45
       Small Spacing Channel .................. 45
       Large Spacing Channel .................. 48
       Optimum Fin Spacing .................... 49
        2.7.2  Forced Convection Cooling ....................... 49
       Small Spacing Channel .................. 49
       Large Spacing Channel .................. 51
   2.8  Multiple Fin Array II .................................. 53
        2.8.1  Natural (Free) Convection Cooling ............... 55
   2.9  Thermal Resistance and Overall Surface Efficiency ...... 56
   2.10 Fin Design with Thermal Radiation ...................... 80
        2.10.1 Single Longitudinal Fin with Radiation .......... 81
   References .................................................. 94
   Problems .................................................... 94
3  Thermoelectrics ............................................ 100
   3.1  Introduction .......................................... 100
   3.2  Thermoelectric Effect ................................. 102
        3.2.1  Seebeck Effect ................................. 102
        3.2.2  Peltier Effect ................................. 103
        3.2.3  Thomson Effect ................................. 103
        3.2.4  Thomson (or Kelvin) Relationships .............. 103
   3.3  Thermoelement Couple (Thermocouple) ................... 104
   3.4  The Figure of Merit ................................... 104
   3.5  Similar and Dissimilar Materials ...................... 105
        3.5.1  Similar Materials .............................. 105
        3.5.2  Dissimilar Materials ........................... 106
   3.6  Thermoelectric Generator (TEG) ........................ 107
        3.6.1  Similar and Dissimilar Materials ............... 107
       Similar Materials ..................... 107
       Dissimilar Materials .................. 108
        3.6.2  Conversion Efficiency and Current .............. 109
        3.6.3  Maximum Conversion Efficiency .................. 109
        3.6.4  Maximum Power Efficiency ....................... 111
        3.6.5  Maximum Performance Parameters ................. 112
        3.6.6  Multicouple Modules ............................ 115
   3.7  Thermoelectric Coolers (TEC) .......................... 126
        3.7.1  Similar and Dissimilar Materials ............... 127
       Similar Materials ..................... 127
       Dissimilar Materials .................. 128
        3.7.2  The Coefficient of Performance ................. 128
        3.7.3  Optimum Current for the Maximum Cooling Rate ... 129
        3.7.4  Maximum Performance Parameters ................. 129
        3.7.5  Optimum Current for the Maximum COP ............ 130
        3.7.6  Generalized Charts ............................. 131
        3.7.2  Optimum Geometry for the Maximum Cooling in
               Similar Materials .............................. 132
        3.7.8  Thermoelectric Modules ......................... 133
        3.7.9  Commercial TEC ................................. 135
        3.7.10 Multistage Modules ............................. 135
      Commercial Multistage Peltier
                        Modules ............................... 137
        3.7.11 Design Options ................................. 137
   3.8  Applications .......................................... 142
        3.8.1  Thermoelectric Generators ...................... 142
        3.8.2  Thermoelectric Coolers ......................... 143
   3.9  Design Example ........................................ 143
        3.9.1  Design Concept ................................. 144
        3.9.2  Design of Internal and External Heat Sinks ..... 145
        3.9.3  Design of Thermoelectric Cooler (TEC) .......... 149
        3.9.4  Finding the Exact Solution for Tc and Th ....... 150
        3.9.5  Performance Curves for Thermoelectric Air
               Cooler ......................................... 152
   3.10 Thermoelectric Module Design .......................... 153
        3.10.1 Thermal and Electrical Contact Resistances
               for TEG ........................................ 153
        3.10.2 Thermal and Electrical Contact Resistances
               for TEC ........................................ 158
   3.11 Design Example of TEC Module .......................... 166
        3.11.1 Design Concept ................................. 166
        3.11.2 Summary of Design of a TEC Module .............. 173
   References ................................................. 174
   Problems ................................................... 175
4  Heat Pipes ................................................. 180
   4.1  Operation of Heat Pipe ................................ 180
   4.2  Surface Tension ....................................... 181
   4.3  Heat Transfer Limitations ............................. 183
        4.3.1  Capillary Limitation ........................... 184
       Maximum Capillary Pressure
                        Difference ............................ 185
       Vapor Pressure Drop ................... 187
       Liquid Pressure Drop .................. 189
       Normal Hydrostatic Pressure Drop ...... 189
       Axial Hydrostatic Pressure Drop ....... 191
        4.3.2  Approximation for Capillary Pressure
               Difference ..................................... 191
        4.3.3  Sonic Limitation ............................... 192
        4.3.4  Entrainment Limitation ......................... 192
        4.3.5  Boiling Limitation ............................. 193
        4.3.6  Viscous Limitation ............................. 193
   4.4  Heat Pipe Thermal Resistance .......................... 197
        4.4.1  Contact Resistance ............................. 200
   4.5  Variable Conductance Heat Pipes (VCHP) ................ 202
        4.5.1  Gas-Loaded Heat Pipes .......................... 203
        4.5.2  Clayepyron-Clausius Equation ................... 205
        4.5.3  Applications ................................... 206
   4.6  Loop Heat Pipes ....................................... 208
   4.7  Micro Heat Pipes ...................................... 210
        4.7.1  Steady-State Models ............................ 211
       Conventional Model .................... 211
       Cotter's Model ........................ 212
   4.8  Working Fluid ......................................... 217
        4.8.1  Figure of Merit ................................ 217
        4.8.2  Compatibility .................................. 219
   4.9  Wick Structures ....................................... 219
   4.10 Design Example ........................................ 221
        4.10.1 Selection of Material and Working Fluid ........ 221
        4.10.2 Working Fluid Properties ....................... 221
        4.10.3 Estimation of Vapor Space Radius ............... 223
        4.10.4 Estimation of Operating Limits ................. 223
      Capillary Limits ...................... 223
      Sonic Limits .......................... 223
      Entrainment Limits .................... 224
      Boiling Limits ........................ 225
        4.10.5 Wall Thickness ................................. 226
        4.10.6 Wick Selection ................................. 227
        4.10.7 Maximum Arterial Depth ......................... 229
        4.10.8 Design of Arterial Wick ........................ 230
        4.10.9 Capillary Limitation ........................... 230
      Liquid Pressure Drop in the
                        Arteries .............................. 231
      Liquid Pressure Drop in the
                        Circumferential Wick .................. 232
      Vapor Pressure Drop in the Vapor
                        Space ................................. 232
        4.10.10 Performance Map ............................... 234
        4.10.11 Check the Temperature Drop .................... 235
   References ................................................. 236
   Problems ................................................... 237
5  Compact Heat Exchangers .................................... 240
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 240
   5.2  Fundamentals of Heat Exchangers ....................... 243
        5.2.1  Counterflow and Parallel Flows ................. 243
        5.2.2  Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient .............. 245
        5.2.3  Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD) ......... 247
        5.2.4  Flow Properties ................................ 249
        5.2.5  Nusselt Numbers ................................ 250
        5.2.6  Effectiveness-NTU (e-NTU) Method ............... 250
       Parallel Flow ......................... 252
       Counterflow ........................... 253
       Crossflow ............................. 253
        5.2.7  Heat Exchanger Pressure Drop ................... 257
        5.2.8  Fouling Resistances (Fouling Factors) .......... 261
        5.2.9  Overall Surface (Fin) Efficiency ............... 262
        5.2.10 Reasonable Velocities of Various Fluids in
               Pipe Flow ...................................... 264
   5.3  Double-Pipe Heat Exchangers ........................... 265
   5.4  Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers ........................ 272
        5.4.1  Baffles ........................................ 273
        5.4.2  Multiple Passes ................................ 273
        5.4.3  Dimensions of Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchanger .... 274
        5.4.4  Shell-side Tube Layout ......................... 274
   5.5  Plate Heat Exchangers (PHE) ........................... 285
        5.5.1  Flow Pass Arrangements ......................... 285
        5.5.2  Geometric Properties ........................... 286
        5.5.3  Friction Factor ................................ 290
        5.5.4  Nusselt Number ................................. 290
        5.5.5  Pressure Drops ................................. 290
   5.6  Pressure Drops in Compact Heat Exchangers ............. 303
        5.6.1  Fundamentals of Core Pressure Drop ............. 304
        5.6.2  Core Entrance and Exit Pressure Drops .......... 306
        5.6.3  Contraction and Expansion Loss Coefficients .... 307
       Circular-Tube Core .................... 308
       Square-Tube Core ...................... 309
       Flat-Tube Core ........................ 310
       Triangular-Tube Core .................. 311
   5.7  Finned-Tube Heat Exchangers ........................... 312
        5.7.1  Geometrical Characteristics .................... 313
        5.7.2  Flow Properties ................................ 315
        5.7.3  Thermal Properties ............................. 315
        5.7.4  Correlations for Circular Finned-Tube
               Geometry ....................................... 316
        5.7.5  Pressure Drop .................................. 317
        5.7.6  Correlations for Louvered Plate-Fin Flat-Tube
               Geometry ....................................... 3
   5.8  Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers ............................. 332
        5.8.1  Geometric Characteristics ...................... 333
        5.8.2  Correlations for Offset Strip Fin (OSF)
               Geometry ....................................... 335
   5.9  Louver-Fin-Type Flat-Tube Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers ... 352
        5.9.1  Geometric Characteristics ...................... 352
        5.9.2  Correlations for Louver Fin Geometry ........... 355
   References ................................................. 372
   Problems ................................................... 373
6  Solar Cells ................................................ 382
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 382
        6.1.1  Operation of Solar Cells ....................... 384
        6.1.2  Solar Cells and Technology ..................... 386
        6.1.3  Solar Irradiance ............................... 387
        6.1.4  Air Mass ....................................... 388
        6.1.5  Nature of Light ................................ 389
   6.2  Quantum Mechanics ..................................... 390
        6.2.1  Atomic Structure ............................... 392
        6.2.2  Bohr's Model ................................... 393
        6.2.3  Line Spectra ................................... 394
        6.2.4  De Brogue Wave ................................. 396
        6.2.5  Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle ............... 397
        6.2.6  Schrцdinger Equation ........................... 397
        6.2.7  A Particle in a 1-D Box ........................ 398
        6.2.8  Quantum Numbers ................................ 401
        6.2.9  Electron Configurations ........................ 403
        6.2.10 Van der Waals Forces ........................... 405
        6.2.11 Covalent Bonding ............................... 405
        6.2.12 Energy Band .................................... 406
        6.2.13 Pseudo-Potential Well .......................... 407
   6.3  Density of States ..................................... 408
        6.3.1  Number of States ............................... 408
        6.3.2  Effective Mass ................................. 409
   6.4  Equilibrium Intrinsic Carrier Concentration ........... 409
        6.4.1  Fermi Function ................................. 410
        6.4.2  Nondegenerate Semiconductor .................... 411
        6.4.3  Equilibrium Electron and Hole Concentrations ... 411
        6.4.4  Intrinsic Semiconductors ....................... 413
        6.4.5  Intrinsic Carrier Concentration, n ............. 414
        6.4.6  Intrinsic Fermi Energy ......................... 415
        6.4.7  Alternative Expression for no and po ........... 416
   6.5  Extrinsic Semiconductors in Thermal Equilibrium ....... 416
        6.5.1  Doping, Donors, and Acceptors .................. 417
        6.5.2  Extrinsic Carrier Concentration in
               Equilibrium .................................... 418
        6.5.3  Built-in Voltage ............................... 420
        6.5.4  Principle of Detailed Balance .................. 421
        6.5.5  Majority and Minority Carriers in
               Equilibrium .................................... 421
   6.6  Generation and Recombination .......................... 422
        6.6.1  Direct and Indirect Band Gap Semiconductors .... 422
        6.6.2  Absorption Coefficient ......................... 424
        6.6.3  Photogeneration ................................ 424
   6.7  Recombination ......................................... 425
        6.7.1  Recombination Mechanisms ....................... 425
        6.7.2  Band Energy Diagram under Nonequilibrium
               Conditions ..................................... 427
       Back Surface Field (BSF) .............. 427
        6.7.3  Low-Level Injection ............................ 429
       Low-Level Injection ................... 429
        6.7.4  Band-to-Band Recombination ..................... 430
        6.7.5  Trap-Assisted (SRH) Recombination .............. 431
        6.7.6  Simplified Expression of the SRH
               Recombination Rate ............................. 433
        6.7.7  Auger Recombination ............................ 434
        6.7.8  Total Recombination Rate ....................... 435
   6.8  Carrier Transport ..................................... 436
        6.8.1  Drift .......................................... 436
        6.8.2  Carrier Mobility ............................... 436
        6.8.3  Diffusion ...................................... 437
        6.8.4  Total Current Densities ........................ 438
        6.8.5  Einstein Relationship .......................... 439
        6.8.6  Semiconductor Equations ........................ 440
        6.8.7  Minority-Carrier Diffusion Equations ........... 440
        6.8.8  P-n Junction ................................... 441
        6.8.9  Calculation of Depletion Width ................. 444
        6.8.10 Energy Band Diagram with a Reference Point ..... 445
        6.8.11 Quasi-Fermi Energy Levels ...................... 446
   6.9  Minority Carrier Transport ............................ 447
        6.9.1  Boundary Conditions ............................ 448
        6.9.2  Minority Carrier Lifetimes ..................... 449
        6.9.3  Minority Carrier Diffusion Lengths ............. 450
        6.9.4  Minority Carrier Diffusion Equation for
               Holes .......................................... 450
        6.9.5  Minority Carrier Diffusion Equation for
               Electrons ...................................... 454
   6.10 Characteristics of Solar Cells ........................ 457
        6.10.1 Current Density ................................ 457
        6.10.2 Current-Voltage Characteristics ................ 463
        6.10.3 Figures of Merit ............................... 466
        6.10.4 Effect of Minority Electron Lifetime on
               Efficiency ..................................... 468
        6.10.5 Effect of Minority Hole Lifetime on
               Efficiency ..................................... 470
        6.10.6 Effect of Back Surface Recombination Velocity
               on Efficiency .................................. 470
        6.10.7 Effect of Base Width on Efficiency ............. 471
        6.10.8 Effect of Emitter Width WN on Efficiency ....... 472
        6.10.9 Effect of Acceptor Concentration on
               Efficiency ..................................... 474
        6.10.10 Effect of Donor Concentration on Efficiency ... 475
        6.10.11 Band Gap Energy with Temperature .............. 476
        6.10.12 Effect of Temperature on Efficiency ........... 477
   6.11 Additional Topics ..................................... 478
        6.11.1 Parasitic Resistance Effects (Ohmic Losses) .... 478
        6.11.2 Quantum Efficiency ............................. 481
        6.11.3 Ideal Solar Cell Efficiency .................... 483
   6.12 Modeling .............................................. 488
        6.12.1 Modeling for a Silicon Solar Cell .............. 488
        6.12.2 Comparison of the Solar Cell Model with
               a Commercial Product ........................... 503
   6.13 Design of a Solar Cell ................................ 506
        6.13.1 Solar Cell Geometry with Surface
               Recombination Velocities ....................... 506
        6.13.2 Donor and Acceptor Concentrations .............. 507
        6.13.3 Minority Carrier Diffusion Lifetimes ........... 507
        6.13.4 Grid Spacing ................................... 508
        6.13.5 Anti-Reflection, Light Trapping and
  Passivation ................................................. 512
  References .................................................. 512
  Problems .................................................... 513
Appendix A  Thermophysical Properties ......................... 518
Appendix В  Thermoelectrics ................................... 561
   B.l  Thermoelectric Effects ................................ 561
        Seebeck Effect ........................................ 561
        Peltier Effect ........................................ 562
        Thomson Effect ........................................ 562
   B.2  Thomson (or Kelvin) Relationships ..................... 562
   B.3  Heat Balance Equation ................................. 566
   B.4  Figure of Merit and Optimum Geometry .................. 568
   References ................................................. 573
Appendix С  Pipe Dimensions ................................... 574
Appendix D  Curve Fitting of Working Fluids ................... 576
   Curve Fit for Working Fluids Chosen ........................ 576
   D.l  Curve Fitting for Working Fluid Properties Chosen ..... 576
        D.l.l  MathCad Format ................................. 576
Appendix  E  Tutorial I for 2-D ............................... 580
   Problem Description for Tutorial I ......................... 580
   E.l  Tutorial I: Using Gambit and Fluent for Thermal
        Behavior of an Electrical Wire ........................ 581
        E.l.l  Creating Geometry in Gambit .................... 581
   E.2  Calculations for Heat Generation ...................... 588
Appendix F  Tutorial II for 3-D ............................... 590
        Problem Description for Tutorial II ................... 590
   F.l  Tutorial II Double-Pipe Heat Exchanger: Using
        SolidWorks, Gambit, and Fluent ........................ 591
        F.l.l  Double-Pipe Heat Exchanger ..................... 591
        F.1.2  Construct Model in SolidWorks .................. 591
        F.1.3  Meshing the Double Pipe Heat Exchanger in
               Gambit ......................................... 595
        F.1.4  Analysis of Heat Exchanger in Fluent ........... 600

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