Kakac S. Heat exchangers: selection, rating, and thermal design (Boca Raton, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаKakaç S. Heat exchangers: selection, rating, and thermal design / S.Kakaç, H.Liu, A.Pramuanjaroenkij. - 3rd ed. - Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2012. - xvi, 615 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.607-615. - ISBN 978-1-4398-4990-3

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ...................................................... xiii
1  Classification of Heat Exchangers ............................ 1
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 1
   1.2  Recuperation and Regeneration ........................... 1
   1.3  Transfer Processes ...................................... 6
   1.4  Geometry of Construction ................................ 8
        1.4.1  Tubular Heat Exchangers .......................... 8
        1.4.2  Plate Heat Exchangers ........................... 12
        1.4.3  Extended Surface Heat Exchangers ................ 17
   1.5  Heat Transfer Mechanisms ............................... 23
   1.6  Flow Arrangements ...................................... 24
   1.7  Applications ........................................... 25
   1.8  Selection of Heat Exchangers ........................... 26
   References .................................................. 30
2  Basic Design Methods of Heat Exchangers ..................... 33
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 33
   2.2  Arrangement of Flow Paths in Heat Exchangers ........... 33
   2.3  Basic Equations in Design .............................. 35
   2.4  Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient ...................... 37
   2.5  LMTD Method for Heat Exchanger Analysis ................ 43
        2.5.1  Parallel- and Counterflow Heat Exchangers ....... 43
        2.5.2  Multipass and Crossflow Heat Exchangers ......... 47
   2.6  The e-NTU Method for Heat Exchanger Analysis ........... 56
   2.7  Heat Exchanger Design Calculation ...................... 66
   2.8  Variable Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient ............. 67
   2.9  Heat Exchanger Design Methodology ...................... 70
   Nomenclature ................................................ 73
   References .................................................. 78
3  Forced Convection Correlations for the Single-Phase Side
   of Heat Exchangers .......................................... 81
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 81
   3.2  Laminar Forced Convection .............................. 84
        3.2.1  Hydrodynamically Developed and Thermally
               Developing Laminar Flow in Smooth Circular
               Ducts ........................................... 84
        3.2.2  Simultaneously Developing Laminar Flow in
               Smooth Ducts .................................... 85
        3.2.3  Laminar Flow through Concentric Annular Smooth
               Ducts ........................................... 86
   3.3  Effect of Variable Physical Properties ................. 88
        3.3.1  Laminar Flow of Liquids ......................... 90
        3.3.2  Laminar Flow of Gases ........................... 92
   3.4  Turbulent Forced Convection ............................ 93
   3.5  Turbulent Flow in Smooth Straight Noncircular Ducts .... 99
   3.6  Effect of Variable Physical Properties in Turbulent
        Forced Convection ..................................... 103
        3.6.1  Turbulent Liquid Flow in Ducts ................. 103
        3.6.2  Turbulent Gas Flow in Ducts .................... 104
   3.7  Summary of Forced Convection in Straight Ducts ........ 107
   3.8  Heat Transfer from Smooth-Tube Bundles  ............... 111
   3.9  Heat Transfer in Helical Coils and Spirals ............ 114
        3.9.1  Nusselt Numbers of Helical Coils-Laminar Flow .. 116
        3.9.2  Nusselt Numbers for Spiral Coils-Laminar Flow .. 117
        3.9.3  Nusselt Numbers for Helical Coils-Turbulent
               Flow ........................................... 117
   3.10 Heat Transfer in Bends ................................ 118
        3.10.1 Heat Transfer in 90° Bends ..................... 118
        3.10.2 Heat Transfer in 180° Bends .................... 119
   Nomenclature ............................................... 120
   References ................................................. 125
4  Heat Exchanger Pressure Drop and Pumping Power ............. 129
   4.1  Introduction .......................................... 129
   4.2  Tube-Side Pressure Drop ............................... 129
        4.2.1  Circular Cross-Sectional Tubes ................. 129
        4.2.2  Noncircular Cross-Sectional Ducts .............. 132
   4.3  Pressure Drop in Tube Bundles in Crossflow ............ 135
   4.4  Pressure Drop in Helical and Spiral Coils ............. 137
        4.4.1  Helical Coils-Laminar Flow ..................... 138
        4.4.2  Spiral Coils-Laminar Flow ...................... 138
        4.4.3  Helical Coils-Turbulent Flow ................... 139
        4.4.4  Spiral Coils-Turbulent Flow .................... 139
   4.5  Pressure Drop in Bends and Fittings ................... 140
        4.5.1  Pressure Drop in Bends ......................... 140
        4.5.2  Pressure Drop in Fittings ...................... 142
   4.6  Pressure Drop for Abrupt Contraction, Expansion, and
        Momentum Change ....................................... 147
   4.7  Heat Transfer and Pumping Power Relationship .......... 148
   Nomenclature ............................................... 150
   References ................................................. 155
5  Micro/Nano Heat Transfer ................................... 157
   5.1  PART A-Heat Transfer for Gaseous and Liquid Flow in
        Microchannels ......................................... 157
        5.1.1  Introduction of Heat Transfer in
               Microchannels .................................. 157
        5.1.2  Fundamentals of Gaseous Flow in Microchannels .. 158
        5.1.3  Engineering Applications for Gas Flow .......... 163
        5.1.4  Engineering Applications of Single-Phase
               Liquid Flow in Microchannels ................... 177
   5.2  PART B-Single-Phase Convective Heat Transfer with
        Nanofluids ............................................ 186
        5.2.1  Introduction of Convective Heat Transfer with
               Nanofluids ..................................... 186
        5.2.2  Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids ............. 188
        5.2.3  Thermal Conductivity Experimental Studies of
               Nanofluids ..................................... 203
        5.2.4  Convective Heat Trasfer of Nanofluids .......... 207
        5.2.5  Analysis of Convective Heat Transfer of
               Nanofluids ..................................... 212
        5.2.6  Experimental Correlations of Convective Heat
               Transfer of Nanofluids ......................... 216
   Nomenclature ............................................... 224
   References ................................................. 228
6  Fouling of Heat Exchangers ................................. 237
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 237
   6.2  Basic Considerations .................................. 237
   6.3  Effects of Fouling .................................... 239
        6.3.1  Effect of Fouling on Heat Transfer ............. 240
        6.3.2  Effect of Fouling on Pressure Drop ............. 241
        6.3.3  Cost of Fouling ................................ 243
   6.4  Aspects of Fouling .................................... 244
        6.4.1  Categories of Fouling .......................... 244
        6.4.2  Fundamental Processes of Fouling ............... 246
        6.4.3  Prediction of Fouling .......................... 248
   6.5  Design of Heat Exchangers Subject to Fouling .......... 250
        6.5.1  Fouling Resistance ............................. 250
        6.5.2  Cleanliness Factor ............................. 256
        6.5.3  Percent over Surface ........................... 257
   6.6  Operations of Heat Exchangers Subject to Fouling ...... 262
   6.7  Techniques to Control Fouling ......................... 264
        6.7.1  Surface Cleaning Techniques .................... 264
        6.7.2  Additives ...................................... 265
   Nomenclature ............................................... 266
   References ................................................. 270
7  Double-Pipe Heat Exchangers ................................ 273
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 273
   7.2  Thermal and Hydraulic Design of Inner Tube ............ 276
   7.3  Thermal and Hydraulic Analysis of Annulus ............. 278
        7.3.1  Hairpin Heat Exchanger with Bare Inner Tube .... 278
        7.3.2  Hairpin Heat Exchangers with Multitube Finned
               Inner Tubes .................................... 283
   7.4  Parallel-Series Arrangements of Hairpins .............. 291
   7.5  Total Pressure Drop ................................... 294
   7.6  Design and Operational Features ....................... 295
   Nomenclature ............................................... 297
   References ................................................. 304
8  Design Correlations for Condensers and Evaporators ......... 307
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 307
   8.2  Condensation .......................................... 307
   8.3  Film Condensation on a Single Horizontal Tube ......... 308
        8.3.1  Laminar Film Condensation ...................... 308
        8.3.2  Forced Convection .............................. 309
   8.4  Film Condensation in Tube Bundles ..................... 312
        8.4.1  Effect of Condensate Inundation ................ 313
        8.4.2  Effect of Vapor Shear .......................... 317
        8.4.3  Combined Effects of Inundation and Vapor
               Shear .......................................... 317
   8.5  Condensation inside Tubes ............................. 322
        8.5.1  Condensation inside Horizontal Tubes ........... 322
        8.5.2  Condensation inside Vertical Tubes ............. 327
   8.6  Flow Boiling .......................................... 329
        8.6.1  Subcooled Boiling .............................. 329
        8.6.2  Flow Pattern ................................... 331
        8.6.3  Flow Boiling Correlations ...................... 334
   Nomenclature ............................................... 353
   References ................................................. 356
9  Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers ............................. 361
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 361
   9.2  Basic Components ...................................... 361
        9.2.1  Shell Types .................................... 361
        9.2.2  Tube Bundle Types .............................. 364
        9.2.3  Tubes and Tube Passes .......................... 366
        9.2.4  Tube Layout .................................... 368
        9.2.5  Baffle Type and Geometry ....................... 371
        9.2.6  Allocation of Streams .......................... 376
   9.3  Basic Design Procedure of a Heat Exchanger ............ 378
        9.3.1  Preliminary Estimation of Unit Size ............ 380
        9.3.2  Rating of the Preliminary Design ............... 386
   9.4  Shell-Side Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop ............ 387
        9.4.1  Shell-Side Heat Transfer Coefficient ........... 387
        9.4.2  Shell-Side Pressure Drop ....................... 389
        9.4.3  Tube-Side Pressure Drop ........................ 390
        9.4.4  Bell-Delaware Method ........................... 395
   Nomenclature ............................................... 419
   References ................................................. 425
10 Compact Heat Exchangers .................................... 427
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 427
        10.1.1 Heat Transfer Enhancement ...................... 427
        10.1.2 Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers ...................... 431
        10.1.3 Tube-Fin Heat Exchangers ....................... 431
   10.2 Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop ....................... 433
        10.2.1 Heat Transfer .................................. 433
        10.2.2 Pressure Drop for Finned-Tube Exchangers ....... 441
        10.2.3 Pressure Drop for Plate-Fin Exchangers ......... 441
   Nomenclature ............................................... 446
   References ................................................. 449
11 Gasketed-Plate Heat Exchangers ............................. 451
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 451
   11.2 Mechanical Features ................................... 451
        11.2.1 Plate Pack and the Frame ....................... 453
        11.2.2 Plate Types .................................... 455
   11.3 Operational Characteristics ........................... 457
        11.3.1 Main Advantages ................................ 457
        11.3.2 Performance Limits ............................. 459
   11.4 Passes and Flow Arrangements .......................... 460
   11.5 Applications .......................................... 461
        11.5.1 Corrosion ...................................... 462
        11.5.2 Maintenance .................................... 465
   11.6 Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Calculations .......... 466
        11.6.1 Heat Transfer Area ............................. 466
        11.6.2 Mean Flow Channel Gap .......................... 467
        11.6.3 Channel Hydraulic Diameter ..................... 468
        11.6.4 Heat Transfer Coefficient ...................... 468
        11.6.5 Channel Pressure Drop .......................... 474
        11.6.6 Port Pressure Drop ............................. 474
        11.6.7 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient .............. 475
        11.6.8 Heat Transfer Surface Area ..................... 475
        11.6.9 Performance Analysis ........................... 476
   11.7 Thermal Performance ................................... 481
   Nomenclature ............................................... 484
   References ................................................. 488
12 Condensers and Evaporators ................................. 491
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 491
   12.2 Shell and Tube Condensers ............................. 492
        12.2.1 Horizontal Shell-Side Condensers ............... 492
        12.2.2 Vertical Shell-Side Condensers ................. 495
        12.2.3 Vertical Tube-Side Condensers .................. 495
        12.2.4 Horizontal in-Tube Condensers .................. 497
   12.3 Steam Turbine Exhaust Condensers ...................... 500
   12.4 Plate Condensers ...................................... 501
   12.5 Air-Cooled Condensers ................................. 502
   12.6 Direct Contact Condensers ............................. 503
   12.7 Thermal Design of Shell-and-Tube Condensers ........... 504
   12.8 Design and Operational Considerations ................. 515
   12.9 Condensers for Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning ..... 516
        12.9.1 Water-Cooled Condensers ........................ 518
        12.9.2 Air-Cooled Condensers .......................... 519
        12.9.3 Evaporative Condensers ......................... 519
   12.10 Evaporators for Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning ... 522
        12.10.1 Water-Cooling Evaporators (Chillers) .......... 522
        12.10.2 Air-Cooling Evaporators (Air Coolers) ......... 523
   12.11 Thermal Analysis ..................................... 525
        12.11.1 Shah Correlation .............................. 526
        12.11.2 Kandlikar Correlation ......................... 528
        12.11.3 Güngör and Winterton Correlation .............. 529
   12.12 Standards for Evaporators and Condensers ............. 531
   Nomenclature ............................................... 536
   References ................................................. 540
13 Polymer Heat Exchangers .................................... 543
   13.1 Introduction .......................................... 543
   13.2 Polymer Matrix Composite Materials (PMC) .............. 547
   13.3 Nanocomposites ........................................ 551
   13.4 Application of Polymers in Heat Exchangers ............ 552
   13.5 Polymer Compact Heat Exchangers ....................... 563
   13.6 Potential Applications for Polymer Film Compact Heat
        Exchangers ............................................ 567
   13.7 Thermal Design of Polymer Heat Exchangers ............. 570
   References ................................................. 573

Appendix A .................................................... 577
Appendix В .................................................... 583
Index ......................................................... 607

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