Aaronson H.I. Mechanisms of diffusional phase transformations in metals and alloys (Boca Raton; London, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAaronson H.I. Mechanisms of diffusional phase transformations in metals and alloys / H.I.Aaronson, M.Enomoto, J.K.Lee. - Boca Raton; London: CRC; Taylor & Francis, 2010. - xvii, 667 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.657-667. - ISBN 978-1-4200-6299-1

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xv
Authors ...................................................... xvii

Chapter 1  Applied Thermodynamics ............................... 1
1.1  Free Energy-Composition Relationships for Binary
     Substitutional Solid Solutions ............................. 1
     1.1.1  Basic Free Energy-Composition Relationship .......... 1
     1.1.2  Gibbs Free Energy of the Standard States of Pure
            Elements ............................................ 1
     1.1.3  Mixing Free Energy, ΔGM ............................. 4
    Fundamentals ............................... 4
    Ideal Solution Approximation ............... 7
    Regular Solution Approximation ............. 7
    Subregular and Other-Type Solutions ....... 12
    Relationships for Partial Molar Free
                     Energies, Phase Equilibria, and Critical
                     Temperature ............................... 12
    Comparison between Regular Solutions
                     and Nonregular Solutions .................. 16
1.2  Free Energy-Composition Diagram and Applications to
     Driving Force Calculations ................................ 17
     1.2.1  Some Considerations on the Free Energy vs.
            Composition Curve .................................. 17
     1.2.2  Total Free Energy Change Attending Precipitation ... 21
     1.2.3  Free Energy Change Attending the Precipitation
            of a Small Amount of α ............................. 24
     1.2.4  Division of the Total Free Energy Change between
            Capillarity and Diffusion .......................... 25
     1.2.5  Influence of Capillarity upon Solubility ........... 27
     1.2.6  Division of ΔG between Diffusion and Uniform
            Interfacial Reaction ............................... 29
     1.2.7  Permissible Range of Nonequilibrium Precipitate
            Compositions ....................................... 30
1.3  Thermodynamics of Interstitial Solid Solutions through
     Application to the Proeutectoid Ferrite Reaction in Fe-C
     Alloys .................................................... 31
     1.3.1  Introduction ....................................... 31
     1.3.2  Free Energy and Positional Entropy of Ideal
            Interstitial Solid Solutions ....................... 32
     1.3.3  Free Energy and Positional Entropy of Nonideal
            Interstitial Solid Solution ........................ 33
     1.3.4  Evaluation of Constants in a Partial Molar Free
            Energy Equation .................................... 35
     1.3.5  Application of Partial Molar Free Energy
            Equations .......................................... 36
    Calculation of the γ/(α + γ) or Ae3
                     Phase Boundary ............................ 36
    Driving Force for the Massive
                     Transformation in Fe-C Alloys ............. 37
    Driving Force for the Precipitation of
                     Proeutectoid Ferrite ...................... 37
    Graphical Presentations of the Results
                     of Sections through ....... 38
     1.3.6  Interpretation of z in Terms of Carbon-Carbon
            Interaction Energy ................................. 39
     1.3.7  More Sophisticated Treatments of Interstitial
            Statistical Thermodynamics ......................... 41
     References ................................................ 46

Chapter 2  Diffusional Nucleation in Solid-Solid
Transformations ................................................ 49
2.1  Introduction through Qualitative General Statements ....... 49
2.2  Brief Comparative Survey of Nucleation in the Four Basic
     Types of Phase Transformation ............................. 52
     2.2.1  Vapor-to-Liquid Transformation ..................... 52
     2.2.2  Vapor-to-Solid Transformation ...................... 52
     2.2.3  Liquid-to-Solid Transformation (Solidification) .... 52
     2.2.4  Solid-to-Solid Transformation ...................... 53
     2.2.5  General Remarks .................................... 53
2.3  Outline of Approach for Development of Nucleation Theory .. 53
2.4  Proof That the Equilibrium Concentration of Critical
     Nuclei Is Proportional to exp(—ΔG*/kT) .................... 53
2.5  Fictitious Equilibrium Nucleation Rate .................... 55
2.6  Derivation of Steady-State Nucleation Rate ................ 55
2.7  Estimation of β* .......................................... 59
2.8  Time-Dependent Nucleation Rate ............................ 59
2.9  Feder et al.'s Treatment of τ ............................. 63
     2.9.1  Relationships for δ and for τδ ..................... 64
     2.9.2  Relationship for t' ................................ 65
     2.9.3  Total Value of τ ................................... 66
2.10 Time-Dependent Nucleation Rate for Homogeneous
     Nucleation with Isotropic γ ............................... 66
     2.10.1 Introduction ....................................... 66
     2.10.2 Activation Energy of Nucleation ΔG* ................ 67
   Introduction to the Critical Nucleus
                     Shape Problem ............................. 67
   G-x Diagram Approach ...................... 67
   Introduction to the Volume Strain Energy
                     Incorporation Problem ..................... 68
   Conventional Gibbsian Approach ............ 69
   Wulff Volume Approach for ΔG* ............. 69
   Nucleus Volume Approach for ΔG* ........... 71
     2.10.3 Frequency Factor β* ................................ 72
     2.10.4 Zeldovich Factor, Incubation Time and the
            Re-Derivation of Frequency Factor .................. 72
     2.10.5 Nucleation Site Density, N ......................... 75
     2.10.6 Time-Dependent Nucleation Rate ..................... 75
2.11 Ancillary Parameters ...................................... 75
     2.11.1 Volume Diffusivity ................................. 75
     2.11.2 Volume Free Energy Change .......................... 76
     2.11.3 Volume Strain Energy ............................... 79
   Elementary Calculation of Dilatational
                     Strain Energy for a Plate-Shaped Nucleus .. 80
   Volume Strain Energy of Fully Coherent
                     Precipitates .............................. 82
   Volume Strain Energy of Incoherent
                     Precipitates .............................. 89
   Volume Shear Strain Energy ................ 90
   Unsolved Major Problems in Volume Strain
                     Energy .................................... 91
     2.11.4 Interfacial Energy ................................. 91
   Scope ..................................... 91
   Energy of Coherent Interphase Boundaries .. 92
   Energy of Partially Coherent Interphase
                     Boundaries ............................... 125
   Energy of Disordered Interphase
                     Boundaries ............................... 126
2.12 Preliminary Consideration of the Approximation for ϕ =
     ΔGV + W .................................................. 132
2.13 Nonclassical Nucleation Theory ........................... 134
     2.13.1 Continuum Theory .................................. 134
   General Introduction ..................... 134
   Calculation of the Nonclassical ΔG* ...... 135
   General Properties of the Critical
                     Nucleus .................................. 140
   Nucleation in a Regular Solution ......... 149
   Applicability Region of Classical
                     Theory ................................... 155
     2.13.2 Discrete Lattice Point Theory ..................... 156
2.14 Modifications of Homogeneous Nucleation Kinetics by
     Anisotropic Interfacial Energy ........................... 159
     2.14.1 Equilibrium Shape Problem ......................... 159
   Rudimentary Solution of the Equilibrium
                     Shape Problem ............................ 160
   γ-Plot and Some Properties ............... 161
   Wulff Construction ....................... 163
   Simple Approach to Calculation of
                     γ-Plots .................................. 164
   Wulff Construction of Equilibrium Shape
                     vs. Temperature in a Regular Solution,
                     fee Miscibility Gap ...................... 165
     2.14.2 Sphere Faceted at One Boundary Orientation ........ 169
   7-Plot and Force Balance ................. 170
   Calculation of r* and ΔG* ................ 171
   Calculation of β* ........................ 173
   Calculation of Zeldovich Factor, Z, and
                     Incubation Time, τ ....................... 174
     2.14.3 Nonspherical Critical Nucleus Shapes with
            a Finite Number of Interfacial Energies and
            Analytically Describable Interfaces ............... 179
2.15 Nucleation Kinetics at the Faces of Disordered Grain
     Boundaries ............................................... 180
     2.15.1 Introductory Comments on Grain Boundary Geometry
            and Structure ..................................... 180
     2.15.2 Equilibrium Shape Problem at Grain Boundaries ..... 180
     2.15.3 Shape-Dependent Nucleation Kinetics Factors for
            the Two Spherical Cap Nucleus with Isotropic γαβ .. 182
   ΔG* and R* ............................... 182
   β*, Z, τ, and Transport by Interfacial
                     Diffusion ................................ 183
     2.15.4 Nucleation Kinetics of the Double Spherical Cap
            Faceted at One Boundary Orientation ............... 184
   When ϕ ≤ ϕС1 and γcαβ > γββ/2 ............ 184
   Two-Dimensional Nuclei ................... 185
   Three-Dimensional Nuclei When ϕ > ϕС1 .... 191
2.16 Comparative Nucleation Kinetics at Grain Faces, Edges,
     and Corners Relative to Homogeneous Nucleation: Trade-
     Offs between N and ΔG* When γαβ Is Isotropic ............. 196
2.17 Nucleation at Dislocations ............................... 201
     2.17.1 Incoherent Nucleation ............................. 202
   The Cahn Treatment ....................... 202
   The Gomez-Ramirez and Pound Treatment .... 205
     2.17.2 Coherent Nucleation ............................... 210
2.18 Comparisons of Theory and Experiment ..................... 211
     2.18.1 Homogeneous Nucleation ............................ 211
   Homogeneous Nucleation of Co-Rich
                     Precipitates in Cu-Rich Cu-Co Alloys ..... 212
   Homogeneous Nucleation of Ni3Al
                     Precipitates in Ni-Rich Ni-Al Alloys ..... 226
   Homogeneous Nucleation in Liquids ........ 228
     2.18.2 Nucleation at Grain Boundaries .................... 230
   Nucleation of Proeutectoid Ferrite at
                     Austenite Grain Boundaries in Fe-C
                     Alloys ................................... 230
     2.18.3 Nucleation at Grain Faces vs. Grain Edges ......... 238
     2.18.4 Nucleation at Dislocations ........................ 239
     2.18.5 Secondary Sideplate Selectivity ................... 244
     References ............................................... 245

Chapter 3  Diffusional Growth ................................. 249
3.1  Basic Differences between Diffusional Nucleation
     and Diffusional Growth ................................... 249
3.2  A General Theory of Precipitate Morphology ............... 249
3.3  Disordered Interphase Boundaries ......................... 252
     3.3.1  Introduction ...................................... 252
     3.3.2  Volume Diffusion-Controlled Growth Kinetics ....... 253
    Mathematics for Diffusion and Flux
                     Equations ................................ 253
    Comparisons with Experiment .............. 303
     3.3.3  Growth Faster than Volume Diffusion Control
            Allows ............................................ 332
    Grain Boundary Allotriomorphs ............ 332
    Dissolution of Grain Boundary
                     Allotriomorphs ........................... 340
    Plate Lengthening ........................ 342
     3.3.4  Growth Slower than Volume Diffusion Control
            Allows ............................................ 343
3.4  Partially and Fully Coherent Interphase Boundaries ....... 347
     3.4.1  Introduction ...................................... 347
     3.4.2  Misfit Dislocations at Partially Coherent
            Interphase Boundaries ............................. 347
    Theory ................................... 347
    Comparisons of Theory and Experiment ..... 354
     3.4.3  Acquisition of the Misfit Dislocation Structure
            of Partially Coherent Interphase Boundaries ....... 368
    Theory ................................... 368
    Comparisons of Theory with Experiment .... 378
     3.4.4  Growth Ledges at Partially and Fully Coherent
            Interphase Boundaries ............................. 386
    Prevalence and Role in Interface
                     Crystallography .......................... 386
    Visibility Conditions for Ledges ......... 387
    Sources of Ledges ........................ 389
    Ledge Heights ............................ 394
    Inter-Ledge Spacings ..................... 395
     3.4.5  Structural Ledges at Partially Coherent
            Interphase Boundaries ............................. 397
     3.4.6  Migration of Partially and Fully Coherent
            Interphase Boundaries by Growth Ledges ............ 409
    Theory ................................... 409
    Comparison of Theory and Experiment for
                     Growth of Ledged Interphase Boundaries ... 419
3.5  Relative Growth Kinetics of Disordered and Partially
     Coherent Interphase Boundaries ........................... 425
     References ............................................... 427

Chapter 4  Precipitation ...................................... 433
4.1  Introduction ............................................. 433
4.2  Metastable Equilibrium Phase Boundaries .................. 433
     4.2.1  Types of Metastable Equilibrium Phases ............ 433
     4.2.2  Calculation of Metastable Equilibrium Phase
            Boundaries ........................................ 435
4.3  GP Zones ................................................. 438
     4.3.1  Definition ........................................ 438
     4.3.2  Early History and Methods of Experimental
            Detection ......................................... 438
     4.3.3  GP Zone Solvus Curves ............................. 442
     4.3.4  Description of GP Zones: Morphology, Size,
            Number Density, and Composition ................... 444
     4.3.5  Kinetics of GP Zone Formation ..................... 448
     4.3.6  Origins of GP Zone Formation ...................... 451
4.4  Transition Phases ........................................ 458
     4.4.1  Definition and Basic Characteristic ............... 458
     4.4.2  Occurrence and Thermodynamics ..................... 459
     4.4.3  Crystallography ................................... 459
     4.4.4  Nucleation Sequence of Transition Phases .......... 462
    From the Viewpoint of ΔGV ................ 463
    From the Viewpoint of Interfacial
                     Energy ................................... 463
    Nucleation Sites of Successive
                     Transition Phases ........................ 464
4.5  Nucleation Sites ......................................... 465
     4.5.1  Homogeneous Nucleation ............................ 465
     4.5.2  Nucleation at Large-Angle Grain Boundaries ........ 466
     4.5.3  Nucleation Kinetics at Small-Angle Boundaries ..... 467
     4.5.4  Nucleation at Dislocations ........................ 469
    General Remarks .......................... 469
    Stacking Fault Nucleation and Edgewise
                     Growth ................................... 469
    Nucleation on Displaced and Freshly
                     Generated Dislocations ................... 470
     4.5.5  Nucleation at Point Defect Clusters ............... 472
     4.5.6  Nucleation on Precipitates ........................ 475
    Nucleation on Precipitates of a
                     Different Phase .......................... 475
    Sympathetic Nucleation ................... 478
4.6  Successive Reactions Involving Different Phases .......... 478
4.7  Precipitate Free Zones ................................... 479
4.8  Coarsening (Ostwald Ripening) ............................ 482
4.9  Overall Evolution of the Microstructure .................. 488
     4.9.1  Effects of the Ratio of Growth Rates of
            Disordered-to-Partially Coherent Boundaries ....... 488
     4.9.2  Effects of Diffusion Distance-to-Matrix Grain
            Radius Ratio ...................................... 488
     4.9.3  Effects of the Lever Rule and of Nucleation-to-
            Growth Rate Ratio ................................. 490
     References ............................................... 491

Chapter 5  Massive Transformation ............................. 495
5.1  Definition and History ................................... 495
5.2  Phase Diagrams ........................................... 495
5.3  Thermodynamics ........................................... 497
     5.3.1  Free Energy Composition Diagram ................... 497
     5.3.2  Experimental Evaluation of Enthalpy Change
            Associated with Massive Reaction .................. 497
5.4  Overall Reaction Kinetics and the Existence Range ........ 499
5.5  Nucleation of Massive Transformation ..................... 508
     5.5.1  Nucleation during Continuous Cooling .............. 508
     5.5.2  Nucleation during Isothermal Transformation ....... 514
     5.5.3  Nucleation Sites and Massive Crystal Morphology ... 516
5.6  Growth Kinetics .......................................... 523
     5.6.1  Theory ............................................ 523
    Disordered Interphase Boundaries ......... 523
    Partially Coherent Interphase
                     Boundaries ............................... 524
     5.6.2  Comparison with Experiment ........................ 525
5.7  Interfacial Structure, Habit Planes, Orientation
     Relationships, and Growth Mechanisms ..................... 532
5.8  Note on the Driving Force for Trans-Interphase Boundary
     Diffusion during Massive Transformation in a Two-Phase
     Field .................................................... 540
     References ............................................... 541

Chapter 6  Cellular Reaction .................................. 543
6.1  Definition and Introduction .............................. 543
6.2  Systematics of Cellular Reactions ........................ 545
6.3  Nucleation of Cellular Reactions ......................... 552
     6.3.1  Crystallography-Based Mechanisms .................. 552
    Tu-Turnbull Replacive Mechanism .......... 552
    Proposals of Aaronson and Aaron .......... 554
     6.3.2  Noncrystallographic Mechanism of Fournelle and
            Clark ............................................. 555
     6.3.3  Other Mechanisms for Inducing Grain Boundary
            Motion before and during Cellular Reaction,
            Including DIGM .................................... 556
6.4  Growth Kinetics of Cells ................................. 561
     6.4.1  Introductory Comments ............................. 561
     6.4.2  Turnbull Theory of Cell Growth Kinetics ........... 562
     6.4.3  Cahn Theory of Cell Growth Kinetics ............... 564
     6.4.4  Comparisons with the Experiment of the Turnbull
            and Cahn Theories ................................. 567
     6.4.5  Hillert Theory of Growth Kinetics ................. 570
     6.4.6  Volume versus Boundary Diffusion Control and
            Interactions with Continuous Precipitation ........ 572
     References ............................................... 573

Chapter 7  Pearlite Reaction .................................. 575
7.1  Systematics .............................................. 575
     7.1.1  Definition ........................................ 575
     7.1.2  Pearlite in the Context of Eutectoid
            Decomposition Products ............................ 575
     7.1.3  Occurrence of Pearlite ............................ 575
    In Steel ................................. 575
    In Other Alloy Systems ................... 575
     7.1.4  Preliminary Discussion of Pearlite Nucleation ..... 576
     7.1.5  Morphology of Pearlite ............................ 576
7.2  Crystallography, Nucleation, and Growth Mechanisms ....... 582
     7.2.1  Hull and Mehl Concept ............................. 582
     7.2.2  Hillert Concept ................................... 584
     7.2.3  Reprise ........................................... 586
7.3  Edgewise Growth Kinetics of Pearlite ..................... 588
     7.3.1  Comparative Thermodynamics with Cellular
            Reaction .......................................... 588
     7.3.2  Role of Growth in Pearlite Reaction ............... 589
     7.3.3  Approximate Treatments of Edgewise Growth ......... 590
    Volume Diffusion-Controlled Growth ....... 590
    Growth Controlled by Diffusion along
                     Colony Boundary .......................... 592
     7.3.4  Improved Treatments ............................... 593
    Volume Diffusion-Controlled Growth ....... 593
    Boundary Diffusion-Controlled Growth ..... 594
     7.3.5  Experimental Measurements for Growth Kinetics
            Studies ........................................... 595
    Interlamellar Spacing .................... 595
    Rate of Growth ........................... 595
     7.3.6  Comparisons of Theory and Experiment and the
            Problem of S ...................................... 596
     References ............................................... 599

Chapter 8  Martensitic Transformations ........................ 601
8.1  Definition ............................................... 601
8.2  Salient Characteristics (Described Briefly) .............. 601
     8.2.1  Crystallography ................................... 601
     8.2.2  Morphology ........................................ 601
     8.2.3  Surface Relief Effects ............................ 602
     8.2.4  Time-Dependence of Martensite Formation ........... 602
     8.2.5  Temperature Dependence of Martensite Formation .... 604
     8.2.6  Reversibility ..................................... 606
     8.2.7  Influence of Applied Stress ....................... 606
     8.2.8  Thermal Stabilization ............................. 608
8.3  Thermodynamics of Martensite Transformation .............. 608
     8.3.1  T0 Temperature .................................... 608
     8.3.2  Difference between T0 and Ms ...................... 612
8.4  Overall Kinetics of Martensite Transformation ............ 615
     8.4.1  Qualitative Kinetics .............................. 615
     8.4.2  Quantitative Kinetics ............................. 615
    Anisothermal Martensite Formation ........ 615
    Isothermal Martensite Formation .......... 617
8.5  Nucleation of Martensite ................................. 620
8.6  Crystallography and Growth (or Propagation) of
     Martensite ............................................... 622
     8.6.1  Physics of Phenomenological Theory of Martensite
            Crystallography ................................... 622
     8.6.2  Comparisons with Experiment ....................... 625
     References ............................................... 632

Chapter 9  Bainite Reaction and Role of Shear in Diffusional
Phase Transformations ......................................... 635
9.1  Introduction ............................................. 635
9.2  Three Definitions of Bainite ............................. 635
     9.2.1  Generalized Microstructural Definition ............ 635
     9.2.2  Kinetic Definition of Bainite ..................... 643
     9.2.3  Surface Relief Definition of Bainite .............. 649
9.3  Upper Bainite versus Lower Bainite, and Inverse Bainite .. 651
9.4  Sources of Carbide Precipitation ......................... 651
     References ............................................... 654
     Further Readings ......................................... 655

Index ......................................................... 657

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