Sustainable rural and urban ecosystems: design, implementation and operation: manual for practice and study (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSustainable rural and urban ecosystems: design, implementation and operation: manual for practice and study / ed. by G.Geller, D.Glücklich; A.Otte et al. contributors. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2012. - viii, 179 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.173-176. - Ind.: p.177-179. - ISBN 978-3-642-28260-7

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Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   G. Geller
   1.1  Background .............................................. 1
   1.2  The Example of Valley View University ................... 2
   1.3  How to Use the Manual ................................... 3
2  Human Ecosystems ............................................. 5
   G. Geller
   2.1  Ecosystems in General ................................... 5
   2.2  Human Ecosystems ........................................ 5
   2.3  Development of Ecosystems ............................... 6
   2.4  Relations and Fluxes in Human Ecosystems ................ 7
        2.4.1  Matter/Mass Flow ................................. 7
        2.4.2  Energy ........................................... 7
        2.4.3  Information ...................................... 8
   2.5  Engineering of Ecosystems ............................... 9
3  Design, Implementation and Operation of Human Ecosystem:
   Concepts and Methods ........................................ 11
   3.1  The Holistic Approach: Key Concepts and Methods ........ 11
        D. Glücklich and G. Geller
        3.1.1  Introduction .................................... 11
        3.1.2  Common Aim "Stadtschaft" or "Townscape" ......... 12
        3.1.3  Cell Model: Functional and Spatial Units ........ 14
   3.2  Integrated Management of Process, Information,
        Quality ................................................ 15
        G. Geller
        3.2.1  Generally ....................................... 15
        3.2.2  Management of Information ....................... 15
        3.2.3  Management of Quality (QM) ...................... 17
        3.2.4  Integrated Management of Process, Information
               and Quality: Procedures and Tools ............... 19
   3.3  Vegetation Management .................................. 22
        D. Simmering and A. Otte
        3.3.1  Ecosystem Functions and Services ................ 22
        3.3.2  Conservation Value of Natural and Semi-Natural 
               Habitats ........................................ 23
        3.3.3  Farmland Management ............................. 24
        3.3.4  Urban Habitats: Public and Private Green Space .. 25
        3.3.5  Management matters .............................. 25
        3.3.6  Client and Stakeholder Involvement .............. 26
        3.3.7  Conclusion ...................................... 26
   3.4  Cycle-Management ....................................... 26
        L. Richard and R. Perfler
        3.4.1  Water Management ................................ 26
   3.5  Disciplinary Approaches for Ecosystem Components ....... 29
        D. Glücklich
        3.5.1  Selection of Specific Functional Areas .......... 29
        3.5.2  The Various Fields .............................. 29
   3.6  The Ecological Masterplan .............................. 33
        D. Glücklich
4  Design, Implementation and Operation of Human Ecosystems:
        The Example of Valley View University (VVU) ............ 35
   4.1  Study Area ............................................. 35
        D. Simmering and G. Geller
        4.1.1  Geography and Landscape Context ................. 35
        4.1.2  Socio-Cultural Background ....................... 40
        4.1.3  Administrative Background ....................... 40
   4.2  Case Study VVU ......................................... 40
        G. Geller and D. Glücklich
        4.2.1  The University and Its Campus: General
               Background ...................................... 40
        4.2.2  The Ecological Development of VVU ............... 40
        4.2.3  VVU as a Human Ecosystem ........................ 42
        4.2.4  The Ecological Masterplan ....................... 43
   4.3  Integrated Management of Process, Information and
        Quality at VVU ......................................... 43
        G. Geller
        4.3.1  VVU and the African Socio-Cultural Framework .... 43
        4.3.2  Organizing Sustainable Informational 
               Structures at VVU ............................... 46
        4.3.3  Providing the Necessary Information for
               a Sustainable VVU ............................... 47
        4.3.4  Integrated QM at VVU: Measures .................. 48
        4.3.5  Main Findings ................................... 53
   4.4  Land Management: Vegetation ............................ 53
        D. Simmering and A. Otte
        4.4.1  Nature Conservation and Biodiversity
               Management ...................................... 53
        4.4.2  Tree Planting Project: Green Space at VVU ....... 61
        4.4.3  Main Findings ................................... 72
   4.5  Mass Flow Management ................................... 72
        G. Geller
        4.5.1  Starting Position, General Considerations ....... 72
        4.5.2  Mass Flow Analysis .............................. 73
        4.5.3  Integration of Mass Flow and Land Use
               Management ...................................... 76
        4.5.4  General Guiding Principles ...................... 77
        4.5.5  Main Findings ................................... 77
   4.6  Management of Cycles/Water Management .................. 77
        L. Richard and R. Perfler
        4.6.1  Vision, Goals and Water Projects at VVU ......... 77
        4.6.2  A Brief Overview of Water Supply and 
               Sanitation in Ghana ............................. 78
        4.6.3  Water Supply at VVU ............................. 78
        4.6.4  Ecological Sanitation at VVU .................... 86
        4.6.5  Main Findings  .................................. 88
   4.7  Ecological Design and Building ......................... 89
        D. Glücklich
        4.7.1  Ecological Holistic Concept ..................... 89
        4.7.2  Analysis of Situation and Conditions ............ 89
        4.7.3  Common Goals .................................... 90
        4.7.4  Partial Goals, Common Goals and Approach ........ 92
        4.7.5  Cell Model: Shown by the Examples of Waters
               and Nutrients ................................... 93
        4.7.6  The Master Plan and His Architectural
               Realisation ..................................... 95
        4.7.7  Main Findings .................................. 100
5  Lessons Learned/Relevance .................................. 101
   5.1  Factors Influencing Ecological Projects ............... 101
        A. Holdefleiss and G. Geller
        5.1.1  Cons: Factors to be Considered ................. 101
        5.1.2  Pros: Supportive Factors ....................... 102
   5.2  Holistic Planning in Practice ......................... 103
        G. Geller
        5.2.1  Integrated Land Utilisation and Cycle 
               Management ..................................... 103
        5.2.2  Integrated Information and Quality Management .. 104
        5.2.3  Integrated Ecological Building ................. 105
   5.3  General Conclusions ................................... 105
6  Authors, Partners and Institutions ......................... 107
   G. Geller
   6.1  Authors ............................................... 107
   6.2  BMU-Project Climate Friendly VVU ...................... 107
        6.2.1  Institutions ................................... 107
        6.2.2  Partners ....................................... 107
   6.3  BMBF-Project Ecological Cycles at VVU-Campus .......... 108
        6.3.1  Institutions ................................... 108
        6.3.2  Partners ....................................... 108
7  Tools for Holistic Management of Human Ecosystems .......... 109
   7.1  The Tools and How to Use Them ......................... 109
        G. Geller
   7.2  Tools for Integrated Ecosystem-Management ............. 110
        G. Geller
        7.2.1  Checklists ..................................... 110
   7.3  Tools for Integrated Management of Process, 
        Information & Quality ................................. 113
        G. Geller
        7.3.1  Row Chart and Process Description .............. 113
        7.3.2  Checklists ..................................... 115
        7.3.3  Forms .......................................... 116
        7.3.4  Methods ........................................ 123
   7.4  Tools for Nature Conservation and Vegetation 
        Management ............................................ 126
        D. Simmering and A. Otte
        7.4.1  Flow Charts and Process Descriptions for 
               Nature Conservation and Vegetation 
               Management ..................................... 126
        7.4.2  Checklists for Nature Conservation and 
               Vegetation Management .......................... 130
   7.5  Tools for Mass Flow Management ........................ 132
        G. Geller
        7.5.1  Flow Chart and Process Description ............. 132
        7.5.2  Checklists for Mass Flow Management ............ 134
   7.6  Tools for Water Management ............................ 135
        L. Richard and R. Perfler
        7.6.1  Water Supply System ............................ 136
        7.6.2  Rainwater Harvesting System .................... 144
        7.6.3  Operation Guidelines for Water Treatment ....... 150
   7.7  Tools for Ecological Building ......................... 161
        D. Glücklich
        7.7.1   Flow Chart and Process Description ............ 161
Annex (More Materials) ........................................ 163
Bibliography .................................................. 173
Index ......................................................... 177

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