Organization of insect societies: from genome to sociocomplexity (Cambridge; London, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаOrganization of insect societies: from genome to sociocomplexity / ed. by J.Gadau, J.Fewell; with a foreword by E.O.Wilson. - Cambridge; London: Harvard University Press, 2009. - x, 617 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.611-617. - ISBN 978-0-674-03125-8

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword by Edward O. Wilson ................................... ix

Part one
Transitions in Social Evolution ................................. I
Introduction by Jurgen Gadau

The Evolution of Social Insect Mating Systems ................... 3
   Jacobus J. Boomsma, Daniel J. C. Kronauer, and 
   Jes S. Pedersen
The Evolution of Queen Numbers in Ants: From One to Many and
Back ........................................................... 26
   Jürgen Heinze and Susanne Foitzik
Aging of Social Insects ........................................ 51
   Olav Rueppell
The Ecological Setting of Social Evolution: The Demography of
Ant Populations ................................................ 74
   Blaine J. Cole
Control of Termite Caste Differentiation ...................... 105
   Colin S. Brent
Termites: An Alternative Road to Eusociality	and the
Importance of Group Benefits in Social Insects ................ 128
   Judith Korb
The Evolution of Communal Behavior in	Bees and Wasps: An
Alternative to Eusociality .................................... 148
   William T. Wcislo and Simon M. Tierney

Part two
Communication ................................................. 171
Introduction by Thomas D. Seeley

Cue Diversity and Social Recognition .......................... 173
   Michael D. Breed and Robert Buchwald
Adaptations in the Olfactory System of Social Hymenoptera ..... 195
   Christoph J. Kleineidam and Wolfgang Rфssler
Fertility Signaling as a General Mechanism	of Regulating
Reproductive Division of Labor in Ants ........................ 220
   Christian Peeters and Jürgen Liebig
Vibrational Signals in Social Wasps:	A Role in Caste
Determination? ................................................ 243
   Robert L. Jeanne
Convergent Evolution of Food Recruitment	Mechanisms in Bees
and Wasps ..................................................... 266
   James C. Nieh
The Organization of Social Foraging in Ants:	Energetics and
Communication ................................................. 289
   Flavio Races

Part three
Neurogenetic Basis of Social Behavior ......................... 311
Introduction by Robert E. Page Jr.

Behavioral Genetics in Social Insects ......................... 315
   Jürgen Gadau and Greg J. Hunt
Sensory Thresholds, Learning, and the Division of Foraging
Labor in the Honey Bee ........................................ 335
   Ricarda Scheiner and Joachim Erber
Social Life from Solitary Regulatory Networks:
A Paradigm for Insect Sociality ............................... 357
   Robert E. Page Jr., Timothy A. Linksvayer, and Gro
   V. Amdam
Social Brains and Behavior—Past and Present ................... 377
   Wulfila Gronenberg and Andre J. Riveros
Plasticity in the Circadian Clock and the Temporal
Organization of Insect Societies .............................. 402
   Guy Bloch

Part Four 
Theoretical Perspectives on Social Organization ............... 433
Introduction by Jennifer Fewell

The Dawn of a Golden Age in Mathematical Insect Sociobiology .. 437
   Nigel R. Franks, Anna Dornhaus, James A. R. Marshall,
and Francois-Xavier Dechaume Moncharmont
Positive Feedback, Convergent Collective Patterns, and
Social Transitions in Arthropods .............................. 460
   Raphaël Jeanson and Jean-Louis Deneubourg
Division of Labor in the Context of Complexity ................ 483
   Jennifer Fewell, Shana К Schmidt, and Thomas Taylor
Insect Societies as Models for Collective Decision Making ..... 503
   Stephen C. Pratt
From Social Behavior to Molecules: Models and Modules in
the Middle .................................................... 525
   Andrew B. Barron and Gene E. Robinson
Social Insects as Models in Epidemiology: Establishing the
Foundation for an Interdisciplinary Approach to Disease and
Sociality ..................................................... 545
   Nina H. Fefferman and James F.A. Traniello
Social Insects and the Individuality Thesis: Cohesion and
the Colony as a Selectable Individual ......................... 572
   Andrew Hamilton, Nathan R. Smith, and Matthew H. Haber
Social Insects, Evo-Devo, and the Novelty Problem: The
Advantage of "Natural Experiments" Sensu Boveri ............... 590
   Manfred Laubichler and Jürgen Gadau

Acknowledgments ............................................... 609
Index ......................................................... 611

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