Olduvai Gorge; vol.3: Excavations in beds I and II, 1960-1963 (Cambridge, 1971 (2009)). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаOlduvai Gorge. Vol.3: Excavations in beds I and II, 1960-1963 / M.D.Leakey. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971 (2009). - xxiii, 306 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.295-298. - Ind.: p.301-306. - ISBN 978-0-521-10518-7

Оглавление / Contents
Ust of figures ................................................. ix
List of tables ................................................ xii
Ust of plates ................................................ xiii
Introductory Note .............................................. xv
Foreword by Professor J.D. Clark ............................. xvii
Acknowledgements ............................................... xx
Map .......................................................... xxii
Introduction .................................................... 1
Geologic Background of Beds I and II: Stratigraphie Summary by
Professor R.L. Hay .............................................. 9

I    Lower Bed I. Site DK and Site FLK NN: Level 4 ............. 21
II   Middle Bed I. Site FLK NN: Levels 1-3. Site FLK: the
     'Zinjanthropus' Level and the Upper Levels ................ 40
III  Upper Bed I and Lower Bed II. Site FLK North: Levels
     1-6, the Clay with root casts and the Deinotherium 
     Level. Site HWK East: Levels 1 and 2 ...................... 61
IV   The lower part of Middle Bed II. Site HWK East: the 
     Sandy Conglomerate: Levels 3-5. Site FLK North: the 
     Sandy Conglomerate. The Skull Site at MNK ................. 96
V    The upper part of Middle Bed II. Site EF-HR. The Main
     Occupation Site at MNK. Sites FC West and FC. Site SHK ... 124
VI   Upper Bed II. Sites TK and BK ............................ 172

VII  The discoveries of hominid remains ....................... 225
VIII Mammalian bones from Beds I and II with evidence of
     hominid modification ..................................... 235
IX   The faunal remains from the living sites in Beds I and 
     II ....................................................... 248
X    Summary and discussion ................................... 258
Appendix A  List of the recorded sites in Olduvai Gorge ....... 282
Appendix В  List of identified faunal remains from known
            stratigraphie horizons in Beds I and II by 
            Margaret Leakey ................................... 290
References .................................................... 295
Index ......................................................... 301

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