Stability and degradation of organic and polymer solar cells (Hoboken, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаStability and degradation of organic and polymer solar cells / ed. by F.C.Krebs. - Hoboken: Wiley, 2012. - 368 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.333-339. - ISBN 978-1-119-95251-0

Оглавление / Contents
Preface .........................................................xi
Acknowledgements ............................................. xiii
List of Contributors ........................................... xv

1  The Different PV Technologies and How They Degrade ........... 1
   Frederik С. Krebs
   1.1  The Photovoltaic Effect and the Overview ................ 1
   1.2  The Photovoltaic Technologies ........................... 2
   1.3  Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Stability .................... 3
        1.3.1  Intrinsic Stability .............................. 3
        1.3.2  Extrinsic Stability .............................. 3
   1.4  Degradation - The Culprits, the What, the Why and the
        How ..................................................... 3
   1.5  Some Representative Technologies and How They Degrade ... 4
        1.5.1  Mono- and Polycrystalline Silicon Solar Cells .... 5
        1.5.2  Amorphous, Micro- and Nanocrystalline Silicon
               Solar Cells ...................................... 6
        1.5.3  CIS/CIGS Solar Cells ............................. 8
        1.5.4  CdS/CdTe Solar Cells ............................. 9
        1.5.5  Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC) ............... 10
        1.5.6  Organic and Polymer Solar Cells (OPV) ........... 11
   References .................................................. 12
2  Chemical and Physical Probes for Studying Degradation ....... 17
   Birgitta Andreasen and Kion Norrman
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 17
   2.2  Physical Probes ........................................ 18
        2.2.1  UV-vis Spectroscopy ............................. 18
        2.2.2  Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) ................... 18
        2.2.3  Interference Microscopy ......................... 20
        2.2.4  Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) .............. 21
        2.2.5  Fluorescence Microscopy ......................... 23
        2.2.6  Light-Beam Induced-Current Microscopy (LBIC) .... 24
        2.2.7  Electroluminescence and Photoluminescence
               Imaging Microscopy (ELI and PLI) ................ 25
        2.2.8  X-ray Reflectometry ............................. 26
   2.3  Chemical Probes ........................................ 27
        2.3.1  Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) ...................... 27
        2.3.2  Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
               (TOF-SIMS) ...................................... 28
        2.3.3  X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) .......... 32
   2.4  Summary and Outlook .................................... 35
   References .................................................. 36
3  Imaging Techniques for Studying OPV Stability and
   Degradation ................................................. 39
   Marco Seeland, Roland Rösch and Harald Hoppe
   3.1  Introduction to Imaging Techniques ..................... 39
        3.1.1  Microscopy and Optical Scanning ................. 39
        3.1.2  Luminescence Imaging ............................ 40
        3.1.3  Lock-In Thermography ............................ 43
        3.1.4  Light-Beam Induced Current ...................... 45
   3.2  Reports ................................................ 46
        3.2.1  Background: Degradation of OLED Devices ......... 46
        3.2.2  Light-Beam Induced Current ...................... 50
        3.2.3  Luminescence Imaging ............................ 54
        3.2.4  Optical Microscopy .............................. 57
        3.2.5  Dark Lock-In Thermography and LBIC .............. 58
        3.2.6  Dark Lock-In Thermography and Optical Scanning
               for Failure Analysis ............................ 62
   3.3  Discussion: Comparison of Imaging Techniques ........... 63
   3.4  Summary ................................................ 66
   Acknowledgement ............................................. 66
   References .................................................. 66
4  Photochemical Stability of Materials for OPV ................ 71
   Matthieu Manceau, Agnès Rivaton and Jean-Luc Gardette
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 71
   4.2  Methods ................................................ 72
        4.2.1  Aging Condition ................................. 72
        4.2.2  Degradation Monitoring .......................... 74
   4.3  State-of-the-Art ....................................... 82
        4.3.1  Degradation of the π-Conjugated Polymer ......... 82
        4.3.2  Acceptor Material Aging and Blend Degradation ... 99
   References ................................................. 102
5  Degradation of Small-Molecule-Based OPV .................... 109
   Martin Hermenau, Moritz Riede and Karl Leo
   5.1  Comparison to Small-Molecule OLEDs .................... 110
        5.1.1  Number of Photoexcitations per Molecule ........ 113
   5.2  Comparison to Polymer Solar Cells ..................... 115
        5.2.1  Sensitivity to Air ............................. 115
        5.2.2  Temperature Stability .......................... 115
   5.3  Small-Molecule Organic Materials ...................... 116
        5.3.1  Active Materials ............................... 116
        5.3.2  Transport- and Exciton-Blocking Materials ...... 119
   5.4  Degradation Conditions ................................ 125
        5.4.1  Oxygen and Water ............................... 125
        5.4.2  UV Radiation ................................... 132
   5.5  State-of-the-Art in Lifetime Studies .................. 134
   5.6  Summary and Outlook ................................... 138
   References ................................................. 139
6  Degradation of Polymer-Based OPV ........................... 143
   Mikkel Jørgensen and Frederik С. Krebs
   6.1  Focus on the Degradation and Stability of Polymer
        Solar Cells ........................................... 143
   6.2  A Chart of Degradation and Stability of Polymer
        Solar Cells ........................................... 143
   6.3  A Short Account of the OPV Stability/Degradation
        History ............................................... 144
        6.3.1  The Divisions of Degradation Mechanisms ........ 146
        6.3.2  The Methodologies .............................. 148
   6.4  Modus Operandi for Evolving OPV ....................... 148
   6.5  The Recent Developments ............................... 149
        6.5.1  The Photocatalytic Oxides ...................... 149
        6.5.2  Interlayers .................................... 150
        6.5.3  The Inverted Structure ......................... 151
        6.5.4  R2R Processing ................................. 152
        6.5.5  Lamination and Encapsulation ................... 153
        6.5.6  Water Processing ............................... 154
        6.5.7  Mechanical Degradation - Delamination .......... 155
   6.6  Interlaboratory Studies and Round Robins .............. 156
   6.7  Outside Studies ....................................... 157
   6.8  How Far Can OPV Be Taken in Terms of Stability? ....... 158
   References ................................................. 158
7  Test Equipment for OPV Stability ........................... 163
   Olivier Haillant
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 163
   7.2  Reliability and Durability Testing of PV Products ..... 165
        7.2.1  Reliability, a Function of Durability .......... 165
        7.2.2  Environmental Durability ....................... 166
        7.2.3  Durability and Weathering Testing .............. 167
   7.3  Laboratory Weathering Testing ......................... 168
        7.3.1  Acceleration ................................... 168
        7.3.2  Relevance ...................................... 169
        7.3.3  Precision ...................................... 170
        7.3.4  Introduction to Determination of Acceleration
               Factors ........................................ 170
   7.4  Durability Testing Techniques ......................... 172
        7.4.1  Outdoor Weathering ............................. 172
        7.4.2  Laboratory Weathering .......................... 175
        7.4.3  Laboratory Photoaging .......................... 180
        7.4.4  Others ......................................... 183
   7.5  Conclusion ............................................ 185
   References ................................................. 186
8  Characterization and Reporting of OPV Device Lifetime ...... 193
   Suren A. Gevorgyan
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 193
   8.2  Photoelectric Characterization of OPV Devices ......... 194
        8.2.1  Photoelectric Characterization Tools ........... 194
        8.2.2  Characterization in Controlled Environments .... 197
   8.3  Interlaboratory Studies of OPVs ....................... 202
        8.3.1  Introduction ................................... 202
        8.3.2  Interlaboratory Studies of Flexible Large-
               Area Roll-to-Roll Processed Polymer Solar
               Cell Modules ................................... 203
        8.3.3  Interlaboratory Stability Studies of OPVs ...... 204
   8.4  Lifetime Testing and Reporting: Standardized
        Approach .............................................. 213
        8.4.1  Introduction ................................... 213
        8.4.2  Procedures for Standard Lifetime
               Measurements ................................... 214
        8.4.3  Reporting Lifetime ............................. 235
   8.5  Conclusions ........................................... 238
   List of Abbreviations ...................................... 238
   References ................................................. 238
9  Concentrated Light for Organic Photovoltaics ............... 243
   Thomas Tromholt
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 243
   9.2  Light-Concentration Setups ............................ 245
        9.2.1  Refractive Sunlight Concentration .............. 245
        9.2.2  Reflective Sunlight Concentration .............. 246
        9.2.3  Concentrated Solar Simulation .................. 249
   9.3  Experimental Work Performed with Concentrated Light ... 251
        9.3.1  IPV Response to Concentrated Sunlight .......... 251
        9.3.2  Polymer Response to Concentrated Light ......... 253
        9.3.3  Organic Solar Cell Response to Concentrated
               Light .......................................... 257
   9.4  Physical Characterization by Concentrated Sunlight .... 261
   9.5  Conclusion ............................................ 265
   References ................................................. 265
10 Barrier Technology and Applications ........................ 269
   Lars Müller-Meskamp, John Fahlteich and Frederik С. Krebs
   10.1 Encapsulation Requirements ............................ 269
        10.1.1 Types of Encapsulation ......................... 270
        10.1.2 Glass/Glass Encapsulation ...................... 271
        10.1.3 Lamination of Barrier Films .................... 272
        10.1.4 Thin-Film Encapsulation ........................ 273
        10.1.5 Perimeter Sealing .............................. 273
   10.2 Thin-Film Permeation Physics .......................... 274
        10.2.1 Solid-State Diffusion and Diffusion in
               Polymers ....................................... 274
        10.2.2 Fick's First Law of Diffusion .................. 275
        10.2.3 Sorption ....................................... 276
        10.2.4 Permeation in Thin Films ....................... 277
        10.2.5 Models for the Permeation Barrier Coated
               Polymer Films .................................. 278
        10.2.6 Temperature Dependence of Permeation ........... 279
        10.2.7 Dependence of Water Permeation on Layer
               Thickness ...................................... 280
        10.2.8 Time Dependence of Permeation .................. 282
        10.2.9 Permeation in Multilayer Barriers .............. 284
        10.2.10 Pinholes in Multilayer Systems ................ 287
   10.3 Measurement of Barrier Properties ..................... 288
        10.3.1 Gravimetric Cup ................................ 289
        10.3.2 Carrier-Gas-Based Coulometric Barrier
               Measurement .................................... 289
        10.3.3 Mass Spectrometer .............................. 290
        10.3.4 Direct Pressure Measurement .................... 291
        10.3.5 Radioactive Isotopes ........................... 292
        10.3.6 Calcium Test (Optical or Electrical) ........... 293
        10.3.7 Device Testing ................................. 294
        10.3.8 Standards and Typical Measurement Conditions ... 295
        10.3.9 Test Method Overview ........................... 295
   10.4 Barrier Technologies .................................. 295
        10.4.1 Single-Layer Technologies ...................... 297
        10.4.2 Multilayer Technologies ........................ 309
   10.5 Barrier Application in OPV ............................ 315
        10.5.1 Products ....................................... 316
        10.5.2 Barrier Cost and Manufacturability ............. 318
   10.6 Conclusion ............................................ 321
        References ............................................ 322
11 Summary and Outlook ........................................ 331
   Frederik C. Krebs
Index	......................................................... 333

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