Smith P.W. Transient electronics: pulsed circuit technology (Chichester, 2002). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSmith P.W. Transient electronics: pulsed circuit technology. - Chichester: Wiley, 2002. - xi, 272 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.269-272. - ISBN 0-471-97773-X

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ ix
1  Mathematical Techniques for Pulse and Transient Circuit
   Analysis ..................................................... 1
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 1
   1.2  The Classical Method .................................... 1
   1.3  The Complex Frequency Method ............................ 7
   1.4  The Laplace Transform Method ............................ 9
        1.4.1  Application of the Laplace Transform Method ..... 11
        1.4.2  Laplace Transforms of Some Basic Signals ........ 12
        1.4.3  Some Properties of the Laplace Transformation ... 14
        1.4.4  Finding the Inverse Laplace Transform ........... 19
        1.4.5  The Laplace Transform Circuit ................... 24
        1.4.6  System or Transfer Functions .................... 34
        1.4.7  Direct Determination of Rise and Delay Time
               Response of Networks ............................ 35
   References .................................................. 38
2  Transmission Line Theory and Transient Response ............. 41
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 41
   2.2  Circuit Analysis of Transmission Lines ................. 43
   2.3  Continuous Sinusoidal Transmission Line Excitation ..... 46
        2.3.1  Low Loss and Loss-free Lines .................... 47
        2.3.2  The Transmission Line as a Two-port Network ..... 50
        2.3.3  Impedance Relations for Terminated Lines ........ 52
        2.3.4  Line Reflections ................................ 55
   2.4  Transient Transmission Line Response ................... 58
        2.4.1  Transient Response of the Infinite Line ......... 58
        2.4.2  Transient Response of Lossy Transmission
               Lines ........................................... 59
        2.4.3  Transient Response of Terminated Lines .......... 61
        2.4.4  Input Impedance of Terminated Lines for
               Transient Signals ............................... 65
        2.4.5  Reflections on Lines with Reactive
               Terminations .................................... 66
        2.4.6  Reflection Charts or Lattice Diagrams ........... 68
   References .................................................. 70
3  Pulse-forming Lines ......................................... 71
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 71
   3.2  The Single Pulse-forming Line .......................... 71
        3.2.1  Lattice Diagram Representation of Pulse-
               forming Action using a Single Transmission
               Line ............................................ 74
   3.3  Pulse-forming using the Blumlein Pulse-forming Line .... 75
        3.3.1  Lattice Diagram Representation of Pulse-
               forming Action using a Blumlein Pulse-forming
               Line ............................................ 78
   3.4  The Laplace Transform Analysis of Pulse-forming
        Action by Transmission Lines ........................... 80
        3.4.1  Pulse-forming by the Simple Pulse-forming
               Line ............................................ 80
        3.4.2  Pulse-forming by the Blumlein Pulse-forming
               Line ............................................ 83
   3.5   Some Other Pulse-forming Line Variants ................ 85
        3.5.1  The Stacked Blumlein Pulse-forming Line
               Generator ....................................... 85
        3.5.2  The Darlington Circuits ......................... 88
        3.5.3  Further Darlington-like Pulse-forming Lines ..... 90
        3.5.4  The Self-matching Pulse-forming Line ............ 96
        3.5.5  The Bi-directional or Zero Integral
               Pulse-forming Line .............................. 98
        3.5.6  A Pseudo-repetitive Pulse-forming Line .......... 99
        3.5.7  Current-fed Pulse-forming Lines ................ 102
   References ................................................. 106
4  Pulse-forming Networks ..................................... 107
   4.1  Introduction .......................................... 107
   4.2  LC Ladder Networks .................................... 108
        4.2.1  The Impedance Characteristics of an LC Ladder
               Network ........................................ 108
        4.2.2  General Transform Equations for a Ladder
               Network ........................................ 110
        4.2.3  Input Impedance Functions of Open Circuit and
               Short Circuit Ladder Networks .................. 112
        4.2.4  Propagation Characteristics of an LC Ladder
               Network ........................................ 114
   4.3  Pulse-forming Action of an LC Ladder Network .......... 117
   4.4  The Synthesis of Alternative LC Pulse-forming
        Networks .............................................. 121
        4.4.1  Guillemin's Method ............................. 124
        4.4.2  Current-fed Networks ........................... 129
        4.4.3  The Synthesis of Alternative LC Current-fed
               Pulse-forming Networks ......................... 133
        4.4.4  Guillemin Type Current-fed Pulse-forming
               Networks ....................................... 133
   4.5 Some Further Comments on Pulse-forming Networks ........ 134
   References ................................................. 135
5  Pulse Transformers ......................................... 137
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 137
   5.2  The Ideal Transformer and the Concepts of Referral
        and Reluctance ........................................ 138
        5.2.1  Practical or Non-ideal Transformers ............ 140
        5.2.2  Equivalent Circuit of a Transformer ............ 143
        5.2.3  Leading Edge Response .......................... 144
        5.2.4  Pulse Flat Top Response ........................ 147
        5.2.5  Trailing Edge Response ......................... 148
        5.2.6  Pulse Transformer Magnetic Core ................ 150
   5.3  Air-cored Pulse Transformers .......................... 154
        5.3.1  Analysis of Air-cored Pulse Transformer
               Circuit Performance ............................ 159
        5.3.2  Dual Resonant Operation of Air-cored Pulse
               Transformers ................................... 162
   5.4  Pulse Transformers with Multiple Windings ............. 163
   5.5  Hybrid Wound/Transmission Line Pulse Transformer ...... 167
   References ................................................. 168
6  Transmission Line Pulse Transformers ....................... 169
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 169
   6.2  Linear Transmission Line Transformers ................. 169
        6.2.1  The 1:1 Inverting Transformer .................. 171
        6.2.2  The Two-stage Voltage Transformer .............. 173
        6.2.3  Detailed Analysis of the Two-stage Voltage
               Transformer .................................... 176
        6.2.4  Voltage Gain of Multi-stage, Linear
               Transmission Line Transformers ................. 179
   6.3  Wound Transmission Line Transformers .................. 183
        6.3.1  Basic Operation ................................ 184
        6.3.2  Model Development .............................. 186
        6.3.3  Mutually Coupled Windings ...................... 193
        6.3.4   Frequency Response Analysis ................... 194
   6.4  Tapered Transmission Line Transformers ................ 197
        6.4.1  The Exponentially Tapered Transmission Line
               Transformer .................................... 201
   References ................................................. 206
7  Pulse Generators using Capacitive and Inductive Energy
   Storage .................................................... 209
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 209
   7.2  The Basic Principles of Capacitive and Inductive
        Energy Discharge ...................................... 209
        7.2.1  Pulse Generators based on Inductive Energy
               Storage ........................................ 211
        7.2.2  The Efficiency of Energy Transfer from
               Inductive Energy Stores ........................ 214
        7.2.3  Flux Compression Circuits ...................... 218
   7.3  Marx Generators ....................................... 220
        7.3.1  Circuit Analysis of the Marx Generator ......... 223
        7.3.2  Fast Marx Generators ........................... 225
        7.3.3  Triggered Marx Generators ...................... 226
   7.4  Vector Inversion Generators ........................... 228
        7.4.1  The LC Generator ............................... 228
        7.4.2  The Spiral Generator ........................... 230
   References ................................................. 234
8  Nonlinear Pulsed Circuits .................................. 237
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 237
   8.2  Magnetic Switching .................................... 237
        8.2.1  Magnetic Pulse Compressors ..................... 240
   8.3  Pulse Sharpening using Nonlinear Capacitors ........... 245
        8.3.1  The Analysis of Pulse Sharpening on LC
               ladders with Nonlinear Capacitors .............. 249
        8.3.2  Soliton Generation ............................. 252
   8.4  Electromagnetic Shock Wave Generation in Nonlinear
        Transmission Lines .................................... 255
        8.4.1  Shock Wave Formation on Ferrite Loaded
               Transmission Lines ............................. 256
        8.4.2  Shock Wave Generation on Nonlinear
               Ferroelectric Lines ............................ 257
        8.4.3  Ferroelectric Shock Lines: Some Practical
               Considerations ................................. 261
   References ................................................. 264

Appendix: Table of Laplace Transforms ......................... 267
Index ......................................................... 269

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