Shapiro M. Quantum control of molecular processes (Weinheim, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаShapiro M. Quantum control of molecular processes / M.Shapiro, P.Brumer. - 2nd, rev. ed. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2012. - xvii, 544 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.513. - Sub. ind.: p.537-544. - ISBN 978-3-527-40904-4

Оглавление / Contents
   Preface to the Second Edition ............................. XIII
   Preface to the First Edition ................................ XV
1  Preliminaries of the Interaction of Light with Matter ........ 1
2  Weak-Field Photodissociation ................................. 5
   2.1  Photoexcitation of a Molecule with a Pulse of Light ..... 6
   2.2  State Preparation During the Pulse ...................... 8
   2.3  Photodissociation ...................................... 13
        2.3.1  General Formalism ............................... 13
        2.3.2  Electronic States ............................... 20
        2.3.3  Energy-Resolved Quantities ...................... 21
2  A Appendix: Molecular State Lifetime in Photodissociation ... 22
3  Weak-Field Coherent Control ................................. 25
   3.1  Traditional Excitation ................................. 25
   3.2  Photodissociation from a Superposition State ........... 26
        3.2.1  Bichromatic Control ............................. 28
        3.2.2  Energy Averaging and Satellite Contributions .... 31
   3.3  The Principle of Coherent Control ...................... 33
   3.4  Interference between N-Photon and M-Photon Routes ...... 35
        3.4.1  Multiphoton Absorption .......................... 35
        3.4.2  One-vs. Three-Photon Interference ............... 39
        3.4.3  One- vs. Two-Photon Interference: Symmetry
               Breaking ........................................ 50
   3.5  Polarization Control of Differential Cross Sections .... 56
   3.6  Pump-Dump Control: Few Level Excitation ................ 57
3  A Appendix: Mode-Selective Chemistry ........................ 68
4  Control of Intramolecular Dynamics .......................... 71
   4.1  Intramolecular Dynamics ................................ 71
        4.1.1  Time Evolution and the Zero-Order Basis ......... 72
        4.1.2  Partitioning of the Hilbert Space ............... 73
        4.1.3  Initial State Control and Overlapping
               Resonances ...................................... 75
5  Optimal Control Theory ...................................... 83
   5.1  Pump-Dump Excitation with Many Levels: the Tannor-
        Rice Scheme ............................................ 83
   5.2  Optimal Control Theory ................................. 89
        5.2.1  General Principles of Optimal Control Theory .... 89
6  Decoherence and Its Effects on Control ...................... 95
   6.1  Decoherence ............................................ 95
        6.1.1  Master Equations ................................ 98
   6.2  Sample Computational Results on Decoherence ........... 100
        6.2.1  Electronic Decoherence ......................... 100
        6.2.2  Vibrational Decoherence in Condensed Phases .... 102
        6.2.3  Decoherence: Towards the Classical Limit ....... 106
   6.3  Environmental Effects on Control: Some Theorems ....... 109
        6.3.1  Environment Can Limit Control .................. 109
        6.3.2  Environment Can Enhance Control ................ 112
        6.3.3  Environmentally Assisted One-Photon Phase
               Control ........................................ 114
        6.3.4  Isolated Molecules ............................. 116
        6.3.5  Nonisolated Systems ............................ 117
   6.4  Decoherence and Control ............................... 119
        6.4.1  The Optical Bloch Equation ..................... 120
        6.4.2  Countering Collisional Effects ................. 126
        6.4.3  Additional Control Studies ..................... 129
        6.4.4  State Stability against Decoherence ............ 133
        6.4.5  Overlapping Resonances and Decoherence
               Control: Qualitative Motivation ................ 135
        6.4.6  Control of Dephasing ........................... 139
   6.5  Countering Partially Coherent Laser Effects in
        Pump-Dump Control ..................................... 142
   6.6  Countering CW Laser Jitter ............................ 149
        6.6.1  Laser Phase Additivity ......................... 150
        6.6.2  Incoherent Interference Control ................ 151
7  Case Studies in Coherent Control ........................... 153
   7.1  Two-Photon vs. Two-Photon Control ..................... 153
        7.1.1  Experimental Implementation .................... 360
   7.2  Control over the Refractive Index ..................... 169
        7.2.1  Bichromatic Control ............................ 171
   7.3  The Molecular Phase in the Presence of Resonances ..... 176
        7.3.1  Theory of Scattering Resonances ................ 378
        7.3.2  Three-Photon vs. One-Photon Coherent Control
               in the Presence of Resonances .................. 182
   7.4   Control of Chaotic Dynamics .......................... 186
8  Coherent Control of Bimolecular Processes .................. 191
   8.1  Fixed Energy Scattering: Entangled Initial States ..... 191
        8.1.1  Issues in the Preparation of the Scattering
               Superposition .................................. 193
        8.1.2  Identical Particle Collisions .................. 195
        8.1.3  Sample Control Results ......................... 198
        8.1.4  Experimental Implementation: Fixed Total
               Energy ......................................... 211
        8.1.5  Optimal Control of Bimolecular Scattering ...... 212
        8.1.6  Sculpted Imploding Waves ....................... 236
   8.2  Time Domain: Fast Timed Collisions .................... 237
        8.2.1  Nonentangled Wave Packet Superpositions:
               Time-Dependent Scattering ...................... 237
        8.2.2  Entangled or Wave Packets? ..................... 220
9  The Interaction of Light with Matter: a Closer Look ........ 223
   9.1  Classical Electrodynamics of a Pulse of Light ......... 223
        9.1.1  The Classical Hamiltonian ...................... 223
        9.1.2  The Free Light Field ........................... 226
   9.2  The Dynamics of Quantized Particles and Classical
        Light Fields .......................................... 228
10 Coherent Control with Quantum Light ........................ 233
   10.1 The Quantization of the Electromagnetic Field ......... 233
        10.1.1 Light-Matter Interactions ...................... 235
   10.2 Quantum Light and Quantum Interference ................ 236
        10.2.1 One-Photon vs. Two-Photon Quantum Field
               Control ........................................ 238
        10.2.2 Pump-Dump Coherent Control ..................... 240
   10.3 Quantum Field Control of Entanglement ................. 245
   10.4 Control of Entanglement in Quantum Field Chiral
        Separation ............................................ 250
11 Coherent Control beyond the Weak-Field Regime: Bound
   States and Resonances ...................................... 253
   11.1 Adiabatic Population Transfer ......................... 253
        11.1.1 Adiabatic States, Trapping, and Adiabatic
               Following ...................................... 254
        11.1.2 The Multistate Extension of STIRAP ............. 260
   11.2 An Analytic Solution of the Nondegenerate Quantum
        Control Problem ....................................... 261
   11.3 The Degenerate Quantum Control Problem ................ 266
   11.4 Adiabatic Encoding and Decoding of Quantum
        Information ........................................... 271
   11.5 Multistate Piecewise Adiabatic Passage ................ 275
        11.5.1 Multistate Piecewise Adiabatic Passage -
               Experiments .................................... 280
   11.6 Electromagnetically Induced Transparency .............. 290
        11.6.1 EIT: a Resonance Perspective ................... 291
        11.6.2 EIT as Emerging from the Interference between
               Resonances ..................................... 293
        11.6.3 Photoabsorption ................................ 301
        11.6.4 The Resonance Description of Slowing Down of
               Light by EIT ................................... 306
12 Photodissociation Beyond the Weak-Field Regime ............. 315
   12.1 One-Photon Dissociation with Laser Pulses ............. 315
        12.1.1 Slowly Varying Continuum ....................... 318
        12.1.2 Bichromatic Control ............................ 319
        12.1.3 Resonance ...................................... 319
   12.2 Computational Examples ................................ 325
13 Coherent Control Beyond the Weak-Field Regime: the
   Continuum .................................................. 329
   13.1 Control over Population Transfer to the Continuum by
        Two-Photon Processes .................................. 329
        13.1.1 The Adiabatic Approximation for a Final
               Continuum Manifold ............................. 330
   13.2 Pulsed Incoherent Interference Control ................ 335
   13.3 Resonantly Enhanced Photoassociation .................. 345
        13.3.1 Theory of Photoassociation of a Coherent Wave
               Packet ......................................... 346
        13.3.2 Photoassociation by the Consecutive
               Application of APC and STIRAP .................. 353
        13.3.3 Interference between Different Pathways ........ 357
        13.3.4 Experimental Realizations ...................... 359
   13.4 Laser Catalysis ....................................... 363
        13.4.1 The Coupling of a Bound State to Two Continua
               by a Laser Pulse ............................... 364
14 Coherent Control of the Synthesis and Purification of
   Chiral Molecules ........................................... 373
   14.1 Principles of Electric Dipole Allowed Enantiomeric
        Control ............................................... 374
   14.2 Symmetry Breaking in the Two-Photon Dissociation of
        Pure States ........................................... 376
   14.3 Purification of Racemic Mixtures by "Laser
        Distillation" ......................................... 381
   14.4 Enantiomer Control: Oriented Molecules ................ 395
   14.5 Adiabatic Purification of Mixtures of Right-Handed
        and Left-Handed Chiral Molecules ...................... 397
        14.5.1 Vibrational State Discrimination of Chiral
               Molecules ...................................... 399
        14.5.2 Spatial Separation of Enantiomers .............. 404
        14.5.3 Internal Hamiltonian and Dressed States ........ 405
        14.5.4 Laser Configuration ............................ 408
        14.5.5 Spatial Separation Using a Cold Molecular
               Trap ........................................... 409
   14.4 Appendix: Computation of B- A- B' Enantiomer
        Selectivity ........................................... 413
15 Strong-Field Coherent Control .............................. 415
   15.1 Strong-Field Photodissociation with Continuous Wave
        Quantized Fields ...................................... 415
        15.1.1 The Coupled-Channels Expansion ................. 419
        15.1.2 Number States vs. Classical Light .............. 423
   15.2 Strong-Field Photodissociation with Pulsed Quantized
        Fields ................................................ 425
        15.2.1 Light-Induced Potentials ....................... 426
   15.3 Controlled Focusing, Deposition, and Alignment of
        Molecules ............................................. 429
        15.3.1 Focusing and Deposition ........................ 429
        15.3.2 Strong-Field Molecular Alignment ............... 435
16 Coherent Control with Few-Cycle Pulses ..................... 443
   16.1 The Carrier Envelope Phase ............................ 443
   16.2 Coherent Control and the CEO Frequency Measurement .... 445
   16.3 The Recollision Model ................................. 446
        16.3.1 Step 1: Tunnel Ionization ...................... 447
        16.3.2 Step 2: Classical "Swing" Motion ............... 448
        16.3.3 Step 3: Recollision ............................ 448
        16.3.4 Step 4: Emission of a Photon ................... 450
   16.4 CEP Stabilization and Control ......................... 451
        16.4.1 The Attosecond Streak Camera ................... 452
   16.5 Coherent Control of Sample Molecular Systems .......... 453
        16.5.1 One-Photon vs. Two-Photon Control with Few-
               Cycle Pulses ................................... 453
        16.5.2 Control of the Generation of High-Harmonics .... 455
        16.5.3 Control of Electron Transfer Processes ......... 456
        16.5.4 Electron Transfer in Alkali Halides ............ 457
17 Case Studies in Optimal Control ............................ 463
   17.1 Creating Excited States ............................... 463
        17.1.1 Using Prepared States .......................... 467
   17.2 Optimal Control in the Perturbative Domain ............ 468
   17.3 Adaptive Feedback Control ............................. 471
   17.4 Analysis of Adaptive Feedback Experiments ............. 480
        17.4.1 trans-cis Isomerization in 3,3'-Diethyl-2,2'-
               thiacyanine Iodide ............................. 480
        17.4.2 Controlled Stokes Emission vs. Vibrational
               Excitation in Methanol ......................... 486
   17.5 Interference and Optimal Control ...................... 487
18 Coherent Control in the Classical Limit .................... 491
   18.1 The One-Photon vs. Two-Photon Scenario Revisited ...... 491
        18.1.1 Resonant Regime ................................ 491
        18.1.2 Off-Resonant Extension ......................... 492
        18.1.3 A Three-State Example .......................... 494
        18.1.4 Quantum Features ............................... 495
   18.2 The Quartic Oscillator ................................ 496
   18.3 Control in an Optical Lattice ......................... 499
        18.3.1 Equivalence with Dipole Driving ................ 503
        18.3.2 Computational Results .......................... 502
Appendix Common Notation Used in the Book (in Order of
Appearance) ................................................... 507
   References ................................................. 533
   Subject Index .............................................. 537

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