Neutron capture therapy: principles and applications (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаNeutron capture therapy: principles and applications / ed. by W.Sauerwein, A.Wittig, R.Moss, Y.Nakagawa. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2012. - ix, 553 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.543-553. - ISBN 978-3-642-31333-2

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Оглавление / Contents
1  Principles and Roots of Neutron Capture Therapy .............. 1
   Wolfgang A.G. Sauerwein

Part I  Neutron Sources
2  Fission Reactor-Based Irradiation Facilities for Neutron
   Capture Therapy ............................................. 19
   Otto K. Harling and Kent J. Riley
3  Accelerator-Based BNCT ...................................... 41
   Andres J. Kreiner
4  Compact Neutron Generator for BNCT .......................... 55
   Ka-Ngo Leung
5  Californium-252 as a Neutron Source for BNCT ................ 69
   Albert Miller

Part II Boron
6  Boron Chemistry ............................................. 77
   Luigi Panza and Davide Prosperi
7  Boron Compounds: New Candidates for Boron Carriers in BNCT .. 99
   Hiroyuki Nakamura and Mitsunori Kirihata
8  Drugs for BNCT: BSH and BPA ................................ 117
   Wolfgang A.G. Sauerwein, Pierre M. Bet, and Andrea Wittig

Part III  Analysis and Imaging
9  Boron Analysis and Boron Imaging in BNCT ................... 163
   Andrea Wittig and Wolfgang A.G. Sauerwein
10 Proteomic Investigations for Boron Neutron Capture 
   Therapy .................................................... 189
   Pier Luigi Mauri and Fabrizio Basilico
11 Analysis and Imaging: PET .................................. 201
   Tadashi Nariai and Kiichi Ishiwata
12 Boron Imaging: Localized Quantitative Detection and
   Imaging of Boron by Magnetic Resonance ..................... 213
   Peter Bendel
Part IV Physics
13 Physical Dosimetry and Spectral Characterization of
   Neutron Sources for Neutron Capture Therapy ................ 227
   David W. Nigg
14 The Clinical Commissioning of Beams for Neutron Capture
   Therapy .................................................... 259
   Per Munck af Rosenschöld
15 Prescribing, Recording and Reporting of BNCT ............... 277
   Jürgen Rassow and Wolfgang A.G. Sauerwein
16 Treatment Planning ......................................... 287
   W.S. Kiger III and Hiroaki Kumada
Part V Biology
17 Boron Neutron Capture Therapy: Application of
   Radiobiological Principles ................................. 329
   John W. Hopewell, Gerard M. Morris, Amanda E. Schwint, 
   and Jeffrey A. Coderre
18 Tolerance of Healthy Tissues and Ideal Radiation Dose on
   BNCT ....................................................... 359
   Yoshinobu Nakagawa and Teruyoshi Kageji
Part VI  Clinical Applications
19 Clinical Trials in BNCT: A Challenging Task ................ 369
   Andrea Wittig and Wolfgang A.G. Sauerwein
20 External Beam BNCT for Glioblastoma Multiforme ............. 377
   Tetsuya Yamamoto and Akira Matsumura
21 Clinical Results of Sodium Borocaptate (BSH)-Based
   Intraoperative Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (IO-BNCT) ..... 389
   Teruyoshi Kageji, Yoshinobu Nakagawa, and Hiroaki Kumada
22 Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for Malignant Meningiomas .... 399
   Shinji Kawabata and Shin-Ichi Miyatake
23 Feasibility for Intramedullary Spinal Glioma ............... 407
   Kei Nakai and Akira Matsumura
24 BNCT for Advanced or Recurrent Head and Neck Cancer ........ 417
   Terahito Aihara and Norimasa Morita
25 Studies on the Possible Application of BNCT to Thyroid
   Cancer ..................................................... 425
   Mario A. Pisarev, Maria A. Dagrosa, and Guillermo 
   J. Juvenal
26 Malignant Melanoma ......................................... 433
   Junichi Hiratsuka and Hiroshi Fukuda
27 Application of Neutron Capture Therapy for Locally
   Recurrent Breast Cancer .................................... 449
   Hironobu Yanagie
28 Liver Metastases ........................................... 461
   A. Zonta, L. Roveda, and S. Altieri
29 Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for Children with Malignant
   Brain Tumors ............................................... 505
   Yoshinobu Nakagawa and Teruyoshi Kageji
30 Prevention of Vascular Restenosis After Vascular 
   Angioplasty ................................................ 513
   Wataro Tsuruta, Tetsuya Yamamoto, and Akira Matsumura
31 Boron Neutron Capture Synovectomy .......................... 521
   Jacquelyn C. Yanch

Part VII Organizational Aspects and Management
32 Managerial Aspects of BNCT at a Nuclear Research Reactor ... 533
   Wolfgang A.G. Sauerwein and Ray Moss
Index ......................................................... 543

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