Methods in Enzymology; vol.505: Imaging and spectroscopic analysis of living cells: Live cell imaging of cellular elements and functions (San Diego; London, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаMethods in Enzymology. Vol.505: Imaging and spectroscopic analysis of living cells: Live cell imaging of cellular elements and functions / ed. by P.M.Conn. - San Diego; London: Academic Press; Elsevier, 2012. - xlix, 5232 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. and indexes. - ISBN 978-0-12-388448-0

Оглавление / Contents
Contributors ................................................. xiii
Preface ....................................................... xix
Volumes in Series ............................................. xxi

Section I. Organelles and Cellular Structure .................... 1

1  Monitoring Cytoskeletal Dynamics in Living Neurons Using
   Fluorescence Photoactivation ................................. 3
   Anne Gauthier-Kemper, Carina Weissmann, Hans-Jürgen
   Reyher, and Roland Brandt
   1  Introduction .............................................. 4
   2  Generation and Expression of PAGFP Fusion Constructs
      with Cytoskeletal Proteins ................................ 5
   3  Fluorescence Photoactivation, Live Cell Imaging, and
      Data Analysis ............................................ 12
   Acknowledgments ............................................. 20
   References .................................................. 20
2  Red/Far-Red Fluorescing DNA-Specific Anthraquinones for
   Nucl:Cyto Segmentation and Viability Reporting in Cell-
   Based Assays ................................................ 23
   Roy Edward
   1  Introduction ............................................. 24
   2  The Basic Requirement for Counterstaining ................ 25
   3  An Optimized Counterstain for GFP-Based Assays ........... 27
   4  Cellular Compartment Segmentation ........................ 28
   5  Labeling Cells in Live and Fixed End-Point Assays ........ 29
   6  Protocol for Differential Dual Nuclear/Cytoplasmic
      Counterstaining in Live Cells ............................ 31
   7  Protocols for Differential Dual Nuclear/Cytoplasmic
      Counterstaining in Fixed Cells ........................... 32
   8  Measuring Cellular DNA Content ........................... 33
   9  Protocol: DRAQ5TM DNA Content Measurement by Imaging ..... 34
   10 Protocol: Cell Enumeration in "In-Cell Westerns" (After
      Hannoush, 2008) .......................................... 36
   11 Further Augmentation of Compartment Segmentation ......... 37
   12 Cell Enumeration and Morphometries: Early Sentinels of
   In Vitro Toxicology ......................................... 37
   13 A Far-Red Viability Dye Derivative ....................... 39
   14 Protocols: Use of DRAQ7TM to Identify Membrane-
      Compromised Cells ........................................ 40
   15 Summary .................................................. 42
   Acknowledgment .............................................. 43
   References .................................................. 43
3  Methods to Measure Actin Treadmilling Rate in Dendritic
   Spines ...................................................... 47
   Mikko Koskinen, Enni Bertling, and Pirta Hotulainen
   1  Introduction ............................................. 48
   2  Methods .................................................. 51
   Acknowledgments ............................................. 57
   References .................................................. 57
4  Live-Cell Imaging of Clathrin Coats ......................... 59
   Comert Kural and Tom Kirchhausen
   1  Introduction ............................................. 60
   2  Dynamics of Clathrin Assembly ............................ 61
   3  Limits of Fluorescence Microscopy ........................ 62
   4  TIRF Microscopy .......................................... 63
   5  How to Optimize Your TIRF System ......................... 64
   6  Spinning-Disk Confocal Microscopy ........................ 65
   7  Spherical Aberration Correction Applied to Spinning-
      Disk Confocal Microscopy ................................. 66
   8  Getting Around the Diffraction Limit ..................... 67
   9  Use of 2D Spinning-Disk Confocal Microscope to Study
      Clathrin-Mediated Endocytosis at the Ventral and Dorsal
      Surfaces of a Cell ....................................... 69
   10 Use of TIRF Microscopy to Study Clathrin-Mediated
      Endocytosis .............................................. 70
   11 The Third Dimension ...................................... 71
   12 3D Tracking in Spinning-Disk Imaging ..................... 72
   13 Use of 3D Tracking to Monitor Clathrin-Mediated Entry
      of Reovirus Particles at the Apical Surface of
      Polarized Cells .......................................... 74
   14 Using the Optimum Pixel and Step Sizes in z-Stacks ....... 76
   15 Conclusion ............................................... 76
   Acknowledgments ............................................. 77
   References .................................................. 77
5  Imaging the Mitotic Spindle ................................. 81
   Paul S. Maddox, Anne-Marie Ladouceur, Rajesh Ranjan, Jonas
   Dorn, Hery Ratsima, Damien D'Amours, and Amy S. Maddox
   1  Introduction ............................................. 82
   2  Modern Light Microscopy .................................. 83
   3  Examples ................................................. 93
   4  Conclusions ............................................. 101
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 101
   References ................................................. 101
6  Modeling of Spatial Intracellular Signaling Events in
   Neurons .................................................... 105
   Wendy C. Wenderski and Susana R. Neves
   1  Introduction ............................................ 105
   2  Computational Modeling of Intracellular Signaling ....... 106
   3  Imaging Signaling Events in Striatal Neuronal Cultures .. 112
   4  Experimental Validation of Model Predictions ............ 121
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 121
   References ................................................. 121
7  Imaging Chromosome Dynamics in Meiosis in Plants ........... 125
   Moira J. Sheehan and Wojciech P. Pawіowski
   1  Introduction ............................................ 126
   2  Technical Considerations ................................ 128
   3  Protocols and Methods ................................... 134
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 141
   References ................................................. 141
8  Analyzing Lysosomes in Live Cells .......................... 145
   Paul R. Pryor
   1  Introduction ............................................ 145
   2  Visualizing Lysosomes ................................... 146
   3  Measuring Lysosomal Ions ................................ 152
   4  Delivery of Phagocytic Material to the Lysosome ......... 153
   5  Endocytosis of Membrane Probes to the Lysosome .......... 154
   References ................................................. 156
9  Detection and Quantification of Biomolecular Association
   in Living Cells using Single-Molecule Microscopy ........... 159
   Mario Brameshuber and Gerhard J. Schütz
   1  Movements and Interactions Drive Biomolecular Function .. 160
   2  The Concept: "Please Move to the Dark, so That We Can
      See You" ................................................ 162
   3  Proofing the Principle .................................. 164
   4  Some Examples ........................................... 166
   5  A User Guide to TOCCSL .................................. 176
   6  Analysis ................................................ 179
   7  Conclusions ............................................. 181
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 182
   References ................................................. 182
10 Visualizing Cardiac Ion Channel Trafficking Pathways ....... 187
   James W. Smyth and Robin M. Shaw
   1  Introduction ............................................ 188
   2  Introducing Recombinant DNA for Ectopic Expression of
      Fluorescent Ion Channel Fusion Proteins ................. 190
   3  Isolating De Novo Ion Channel Forward Trafficking ....... 191
   4  Recreating Cardiomyocyte-Like Membrane Subdomains in
      Model Cell Systems ...................................... 192
   5  Tools for Visualizing Forward Trafficking and Delivery
      of Ion Channels in Real Time ............................ 197
   6  Data Analysis ........................................... 201
   7  Concluding Remarks ...................................... 201
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 202
   References ................................................. 202
11 Live Cell Imaging of the Cytoskeleton ...................... 203
   Eve G. Stringham, Nancy Marcus-Gueret, Laura Ramsay, and
   Kristopher L. Schmidt
   1  Introduction ............................................ 204
   2  Live Imaging of MTs in Tissue Cultured Cells ............ 206
   3  Live Imaging of MTs in Whole Organisms .................. 209
   4  Live Imaging of Actin Filaments in C. elegans ........... 211
   References ................................................. 214
12 Fluorescence Single-Molecule Imaging of Actin Turnover
   and Regulatory Mechanisms .................................. 219
   Naoki Watanabe
   1  Introduction ............................................ 220
   2  Introducing a Low Density of Fluorescent Proteins in
      XTC Cells ............................................... 222
   3  Observation of XTC Cells Spreading on Poly-L-lysine
      (PLL)-coated Glass Coverslips ........................... 224
   4  Data Analysis ........................................... 229
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 232
   References ................................................. 232
13 Analysis of Cell Dispersion and Migration by Video-
   Microscopy ................................................. 233
   Bonnomet Arnaud, Terryn Christine, Cutrona Jérôme,
   Jonquet Antoine, Birembaut Philippe, and Zahm Jean-Marie
   1  Introduction ............................................ 234
   2  Video-Microscope ........................................ 235
   3  Model of Cell Dispersion ................................ 236
   4  Models of Cell Migration in Sheet ....................... 238
   5  Model of 3D Cell Migration .............................. 243
   6  Quantification .......................................... 245
   7  Conclusions ............................................. 252
   References ................................................. 252

Section II. Molecules and Ions ................................ 255
14 Real Time Qualitative and Quantitative GLUT4
   Translocation Assay ........................................ 257
   Maleppillil Vavachan Vijayakumar and Manoj Kumar Bhat
   1  Introduction ............................................ 258
   2  GLUT4 Translocation Assay ............................... 259
   3  Methods and Procedures .................................. 261
   4  Conclusions and Future Applications ..................... 270
   Acknowledgements ........................................... 270
   References ................................................. 270
15 Advanced Imaging of Cellular Signaling Events .............. 273
   Marek Cebecauer, Jana Humpolíčková, and Jerémie Rossy
   1  Introduction ............................................ 274
   2  Selection of Tools and Transfection of Cells ............ 275
   3  Imaging of Cell Signaling Events ........................ 276
   4  Data Analysis ........................................... 281
   5  Summary ................................................. 287
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 288
   References ................................................. 288
16 Dynamic Imaging of Homo-FRET in Live Cells by
   Fluorescence Anisotropy Microscopy ......................... 291
   Subhasri Ghosh, Suvrajit Saha, Debanjan Goswami, Sameera
   Bilgrami, and Satyajit Mayor
   1  Introduction ............................................ 292
   2  Theoretical Concepts .................................... 293
   3  Homo-FRET Measurements in an Imaging Modality:
      Practical Considerations ................................ 298
   4  Implementation of High-Resolution Steady-State
      Anisotropy Imaging Modalities ........................... 309
   5  Detecting Homo-FRET Using Time Resolved Anisotropy
      (TRA) Modalities ........................................ 319
   6  Prospects and Perspectives .............................. 325
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 325
   References ................................................. 325
17 Time-Resolved Luminescence Resonance Energy Transfer
   Imaging of Protein-Protein Interactions in Living Cells .... 329
   Harsha E. Rajapakse and Lawrence W. Miller
   1  Introduction ............................................ 330
   2  Lanthanide Protein Labels ............................... 332
   3  Transfection and Cellular Delivery of TMP-Lumi4 ......... 335
   4  Time-Resolved LRET Microscopy ........................... 338
   Acknowledgment ............................................. 344
   References ................................................. 344
18 Imaging of Corticosteroid Receptors in Live Cells .......... 347
   Mayumi Nishi
   1  Introduction ............................................ 348
   2  Time-Lapse Imaging of GR and MR in a Single Cell ........ 349
   3  Subcellular and Intranuclear Dynamics of GR and MR
      Examined by FRAP Analyses ............................... 354
   4  Interaction of Corticosteroid Receptors in the Nucleus .. 354
   5  Notes ................................................... 357
   Acknowledgment ............................................. 360
   References ................................................. 360
19 Investigating Second Messenger Signaling In Vivo ........... 363
   Rüdiger Rudolf, Mathias Hafner, and Marco Mongillo
   1  Introduction ............................................ 364
   2  Multimodal Imaging in Living Mouse Skeletal Muscle ...... 365
   3  Adaptations to Tissues Other Than Skeletal Muscle ....... 375
   4  Concluding Remarks ...................................... 380
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 380
   References ................................................. 380
20 Probes for Intracellular RNA Imaging in Live Cells ......... 383
   Philip J. Santangelo, Eric Alonas, Jeenah Jung, Aaron
   W. Lifland, and Chiara Zurla
   1  Introduction ............................................ 384
   2  Imaging RNA in Live Cells ............................... 385
   3  Limitations of Single-Label Probes and Molecular
      Beacons ................................................. 386
   4  Imaging Native, Nonengineered RNA in Live Cells with
      Single RNA Sensitivity Using Exogenous Probes ........... 389
   5  Tпrne-Lapse Imaging of Native, Nonengineered β-actin
      mRNA Granule Dynamics ................................... 394
   6  Imaging RNA-Protein Colocalization Using MTRIPs ......... 395
   7  Conclusions ............................................. 396
   References ................................................. 397
21 Imaging the Glycome in Living Systems ...................... 401
   Boyangzi Li, Feiyan Mock, and Peng Wu
   1  Introduction ............................................ 402
   2  Bioorthogonal Chemistry in Glycan Labeling: Merits and
      Limitations ............................................. 403
   3  Metabolic Labeling of Cell Surface Fucosylated Glycans
      in Zebrafish Embryos for Fluorescence Imaging ........... 406
   4  Labeling Cell Surface Glycans Bearing the LacNAc
      Disaccharide in Chinese Hamster Ovary(CHO) Cells for
      Fluorescence Imaging .................................... 412
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 416
   References ................................................. 416
22 Intracellular Magnesium Detection by Fluorescent
   Indicators ................................................. 421
   Valentina Trapani, Monika Schweigel-Röntgen, Achille
   Cittadini, and Federica I. Wolf
   1  Introduction ............................................ 422
   2  Fluorescent Indicators for Magnesium .................... 424
   3  Magnesium Detection in Live Cells by
      Spectrofluorimetry ...................................... 428
   4  Magnesium Detection in Live Cells by Microscopy ......... 434
   5  Future Perspectives ..................................... 441
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 442
   References ................................................. 442
23 Illuminating Mobile Zinc with Fluorescence: From Cuvettes
   to Live Cells and Tissues .................................. 445
   Zhen Huang and Stephen J. Lippard
   1  Introduction ............................................ 446
   2  A Guide to Fluorescent Zinc Probes ...................... 448
   3  Representative Procedure for Imaging Mobile Zinc in
      Live Cells .............................................. 457
   4  Imaging Endogenous Neuronal Zinc in Live Cells and
      Tissues ................................................. 462
   5  Concluding Remarks ...................................... 464
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 465
   References ................................................. 465
24 Quantitative Fluorescent Live Cell Imaging of
   Intracellular Ca2+ and H+ Ions in Malaria Parasites ........ 469
   Petra Rohrbach
   1  Introduction ............................................ 470
   2  Live Cell Imaging of Intact Malaria Parasites ........... 471
   3  Measuring Ion Homeostasis in P. falciparum Using
      Fluorescent	.............................................
   Indicators ................................................. 492
   Acknowledgment ............................................. 492
   References ................................................. 485

Author Index .................................................. 485
Subject Index.................................................. 511

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