Fridman A. Plasma chemistry (Cambridge, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаFridman A. Plasma chemistry. - Repr. of ed. 2008. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. - xlii, 978 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.915-961. - Ind.: p.963-978. - ISBN 978-1-107-68493-5

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Оглавление / Contents
Foreword .................................................... xxxix
Preface ....................................................... xli
1  Introduction to Theoretical and Applied Plasma Chemistry ..... I
   1.1  Plasma as the Fourth State of Matter .................... I
   1.2  Plasma in Nature and in the Laboratory .................. 2
   1.3  Plasma Temperatures: Thermal and Non-Thermal Plasmas .... 4
   1.4  Plasma Sources for Plasma Chemistry: Gas Discharges ..... 5
   1.5  Fundamentals of Plasma Chemistry: Major Components of
        Chemically Active Plasma and Mechanisms of Plasma-
        Chemical Processes ...................................... 8
   1.6  Applied Plasma Chemistry ................................ 9
   1.7  Plasma as a High-Tech Magic Wand of Modern Technology .. 10
2  Elementary Plasma-Chemical Reactions ........................ 12
   2.1  Ionization Processes ................................... 12
   2.2  Elementary Plasma-Chemical Reactions of Positive Ions .. 22
   2.3  Elementary Plasma-Chemical Reactions Involving
        Negative Ions .......................................... 31
   2.4  Electron Emission and Heterogeneous Ionization
        Processes .............................................. 42
   2.5  Excitation and Dissociation of Neutral Particles
        in Ionized Gases ....................................... 54
   2.6  Elementary Relaxation Processes of Energy Transfer
        Involving Vibrational, Rotationally, and
        Electronically Excited Molecules ....................... 67
   2.7  Elementary Chemical Reactions of Excited Molecules:
        Fridman-Macheret α-Model ............................... 79
3  Plasma-Chemical Kinetics, Thermodynamics, and
   Electrodynamics ............................................. 92
   3.1  Plasma Statistics and Thermodynamics, Chemical and
        Ionization Equilibrium, and the Saha Equation .......... 92
   3.2  Electron Energy Distribution Functions (EEDFs) in
        Non-Thermal Plasma .................................... 100
   3.3  Diffusion, Electric/Thermal Conductivity, and
        Radiation in Plasma ................................... 106
   3.4  Kinetics of Vibrational and Electronically Excited
        Molecules in Plasma: Effect of Hot Atoms .............. 114
   3.5  Vibrational Kinetics of Gas Mixtures, Chemical
        Reactions, and Relaxation Processes ................... 124
   3.6  Energy Balance and Energy Efficiency of Plasma-
        Chemical Processes .................................... 132
   3.7. Elements of Plasma Electrodynamics .................... 140
4  Electric Discharges in Plasma Chemistry .................... 157
   4.1  Fundamentals of Electric Breakdown, Streamer
        Processes, and Steady-State Regimes of Non-
        Equilibrium Electrical Discharges ..................... 157
   4.2  Glow Discharges ....................................... 175
   4.3  Arc Discharges ........................................ 187
   4.4  Radiofrequency and Microwave Discharges in Plasma
        Chemistry ............................................. 209
   4.5  Non-Thermal Atmospheric Pressure Discharges ........... 233
   4.6  Microdischarges ....................................... 247
5  Inorganic Gas-Phase Plasma Decomposition Processes ......... 259
   5.1  CO2: Dissociation in Plasma, Thermal, and Non-
        Thermal Mechanisms .................................... 259
   5.2  Physical Kinetics of CO2 Dissociation, Stimulated by
        Vibrational Excitation of the Molecules in Non-
        Equilibrium Plasma .................................... 268
   5.3  Vibrational Kinetics and Energy Balance of Plasma-
        Chemical CO2 Dissociation ............................. 276
   5.4  Energy Efficiency of CO2 Dissociation in Quasi-
        Equilibrium Plasma, and Non-Equilibrium Effects of
        Quenching Products of Thermal Dissociation ............ 288
   5.5  Experimental Investigations of CO2 Dissociation in
        Different Discharge Systems ........................... 293
   5.6  CO2 Dissociation in Special Experimental Systems,
        Including Supersonic Stimulation and Plasma
        Radiolysis ............................................ 304
   5.7  Complete CO2 Dissociation in Plasma with Production
        of Carbon and Oxygen .................................. 314
   5.8  Dissociation of Water Vapor and Hydrogen Production
        in Plasma-Chemical Systems ............................ 318
   5.9  Experimental Investigations of H2O Dissociation in
        Different Discharge Systems ........................... 331
   5.10 Inorganic Gas-Phase Plasma-Chemical Processes of
        Decomposition of Triatomic Molecules: NH3, SO2, and
        N20 ................................................... 336
   5.11 Non-Thermal and Thermal Plasma Dissociation of
        Diatomic Molecules .................................... 341
6  Gas-Phase Inorganic Synthesis in Plasma .................... 355
   6.1 Plasma-Chemical Synthesis of Nitrogen Oxides from Air
       and Nitrogen-Oxygen Mixtures: Thermal and Non-Thermal
       Mechanisms ............................................. 355
   6.2 Elementary Reaction of NO Synthesis Stimulated by
       Vibrational Excitation of Molecular Nitrogen ........... 361
   6.3 Kinetics and Energy Balance of Plasma-Chemical NO
       Synthesis Stimulated in Air and O2-N2 Mixtures by
       Vibrational Excitation ................................. 367
   6.4 Experimental Investigations of NO Synthesis from Air
       and N2-O2 Mixtures in Different Discharges ............. 374
   6.5 Plasma-Chemical Ozone Generation: Mechanisms and
       Kinetics ............................................... 382
   6.6 Experimental and Industrial Plasma-Chemical Ozone
       Generators ............................................. 392
   6.7 Synthesis of KrF2 and Other Aggressive Fluorine
       Oxidizers .............................................. 399
   6.8 Plasma-Chemical Synthesis of Hydrazine (N2H4),
       Ammonia (NH3), Nitrides of Phosphorus, and Some Other
       Inorganic Compounds .................................... 406
7  Plasma Synthesis, Treatment, and Processing of Inorganic
   Materials, and Plasma Metallurgy ........................... 417
   7.1  Plasma Reduction of Oxides of Metals and Other
        Elements .............................................. 417
   7.2  Production of Metals and Other Elements by
        Carbothermic Reduction and Direct Decomposition of
        Their Oxides in Thermal Plasma ........................ 429
   7.3  Hydrogen Plasma Reduction of Metals and Other
        Elements from Their Halides ........................... 440
   7.4  Direct Decomposition of Halides in Thermal and Non-
        Thermal Plasma ........................................ 448
   7.5  Plasma-Chemical Synthesis of Nitrides and Carbides
        of Inorganic Materials ................................ 472
   7.6  Plasma-Chemical Production of Inorganic Oxides by
        Thermal Decomposition of Minerals, Aqueous
        Solutions, and Conversion Processes ................... 477
   7.7  Plasma-Chemical Production of Hydrides, Borides,
        Carbonyls, and Other Compounds of Inorganic
        Materials ............................................. 488
   7.8  Plasma Cutting, Welding, Melting, and Other High-
        Temperature Inorganic Material Processing
        Technologies .......................................... 493
8  Plasma-Surface Processing of Inorganic Materials: Micro-
   and Nano-Technologies ...................................... 499
   8.1  Thermal Plasma Spraying ............................... 499
   8.2  Plasma-Chemical Etching: Mechanisms and Kinetics ...... 510
   8.3  Specific Plasma-Chemical Etching Processes ............ 523
   8.4  Plasma Cleaning of CVD and Etching Reactors in
        Micro-Electronics and Other Plasma Cleaning
        Processes ............................................. 531
   8.5  Plasma Deposition Processes: Plasma-Enhanced Chemical
        Vapor Deposition and Sputtering Deposition ............ 541
   8.6  Ion Implantation Processes: Ion-Beam Implantation and
        Plasma-Immersion Ion Implantation ..................... 551
   8.7  Microarc (Electrolytic-Spark) Oxidation Coating and
        Other Microdischarge Surface Processing Systems ....... 557
   8.8  Plasma Nanotechnologies: Nanoparticles and Dusty
        Plasmas ............................................... 566
   8.9  Plasma Nanotechnologies: Synthesis of Fullerenes and
        Carbon Nanotubes ...................................... 581
9  Organic and Polymer Plasma Chemistry ....................... 589
   9.1  Thermal Plasma Pyrolysis of Methane and Other
        Hydrocarbons: Production of Acetylene and Ethylene .... 589
   9.2  Conversion of Methane into Acetylene and Other
        Processes of Gas-Phase Conversion of Hydrocarbons in
        Non-Thermal Plasmas ................................... 598
   9.3  Plasma Synthesis and Conversion of Organic Nitrogen
        Compounds ............................................. 604
   9.4  Organic Plasma Chemistry of Chlorine and Fluorine
        Compounds ............................................. 611
   9.5  Plasma Synthesis of Aldehydes, Alcohols, Organic
        Acids, and Other Oxygen-Containing Organic Compounds .. 617
   9.6  Plasma-Chemical Polymerization of Hydrocarbons:
        Formation of Thin Polymer Films ....................... 622
   9.7  Interaction of Non-Thermal Plasma with Polymer
        Surfaces: Fundamentals of Plasma Modification of
        Polymers .............................................. 632
   9.8  Applications of Plasma Modification of Polymer
        Surfaces .............................................. 641
   9.9  Plasma Modification of Gas-Separating Polymer
        Membranes ............................................. 655
10 Plasma-Chemical Fuel Conversion and Hydrogen Production .... 676
   10.1 Plasma-Chemical Conversion of Methane, Ethane,
        Propane, and Natural Gas into Syngas (CO-H2) and
        Other Hydrogen-Rich Mixtures .......................... 676
   10.2 Plasma-Chemical Reforming of Liquid Fuels into
        Syngas (CO-H2): On-Board Generation of Hydrogen-Rich
        Gases for Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles ......... 692
   10.3 Combined Plasma-Catalytic Production of Hydrogen by
        Partial Oxidation of Hydrocarbon Fuels ................ 701
   10.4 Plasma-Chemical Conversion of Coal: Mechanisms,
        Kinetics, and Thermodynamics .......................... 707
   10.5 Thermal and Non-Thermal Plasma-Chemical Systems for
        Coal Conversion ....................................... 716
   10.6 Energy and Hydrogen Production from Hydrocarbons
        with Carbon Bonding in Solid Suboxides and without
        CO2 Emission .......................................... 732
   10.7 Hydrogen Sulfide Decomposition in Plasma with
        Production of Hydrogen and Sulfur: Technological
        Aspects of Plasma-Chemical Hydrogen Production ........ 738
11 Plasma Chemistry in Energy Systems and Environmental
   Control .................................................... 755
   11.1 Plasma Ignition and Stabilization of Flames ........... 755
   11.2 Mechanisms and Kinetics of Plasma-Stimulated
        Combustion ............................................ 770
   11.3 Ion and Plasma Thrusters .............................. 787
   11.4 Plasma Applications in High-Speed Aerodynamics ........ 792
   11.5 Magneto-Hydrodynamic Generators and Other Plasma
        Systems of Power Electronics .......................... 799
   11.6 Plasma Chemistry in Lasers and Light Sources .......... 804
   11.7 Non-Thermal Plasma in Environmental Control:
        Cleaning Exhaust Gas of SO2 and NOx ................... 817
   11.8 Non-Thermal Plasma Treatment of Volatile Organic
        Compound Emissions, and Some Other Plasma-
        Ecological Technologies ............................... 830
12 Plasma Biology and Plasma Medicine ......................... 848
   12.1 Non-Thermal Plasma Sterilization of Different
        Surfaces: Mechanisms of Plasma Sterilization .......... 848
   12.2 Effects of Atmospheric-Pressure Air Plasma on
        Bacteria and Cells: Direct Versus Indirect Treatment,
        Surface Versus In-Depth Treatment, and Apoptosis
        Versus Necrosis ....................................... 859
   12.3 Non-Thermal Plasma Sterilization of Air Streams:
        Kinetics of Plasma Inactivation of Biological Micro-
        Organisms ............................................. 866
   12.4 Plasma Cleaning and Sterilization of Water: Special
        Discharges in Liquid Water Applied for Its Cleaning
        and Sterilization ..................................... 874
   12.5 Plasma-Assisted Tissue Engineering .................... 882
   12.6 Animal and Human Living Tissue Sterilization .......... 888
   12.8 Plasma-Assisted Wound Healing and Tissue
        Regeneration .......................................... 896
   12.9 Non-Thermal Plasma Treatment of Skin Diseases ......... 906

References .................................................... 915
Index ......................................................... 963

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