Bersuker I.B. Electronic structure and properties of transition metal compounds: introduction to the theory (Hoboken, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBersuker I.B. Electronic structure and properties of transition metal compounds: introduction to the theory. - 2nd ed. - Hoboken: Wiley, 2010. - xxxvi, 759 p. - Incl. bibl. ref. and indexes. - ISBN 978-0-470-18023-5

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... xxi
Foreword to the First Edition ................................. xxv
Mathematical Symbols .........................................xxvii
Abbreviations .............................................. xxxiii
1  Introduction: Subject and Methods ............................ 1
   1.1  Objectives .............................................. 1
   1.2  Definitions of Chemical Bonding and Transition Metal
        Coordination System ..................................... 7
   1.3  The Schrddinger Equation ............................... 12
   Summary Notes ............................................... 15
   References .................................................. 16
2  Atomic States ............................................... 18
   2.1  One-Electron States .................................... 18
   2.2  Multielectron States: Energy Terms ..................... 35
   Summary Notes ............................................... 51
   Questions ................................................... 51
   Exercises and Problems ...................................... 52
   References .................................................. 52
3  Symmetry Ideas and Group-Theoretical Description ............ 54
   3.1  Symmetry Transformations and Matrices .................. 54
   3.2  Groups of Symmetry Transformations ..................... 60
   3.3  Representations of Groups and Matrices of
        Representations ........................................ 64
   3.4  Classification of Molecular Terms and Vibrations,
        Selection Rules, and Wigner-Eckart Theorem ............. 69
   3.5  Construction of Symmetrized Molecular Orbitals and
        Normal Vibrations ...................................... 74
   3.6  The Notion of Double Groups ............................ 81
4  Crystal Field Theory ........................................ 84
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 84
   4.2  Splitting of the Energy Levels of One d Electron in
        Ligand Fields .......................................... 86
   4.3  Several d Electrons .................................... 99
   4.4  ƒ-Electron Term Splitting ............................. 115
   4.5  Crystal Field Parameters and Extrastabilization
        Energy ................................................ 121
   4.6  Limits of Applicability of Crystal Field Theory ....... 126
   Summary Notes .............................................. 128
   Questions .................................................. 129
   Exercises and Problems ..................................... 129
   References ................................................. 130
5  Method of Molecular Orbitals and Related Approaches ........ 132
   5.1  Basic Ideas of the MO LCAO Method ..................... 133
   5.2  Charge Distribution and Bonding in the MO LCAO
        Method and the Case of Weak Covalency ................. 142
   5.3  Methods of Calculation of MO Energies and LCAO
        Coefficients .......................................... 154
   5.4  Semiquantitative Approaches ........................... 168
   5.5  Semiempirical Methods ................................. 187
   5.6  Fragmentary Calculations, Molecular Mechanics, and
        Combined Quantum/Classical (QM/MM) Modeling ........... 201
   5.7  General Comparison of Methods ......................... 224
   Summary Notes .............................................. 229
   Exercises and Problems ..................................... 230
   References ................................................. 231
6  Electronic Structure and Chemical Bonding .................. 238
   6.1  Classification of Chemical Bonds by Electronic
        Structure and Role of d and ƒ Electrons in
        Coordination Bonding .................................. 238
   6.2  Qualitative Aspects and Electronic Configurations ..... 246
   6.3  Ligand Bonding ........................................ 254
   Summary Notes .............................................. 315
   Exercises and Problems ..................................... 316
   References ................................................. 318
7  Electronic Control of Molecular Shapes and
   Transformations via Vibronic Coupling ...................... 324
   7.1  Molecular Vibrations .................................. 325
   7.2  Vibronic Coupling ..................................... 337
   7.3  The Jahn-Teller Effect ................................ 344
   7.4  Pseudo-Jahn-Teller Effect and the Two-Level
        Paradigm .............................................. 369
   Summary Notes .............................................. 388
   Exercises and Problems ..................................... 389
   References ................................................. 390
8  Electronic Structure Investigated by Physical Methods ...... 392
   8.1  Band Shapes of Electronic Spectra ..................... 393
   8.2  d-d, Charge Transfer, Infrared, and Raman Spectra ..... 405
   8.3  X-Ray and Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectra; EXAFS .... 426
   8.4  Magnetic Properties ................................... 443
   8.5  Gamma-Resonance Spectroscopy .......................... 472
   8.6  Electron Charge and Spin Density Distribution in
        Diffraction Methods ................................... 483
   Summary Notes .............................................. 495
   Exercises and Problems ..................................... 497
   References ................................................. 500
9  Stereochemistry and Crystal Chemistry ...................... 506
   9.1  Definitions. Semiclassical Approaches ................. 506
   9.2  Vibronic Effects in Stereochemistry ................... 519
   9.3  Mutual Influence of Ligands ........................... 544
   9.4  Crystal Stereochemistry ............................... 554
   Summary Notes .............................................. 572
   Exercises and Problems ..................................... 573
   References ................................................. 575
10 Electron Transfer, Redox Properties, and Electron-
   Conformational Effects ..................................... 579
   10.1 Electron Transfer and Charge Transfer by
        Coordination .......................................... 579
   10.2 Electron Transfer in Mixed-Valence Compounds .......... 591
   10.3 Electron-Conformational Effects in Biological
        Systems ............................................... 609
   Summary Notes .............................................. 618
   Exercises and Problems ..................................... 619
   References ................................................. 620
11 Reactivity and Catalytic Action ............................ 623
   11.1 Electronic Factors in Reactivity ...................... 623
   11.2 Electronic Control of Chemical Activation via
        Vibronic Coupling ..................................... 635
   11.3 Direct Computation of Energy Barriers of Chemical
        Reactions ............................................. 656
   Summary Notes .............................................. 686
   Questions and Problems ..................................... 687
   References ................................................. 689

Appendix 1. Tables of Characters of Irreducible
   Representations of Most Usable Symmetry Point Groups
   and Direct Products of Some Representations ...............  692
Appendix 2. General Expressions for the Matrix Element
   Vmm of Perturbation of the States of One d Electron
   in Crystal Fields of Arbitrary Symmetry .................... 697
Appendix 3. Calculation of the Destabilization and
   Splitting of the States of One d Electron in Crystal
   Fields of Different Symmetries ............................. 700
Appendix 4. Matrix Elements of Crystal Field Perturbation
   of a Two-Electron Term F(nd)2, V'ij = 1,2,..,7  
   Expressed by One-Electron Matrix Elements V'mm Given
   in Appendix 2 .............................................. 703
Appendix 5. Matrix Elements of Crystal Field Perturbation
   of ƒ Electron States ....................................... 705

Answers and Solutions ......................................... 707
Subject Index ................................................. 745
Formula Index ................................................. 753

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