Autor tekst cenzura: prace na Kongres Slawistow w Krakowie w roku 1998 (Warszawa, 1998). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAutor tekst cenzura: prace na Kongres Slawistów w Krakowie w roku 1998 / pod red. M.Prejsa, J.Pelc. - Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1998. - 291 s. - Ind.: s.281-291. - ISBN 83-230-9943-X

Оглавление / Contents
Janusz Pelc: AUTHOR - TEXT - CENSORSHIP. An Introduction ........ 5
Tadeusz Drewnowski: Censorship in the Polish People's Republic
   and Contemporary Editorship ................................. 13
Stanisław Siekierski: Underground Presses as a Result of
   Censorship in the Polish People's Republic? ................. 25
Zbigniew Jarosiński: The Corrected Versions .................... 39
Ulrike Jekutsch: "Strained Words" and "Aesopic Language" in
   the Stalinist Period. The Example of Nikolaj Zabolotsky ..... 55
Barbara Otwinowska: Prison Poetry .............................. 79
Paulina Buchwald-Pelcowa: Editions Corrupted - Editions
   Purified .................................................... 91
Krzysztof Mrowcewicz: Szarzyński Censored? Remarks for the
   Future Publisher of Mikołaj Sęp Szarzyński's Poems ......... 113
Radosław Grześkowiak: The Censor and the Poet. Circumstances
   of Kasper Twardowski's Print Debut ......................... 125
Renarda Ocieczek: Some Remarks on Early Censors in Poland ..... 139
Adam W. Jarosz: "Papirowi się zwirzać niebespieczno" (It's
   dangerous to confide in paper). On the Self-Censorship of
   Daniel Naborowski in His Letters to Janusz Radziwiłł and
   Krzysztof Radziwiłł ........................................ 153
Adam Karpiński: Between Manuscript and Print. Strategies of
   Disseminating Literary Works in the Second Half of the
   17th Century ............................................... 165
Krystyna Stasiewicz: Krasicki's Literary Adventure with
   Drużbacka .................................................. 183
Józef Szczepaniec: Censorship in Poland After May 3,1791 ...... 203
Zofia Stefanowska: Mickiewicz Censored. Problems of the
   Philologist-Editor ......................................... 233
Zbigniew Sudolski: On Censorship from the Perspective of an
   Editor of Romantic Literature .............................. 239
Maria Prussak: The Variants of Literary Works Preserved in
   the Archives of the Russian Censors ........................ 247
Stanisław Frybes: The Struggle of Lvov Satirists Againts
   Imperial Censorship ........................................ 255
Eugeniusz Czaplejewicz: Playing Censorship (Stempowski's
   Case) ...................................................... 267
Index of names ................................................ 281

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