Rosenfeld P.E. Risks of hazardous wastes (Oxford; Burlington, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаRosenfeld P.E. Risks of hazardous wastes / P.E.Rosenfeld, L.Feng. - Oxford; Burlington: William Andrew, 2011. - 454 p. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - Ind.: p.441-454. - ISBN 978-1-4377-7842-7

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ IV
About the Authors ............................................ XVII

1  Definition of Hazardous Waste ................................ 1
   1.1  The Environmental Protection Agency's Regulatory
        Definition .............................................. 1
        1.1.1  Characteristic Hazardous Waste ................... 2
        1.1.2  Listed Hazardous Waste ........................... 3
        1.1.3  Excluded Hazardous Waste ......................... 3
   1.2  Regulatory History of Hazardous Waste in the US ......... 4
        1.2.1  The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and
               Amendments ....................................... 4
        1.2.2  Superfund Legislation ............................ 5
        1.2.3  Other Hazardous Waste Regulations ................ 7
   1.3  Categories and Sources of Hazardous Waste ............... 7
        1.3.1  Nuclear Waste .................................... 7
        1.3.2  Industrial Waste ................................. 8
        1.3.3  'Universal' Waste ................................ 8
        1.3.4  Medical Waste .................................... 8
        1.3.5  Construction Waste ............................... 9
        1.3.6  Electronic Waste ................................. 9
   References ................................................... 9
2  The Biggest Generators of Hazardous Waste in the US ......... 11
   2.1  Federal Criteria for Regulation of Waste Generators .... 11
   2.2  National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Reports ......... 13
   2.3  The Chemical Industry .................................. 15
   2.4  Local Effects of Hazardous Waste Production: Case
        Studies of the Top 3 Hazardous Waste Generators and
        the Communities that House Them ........................ 16
        2.4.1  The Dow Chemical Company, Plaquemine Facility,
               Plaquemine, Louisiana ........................... 16
        2.4.2  Solutia Inc. and Alvin, Texas ................... 17
        2.4.3  Occidental Chemical Corporation and Hahnville,
               Louisiana ....................................... 18
   2.5  The United States Military and Other Federal
        Facilities ............................................. 18
        2.5.1  The Department of Defense as a Major
               Contributor ..................................... 18
        2.5.2  The Department of the Interior .................. 19
        2.5.3  The Department of Energy ........................ 19
   2.6   Unregulated Household Hazardous Waste ................. 20
   References .................................................. 20
3  The Chemical Industry ....................................... 23
   3.1  The Dow Chemical Company ............................... 23
        3.1.1  Superfund Sites ................................. 24
        3.1.2  Disaster in Bhopal, India ....................... 25
        3.1.3  Agent Orange Liabilities ........................ 25
        3.1.4  Chlorpyrifos .................................... 26
   3.2  E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Company ..................... 27
        3.2.1  Tetraethyl Lead ................................. 28
        3.2.2  Pompton Lakes, New Jersey ....................... 31
        3.2.3  Other Recent DuPont Transgressions: Teflon,
               Dioxins, and Safety Violations .................. 31
   3.3  Monsanto Company ....................................... 32
        3.3.1  Monsanto's Toxic PCB Legacy at Sauget,
               Illinois ........................................ 33
        3.3.2  Monsanto's (Solutia Inc.) Plant at Anniston,
               Alabama ......................................... 34
   3.4  Chemical Industry Hazardous Wastes ..................... 42
   Acknowledgment .............................................. 43
   References .................................................. 43
4  The United States Military .................................. 49
   4.1  Range and Scope of Military Hazardous Waste ............ 49
   4.2  Hazardous Waste from Domestic Manufacturing and Bases .. 50
   4.3  Dumping of Munitions in the Ocean ...................... 51
        4.3.1  History and Scope of Marine Munitions Disposal
               by the US Military .............................. 51
        4.3.2  The Effects of Dumping: Past Harms and Future
               Threats ......................................... 52
   4.4  Improper Disposal of Hazardous Waste in US Military
        Operations Abroad ...................................... 54
   References .................................................. 55
5  The Petroleum Industry ...................................... 57
   5.1  Overview, Emissions and Waste .......................... 57
        5.1.1  Overview ........................................ 57
        5.1.2  Emissions ....................................... 58
        5.1.3  Waste ........................................... 59
   5.2  Refinery Workers Studies ............................... 60
   5.3  The Baton Rouge Refinery: Cancer Alley ................. 61
   5.4  Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE) ..................... 62
   5.5  Oil Fields Across America and Damage Done .............. 62
        5.5.1  The Santa Maria Oil Sumps ....................... 63
        5.5.2  The Santa Barbara Oil Spill of 1969 ............. 63
        5.5.3  Exxon Valdez Oil Spill .......................... 64
   5.6  Citgo's Spill in Lake Charles and Criminal Charges ..... 65
        5.6.1  The Event ....................................... 65
        5.6.2  The Damage ...................................... 66
        5.6.3  The Consequences ................................ 67
   5.7  BP Oil Spill ........................................... 67
        5.7.1  The Incident .................................... 67
        5.7.2  Oil Dispersants ................................. 68
   Acknowledgment .............................................. 69
   References .................................................. 69
6  Coal-Fired Power Plants ..................................... 73
   6.1  Overview ............................................... 73
   6.2  Power Production, Emissions, and Waste ................. 74
        6.2.1  Production ...................................... 74
        6.2.2  Emissions ....................................... 74
        6.2.3  Waste ........................................... 75
   6.3  Environmental Health Impacts ........................... 75
        6.3.1  Acid Deposition ................................. 75
        6.3.2  Mercury ......................................... 76
        6.3.3  Climate Change .................................. 77
   6.4  Lawsuits and Regulations ............................... 77
        6.4.1  Violation of the Clean Air Act (CAA) ............ 77
        6.4.2  Current Efforts ................................. 78
   6.5  Control Technologies and Alternatives .................. 79
   References .................................................. 79
7  Iron, Steel, and Coke ....................................... 83
   7.1  Introduction ........................................... 83
   7.2  Steel Production ....................................... 84
        7.2.1  Cokemaking ...................................... 84
        7.2.2  Ironmaking ...................................... 85
        7.2.3  Steelmaking ..................................... 86
   7.3  Human Health Impacts ................................... 87
        7.3.1  Air Emissions ................................... 87
        7.3.2  Wastewater ...................................... 87
        7.3.3  Solid Wastes .................................... 88
   7.4  Standards and Regulations .............................. 88
        7.4.1  EPA NESHAP Standard ............................. 88
        7.4.2  OSHA Coke Oven Standard ......................... 89
        7.4.3  EPA Clean Water Act ............................. 89
        7.4.4  Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) ... 89
   7.5  Alabama By-Products Corp. (ABC) Coke Case Study ........ 91
        7.5.1  Background and Overview ......................... 91
        7.5.2  Pollution and Emissions ......................... 91
        7.5.3  Reported Data ................................... 92
        7.5.4  Health Cases .................................... 92
   7.6  Alternatives to Conventional Technology ................ 92
   References .................................................. 93
8  The Wood Treatment Industry ................................. 95
   8.1  Overview ............................................... 95
   8.2  Chemicals Involved in the Wood Preserving Industry ..... 96
        8.2.1  Chemical Emission Sources in the Wood
               Preserving Industry ............................. 96
        8.2.2  Chemicals Emitted in the Wood Preserving
               Industry ........................................ 96
        8.2.3  Overview of Select Chemicals .................... 96
   8.3  Associated Hazardous Waste Laws and Regulations ........ 99
   8.4  Case Study - Koppers Tie Treating Facility,
        Somerville, TX ......................................... 99
   8.5  Hazardous Waste Mitigation — Best Management
        Practices and Technologies in the Wood Preservation
        Industry .............................................. 100
   References ................................................. 101
9  The Paper and Pulp Industry ................................ 103
   9.1  Overview .............................................. 103
   9.2  Chemicals Involved in the Pulp and Paper Industry ..... 104
        9.2.1  Chemical Emission Sources in the Pulp and
               Paper Industry ................................. 104
        9.2.2  Chemicals Emitted in the Pulp and Paper
               Industry ....................................... 104
        9.2.3  Overview of Select Chemicals ................... 105
   9.3  Associated Hazardous Waste Laws and Regulations ....... 107
   9.4  Case Study — International Paper Facility,
        Prattville, AL ........................................ 108
   9.5  Hazardous Waste Mitigation — General Guidance on
        Pollution Prevention (P2) and Cleaner Production in
        the Pulp and Paper Industry ........................... 109
   References ................................................. 113
10 Nuclear Waste and Tritium Releases ......................... 115
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 115
   10.2 Types and Sources of Nuclear Waste .................... 116
        10.2.1 Radioactive Elements ........................... 116
        10.2.2 Low-Level Waste ................................ 117
        10.2.3 High-Level Waste ............................... 117
        10.2.4 Mill Tailings .................................. 118
   10.3 Management and Storage ................................ 118
        10.3.1 Our Nuclear Burden ............................. 118
        10.3.2 How Nuclear Waste is Stored Today .............. 119
        10.3.3 The Yucca Mountain Question .................... 120
   10.4 The Hazards of Nuclear Waste .......................... 120
        10.4.1 Human Health Hazard ............................ 120
        10.4.2 Case Studies ................................... 121
        10.4.3 Rocky Flats Plant .............................. 121
        10.4.4 Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant ............. 122
        10.4.5 The Hanford Site ............................... 123
   References ................................................. 124
11 Pesticides ................................................. 127
   11.1 Current Regulatory Framework .......................... 128
   11.2 Case Studies of Select Pesticides ..................... 129
        11.2.1 DDT ............................................ 129
        11.2.2 Agent Orange ................................... 130
        11.2.3 Chloropicrin ................................... 131
        11.2.4 Endosulfan ..................................... 131
        11.2.5 Propargite ..................................... 132
        11.2.6 Malathion ...................................... 132
   11.3 Worker Exposure to Pesticides ......................... 132
        11.3.1 DBCP Worker Case Studies ....................... 132
        11.3.2 California Cyfluthrin Case Study ............... 133
        11.3.3 Farm Worker Children ........................... 133
        11.3.4 Protecting Worker Safety ....................... 134
   11.4 Pesticides in Groundwater, Surface Water, and
        Drinking Water ........................................ 135
        11.4.1 Atrazine ....................................... 135
        11.4.2 Alachlor ....................................... 139
        11.4.3 Metolachlor .................................... 140
        11.4.4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane (TCP) ................... 142
        11.4.5 l,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane(DBCP) .............. 143
        11.4.6 Removal Technologies ........................... 144
   11.5 Conclusion ............................................ 145
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 145
   References ................................................. 145
12 Current Practices in Hazardous Waste Treatment and
   Disposal ................................................... 155
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 155
   12.2 Underground Injection ................................. 156
   12.2.1  Problems with Underground Injection ................ 157
   12.3 Aqueous Organic Treatment ............................. 158
   12.4 Incineration .......................................... 158
   12.5 Land Disposal ......................................... 159
        12.5.1 Love Canal ..................................... 160
        12.5.2 Methods of Land Disposal ....................... 161
        12.5.3 Human Health Effects of Land Disposal .......... 164
   Acknowledgment ............................................. 166
   References ................................................. 166
13 The Export of Hazardous Waste .............................. 169
   13.1 Overview, Main Drivers, and Types of Exported Waste ... 169
        13.1.1 Overview ....................................... 169
        13.1.2 Main Drivers Toward Awareness .................. 170
        13.1.3 Types of Waste and Toxic Trade ................. 171
   13.2 International Law and the Loophole .................... 173
        13.2.1 International Law, Regional Agreements, and
               Compliance ..................................... 173
        13.2.2 The Loophole: Recycling, Repair, and
               Reassembly ..................................... 175
   13.3 E-Waste - The New Export Challenge .................... 177
        13.3.1 Background of E-Waste Exports .................. 177
        13.3.2 Hazards of E-Waste Exports ..................... 178
   13.4 Recommendations and Conclusion ........................ 180
   Acknowledgment ............................................. 182
   References ................................................. 182
14 Introduction to Human Exposure, Toxicology, and Risk
   Assessment ................................................. 185
   14.1 Exposure Pathways ..................................... 185
        14.1.1 Soil, Water, Air, and Biota - Media ............ 186
        14.1.2 Inhalation, Ingestion, and Dermal Absorption ... 187
   14.2 Quantifying Exposure .................................. 189
        14.2.1 Point-of-Contact and Biological Monitoring ..... 189
        14.2.2 Exposure Scenarios ............................. 190
   14.3 Toxicity Assessment ................................... 192
   14.4 Estimating Risks ...................................... 193
        14.4.1 Non-Carcinogenic Effects ....................... 193
        14.4.2 Carcinogenic Effects ........................... 194
   14.5 Risk-Based Regulatory Levels .......................... 195
   14.6 Resources for Toxicity Information .................... 195
   14.7 Uncertainties in Risk Assessment ...................... 195
   References ................................................. 199
15 Bioaccumulation of Dioxins, PCBs, and PAHs ................. 201
   15.1 Overview of Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic
        Chemicals ............................................. 202
        15.1.1 Bioaccumulation, Bioconcentration, and
               Biomagnification ............................... 202
        15.1.2 Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic
               Chemicals ...................................... 203
        15.1.3 Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) ........... 203
   15.2 Dioxins ............................................... 203
        15.2.1 Overview ....................................... 203
        15.2.2 Sources and Exposure ........................... 204
        15.2.3 Health Effects ................................. 204
   15.3 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) ...................... 205
        15.3.1 Overview ....................................... 205
        15.3.2 Sources and Exposure ........................... 206
        15.3.3 Health Effects ................................. 206
        15.3.4 Regulation of PCBs ............................. 207
   15.4 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) ............... 207
        15.4.1 Overview ....................................... 207
        15.4.2 Sources and Exposure ........................... 208
        15.4.3 Health Effects ................................. 208
   15.5  Case Studies ......................................... 209
        15.5.1 Bioaccumulation of PCBs ........................ 209
        15.5.2 Bioaccumulation of POPs ........................ 209
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 210
   References ................................................. 210
16 Emerging Contaminants ...................................... 215
   16.1 Overview of Chemicals of Emerging Concern ............. 215
   16.2 Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products ............ 217
   16.3 Surfactants ........................................... 218
   16.4 Plasticizers .......................................... 218
   16.5 Fire Retardants ....................................... 218
   16.6 Biological Emerging Contaminants ...................... 219
   16.7 Odor as a Potential Health Issue ...................... 219
   16.8 Future Research ....................................... 220
   References ................................................. 221
17 Mercury, BPA, and Pesticides in Food ....................... 223
   17.1 Mercury ............................................... 224
        17.1.1 Mercury in the Environment ..................... 224
        17.1.2 Occurrence in Food ............................. 224
        17.1.3 Toxicity and Health Effects .................... 225
        17.1.4 Regulating Mercury Exposure .................... 226
        17.1.5 Limiting Mercury Exposure in the Diet .......... 227
   17.2 BisphenolA ............................................ 228
        17.2.1 Overview ....................................... 228
        17.2.2 Toxicity and Health Effects .................... 228
   17.3 Pesticide Residues .................................... 229
        17.3.1 Overview ....................................... 229
        17.3.2 Monitoring and Surveillance .................... 229
        17.3.3 The Dirty Dozen ................................ 231
        17.3.4 Exposure and Health Risks ...................... 231
   17.4 Dioxins, PCBs, and PAHs ............................... 232
   Acknowledgment ............................................. 232
   References ................................................. 232
18 Childhood Exposure to Environmental Toxins ................. 237
   18.1 What Makes Children Vulnerable ........................ 237
   18.2 Breastfeeding and Transfer of Organochlorine
        Compounds ............................................. 238
   18.3 Children in Agricultural Areas ........................ 239
   18.4 The Effects of Air Pollution on Children's
        Respiratory Health .................................... 239
   18.5 Childhood Cancers and the Link to Environmental
        Toxins ................................................ 240
   Acknowledgment ............................................. 241
   References ................................................. 241
19 Health Care Costs and Corporate Accountability ............. 245
   19.1 Corporate Accountability to Medicare and Medicaid
        for Health Care Costs ................................. 245
        19.1.1 Medicare Secondary Payer Act ................... 245
        19.1.2 Recovery Audit Contractor Program .............. 246
   19.2 Case Study - US Government Civil Suit Against
        Monsanto .............................................. 246
        19.2.1 Introduction to the Lawsuit .................... 246
        19.2.2 The Complaint .................................. 247
        19.2.3 Current Status of the Case ..................... 247
   Acknowledgment ............................................. 248
   References ................................................. 248
20 Health and Safety Standards ................................ 249
   20.1 Occupational Safety and Health Administration ......... 249
   20.2 National Institute for Occupational Safety and
        Health ................................................ 251
   20.3 American Conference for Government Industrial
        Hygienists ............................................ 253
   20.4 Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry ...... 253
   20.5 World Health Organization ............................. 254
   20.6 Environmental Protection Agency ....................... 254
   20.7 EPA Sector Notebooks .................................. 255
   References ................................................. 256
21 The Failures of Regulatory Agencies and Their
   Inefficiency in Introducing New Chemicals into Regulation .. 257
   21.1 Outdated OSHA Values are not Safe ..................... 257
   21.2 Problems with the EPA's IRIS .......................... 258
        21.2.1 Overview of the EPA's Integrated Risk
               Information System ............................. 258
        21.2.2 The Government Accountability Office's Issues
               with the EPA's IRIS ............................ 259
   21.3 Superfund Liability and Determination of Probable
        Responsible Parties ................................... 261
   21.4 Inadequacies within Hazardous Waste Legislation ....... 262
        21.4.1 Problems with the Toxic Substances Control
               Act ............................................ 262
        21.4.2 'Sham Recycling' and Problems with the RCRA's
               Definition of Solid Waste ...................... 264
   References ................................................. 266
22 Strategies for the Future - Waste Reduction and
   Recycling, Treatment Technologies, and Green Chemistry ..... 269
   22.1 Reduction and Recycling ............................... 269
        22.1.1 Source Reduction ............................... 270
        22.1.2 Recycling ...................................... 272
   22.2 New Treatment Technologies ............................ 273
        22.3  Green Chemistry ................................. 275
        22.3.1 Overview ....................................... 275
        22.3.2 Purpose and Principles ......................... 275
        22.3.3 Problems with the Toxic Substances Control
               Act of 1976 .................................... 276
        22.3.4 Creating More Effective Legislation: Learning
               from the European Union and Canada ............. 278
        22.3.5 Change is Brewing in the United States: EPA
               Transparency and Proposed Legislation .......... 278
        22.3.6 Fortifying the Validity of Green Chemistry -
               Market Drivers and the Economic Impacts ........ 279
        22.3.7 The Effect on Consumers ........................ 280
   22.3.8 Conclusion: Green Chemistry is Necessary ............ 281
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 282
   References ................................................. 282

   Appendix A: OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL) ......... 285
   Appendix B: OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL)
               Time-Weighted Averages ......................... 297
   Appendix C: OSHA Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health
               (IDLH) Values .................................. 299
   Appendix D: NIOSH Recommended Exposure Limits (REL) ........ 307
   Appendix E: NIOSH Immediately Dangerous to Life and
               Health (IDLH) Values ........................... 331
   Appendix F: ACGIH Threshold Limit Value (TLV) .............. 341
   Appendix G: ACGIH Immediately Dangerous to Life and
               Health (IDLH) Values ........................... 355
   Appendix H: ATSDR Minimal Risk Levels (MRLs) December
               2006 ........................................... 365
   Appendix I: WHO Air Quality Guidelines ..................... 379
   Appendix J: EPA Regional Screening Levels (RSLs) ........... 381
   Appendix K: Toxicity and Chemical-Specific Information ..... 407
   Appendix L: Industry Chemical Matrix ....................... 433

Index ......................................................... 441

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