Analysis of cosmetic products (Amsterdam; Oxford, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAnalysis of cosmetic products / ed. by A.Salvador, A.Chisvert. - Amsterdam; Oxford: Elsevier, 2007. - xvii, 487 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - Ind.: p.475-487. - ISBN 978-0-444-52260-3

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ ix
Foreword ....................................................... xi
Acknowledgements ............................................. xiii
List of Contributors ........................................... xv

PART ONE  General Concepts and Cosmetic Legislation ............. 1

1  General Concepts and Cosmetic Legislation .................... 3
   1.1  General Concepts. Current Legislation on Cosmetics in
        Different Countries
        L. Gagliardi and S. Dorato .............................. 3
   1.2  Quality Control of Cosmetic Products. Specific 
        Legislation on Ingredients
        B. Fernández de Córdova Manent and E.F. González
        Abellán ................................................ 29
PART TWO  Main Ingredients in Cosmetics. Analytical Methods 
for Monitoring and Quality Control ............................. 43

2  General Overview on Analytical Methods for Cosmetic 
   Ingredients ................................................. 45
   2.1  General Review of Official Methods of Analysis for 
        Cosmetics in Different Countries
        L. Gagliardi, D. De Orsi and S. Dorato ................. 45
   2.2  General Review of Published Analytical Methods for 
        A. Salvador, J.G. March, M.T. Vidal, A. Chisvert and
        A. Balaguer ............................................ 72
3  UV Filters in Sunscreens and other Cosmetics. Tanning and
   Whitening Agents. Analytical Methods ........................ 83
   3.1  UV Filters in Sunscreens and other Cosmetics. 
        Regulatory Aspects and Analytical Methods
        A. Chisvert and A. Salvador ............................ 83
   3.2  Monitoring and Quality Control of Sunscreen
        S. Scalia ............................................. 121
   3.3  Tanning and Whitening Agents in Cosmetics. 
        Regulatory Aspects and Analytical Methods   
        A. Chisvert, A. Balaguer and A. Salvador .............. 128
4  Colouring Agents in Decorative and other Cosmetics.
   Analytical Methods ......................................... 141
   4.1  Colouring Agents in Cosmetic Products (Excluding
        Hair Dyes): Types of Decorative Cosmetic Products
        B. Valet, M. Mayor, F. Fitoussi, R. Capellier,
        M. Dormoy and J. Ginestar ............................. 141
   4.2  Colouring Agents in Cosmetic Products (Excluding
        Hair Dyes): Regulatory Aspects and Analytical 
        A. Weisz, S.R. Milstein and A.L. Scher ................ 153
   4.3  Hair Dyes in Cosmetics. Regulatory Aspects and 
        Analytical Methods
        A. Chisvert, A. Cháfer and A. Salvador ................ 190
5  Preservatives in Cosmetics. Analytical Methods ............. 211
   5.1  Preservatives in Cosmetics. Regulatory Aspects and
        Analytical Methods
        S. Polati, F. Gosetti and M.C. Gennaro ................ 211
6  Perfumes in Cosmetics. Analytical Methods .................. 243
   6.1  Perfumes in Cosmetics. Regulatory Aspects and
        Analytical Methods for Fragrance Ingredients and 
        other Related Chemicals in Cosmetics
        A. Chisvert and A. Salvador ........................... 243
   6.2  Analytical Methods to Determine Potentially
        Allergenic Fragrance-Related Substances in Cosmetics
        A. Chaintreau ......................................... 257
   6.3  Electronic Noses in Perfume Analysis
        R.M. Negri ............................................ 276
7  Surfactants in Cosmetics. Analytical Methods ............... 291
   7.1  Determination of Surfactants in Cosmetics
        M.C. Prieto-Blanco, P. López-Mahía, S. Muniategui-
        Lorenzo and D. Prada Rodríguez ........................ 291
8  Actives for Skin-Care Products. Actives for Personal
   Hygiene and Other Toiletry Products. Actives with 
   Specific Claims. Analytical Methods ........................ 323
   8.1  General Skin-Care Products
        P. Cuadrado ........................................... 324
   8.2  Personal Hygiene. Other Toiletry Products (Excluding
        those Mentioned in Previous Chapters)
        M.T. Vidal Gandía, Z. León González, M. López 
        Nogueroles and G.A. March Roselló ..................... 328
   8.3  Actives for Hair Products (Excluding Hair Dyes)
        A. Salvador, A. Chisvert and C. del Canizo Gómez ...... 332
   8.4  Actives for Dental Whitening
        A. Torréns-Tomás and P. Montoro-Martínez .............. 340
   8.5  Botanical Extracts
        A. Benaiges and P. Guillén ............................ 345
   8.6  Vitamins
        C. Casas .............................................. 364
   8.7  Bioactive Ingredients in Cosmetics .................... 380
        I. Vivó-Sesé, M.D. Pla
   8.8  Analytical Methods for Actives used in General and 
        Specific Skin-Care, Personal Hygiene and other
        Toiletry Products (Excluding those Mentioned in 
        Previous Chapters)
        A. Balaguer, A. Chisvert, J. Sisternes, J.G. March
        and A. Salvador ....................................... 390
PART THREE  Safety and Efficacy Evaluation .................... 421

9  Alternative Methods to Animal Testing for Cosmetic 
   Products Evaluation ........................................ 423
   9.1  Safety Evaluation
        M. Herráez Dominguez and O. Diez Sales ................ 423
   9.2  Efficacy Evaluation
        A. del Pozo and A. Viscasillas ........................ 462
Subject Index ................................................. 475

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