Forschungsbericht; 2013-08 (Koln: DLR, Bibliotheks- und Informationswesen, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBraun M. Airline schedule planning for evaluating economic and climate impacts of future aircraft concepts / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Lufttransportsysteme, Hamburg. - Köln: DLR, Bibliotheks- und Informationswesen, 2013. - viii, 159 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.129-139. - (Forschungsbericht; 2013-08). - ISSN 1434-8454

Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Airline Schedule Planning ............................... 5
   1.2  Research Objectives .................................... 11
   1.3  Methodology ............................................ 13
2  Airline Economics ........................................... 17
   2.1  Scheduled Aviation Business Models ..................... 17
        2.1.1  Full Service Network ............................ 17
        2.1.2  Low-Cost ........................................ 19
   2.2  Market Demand and Fares ................................ 20
   2.3  Operating Costs ........................................ 24
   2.4  Airline Key Performance Indicators ..................... 27
   2.5  Profit Equation ........................................ 29
3  Network Design and Fleet Assignment ......................... 31
   3.1  Network Properties ..................................... 31
        3.1.1  Point-to-Point versus Hub-and-Spoke ............. 31
        3.1.2  Economies of Scale, Scope, and Density .......... 33
   3.2  Space-Time Network Modeling ............................ 34
   3.3  Schedule Optimization Methods .......................... 35
        3.3.1  Linear and Mixed-Integer Programming ............ 35
        3.3.2  The Simplex Algorithm ........................... 36
        3.3.3  Branching Methods ............................... 37
   3.4  Models for Network Design and Fleet Assignment ......... 39
        3.4.1  Hane's Fleet Assignment Model ................... 39
        3.4.2  Lohatepanont's Integrated Schedule Design
               and Fleet Assign-ment Model ..................... 42
4  Generic Schedule Planning Model for Evaluating Future
   Aircraft Concepts ........................................... 45
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 45
   4.2  Model Assumptions ...................................... 47
        4.2.1  Flight Scheduling ............................... 47
        4.2.2  Network Policy .................................. 49
        4.2.3  Fleet Planning Decisions ........................ 49
        4.2.4  Airport Capacity ................................ 50
        4.2.5  Market Competition .............................. 51
   4.3  Objective Function ..................................... 52
   4.4  Mathematical Program Formulation ....................... 53
        4.4.1  Parameters and Sets ............................. 54
        4.4.2  Decision Variables .............................. 55
        4.4.3  Model Equations ................................. 56
        4.4.4  Extended Model Equations ........................ 58
   4.5  Generation of Model Input Sets ......................... 59
        4.5.1  Candidate Flights ............................... 59
        4.5.2  Candidate Passenger Itineraries ................. 60
        4.5.3  Space-Time Networks ............................. 61
   4.6  Aggregation of Key Performance Indicators .............. 62
   4.7  Implementation ......................................... 62
        4.7.1  Decision Support System ......................... 63
        4.7.2  Model Solution .................................. 65
   4.8  Model Validation ....................................... 65
        4.8.1  Plausibility Analysis ........................... 66
        4.8.2  Comparison with Real World Data ................. 74
5  Inclusion of Climate Impact of Air Transport Emissions ...... 79
   5.1  Aviation Induced Climate Impact ........................ 80
   5.2  Extension of Network Design Cost Function .............. 82
        5.2.1  Balancing Economical and Clirnatological
               Costs ........................................... 83
        5.2.2  Cost Normalization .............................. 84
   5.3  Estimation of Route Climate Impact with AirClim ........ 85
6  Demonstration of Methodology ................................ 87
   6.1  Impact of Natural Laminar Flow Aircraft on Airline
        Network and Fleet Planning ............................. 88
        6.1.1  Experiment Design ............................... 90
        6.1.2  Results Low-Cost Fixed Schedule ................. 93
        6.1.3  Results Low-Cost Generic Schedule ............... 96
        6.1.4  Results Full-Service Fixed Schedule ............. 99
        6.1.5  Results Full Service Generic Schedule .......... 102
        6.1.6  Discussion of Results .......................... 105
   6.2  Outlook: Minimization of Airline Network Climate
        Impact ................................................ 109
        6.2.1  Experiment Design .............................. 109
        6.2.2  Results Based on Preliminary Climate Dataset ... 112
        6.2.3  Discussion of Methodology ...................... 116
7  Conclusions and Outlook .................................... 119
   7.1  Summary ............................................... 119
   7.2  Main Contributions .................................... 120
   7.3  Recommendations for Future Work ....................... 123

List of Abbreviations ......................................... 125
Appendix A .................................................... 127
Appendix В .................................................... 128
References .................................................... 129
Acknowledgements .............................................. 141

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