Foreword: Global change and river ecosystems—implications
for structure, function, and ecosystem services
S. Sabater, R.J. Stevenson ................................... 1
Understanding effects of global change on river ecosystems:
science to support policy in a changing world
R.J. Stevenson, S. Sabater ................................... 3
Biogeochemical implications of climate change for tropical
rivers and floodplains
S.K. Hamilton ............................................... 19
Dynamics of a benthic microbial community in a riverine
environment subject to hydrological fluctuations (Mulargia
River, Italy)
A. Zoppini, S. Amalfitano, S. Fazi, A. Puddu ................ 37
Global changes in pampean lowland streams (Argentina):
implications for biodiversity and functioning
A. Rodrigues Capftulo, N. Gomez, A. Giorgi, C. Feijoó ....... 53
Factors regulating epilithic biofilm carbon cycling and
release with nutrient enrichment in headwater streams
S.E. Ziegler, D.R. Lyon ..................................... 71
Periphyton biomass and ecological stoichiometry in streams
within an urban to rural land-use gradient
P.J. O'Brien, J.D. Wehr ..................................... 89
The physico-chemical habitat template for periphyton in
alpine glacial streams under a changing climate
U. Uehlinger, C.T. Robinson, M. Hieber, R. Zah ............. 107
The periphyton as a multimetric bioindicator for assessing
the impact of land use on rivers: an overview of the
Ardieres-Morcille experimental watershed (France)
B. Montuelle, U. Dorigo, A. Bérard, B. Volat, A. Bouchez,
A. Tlili, V. Gouy, S. Pesce ................................ 123
Discharge and the response of biofilms to metal exposure in
Mediterranean rivers
H. Guasch, G. Atli, B. Bonet, N. Corcoll, M. Leira,
A. Serra ................................................... 143
Effects of eutrophication on the interaction between algae
and grazers in an Andean stream
J.Ch. Donato-Rondón, S.J. Morales-Duarte,
M.I. Castro-Rebolledo ...................................... 159
Comparing fish assemblages and trophic ecology of permanent
and intermittent reaches in a Mediterranean stream
E. Mas-Martí, E. García-Berthou, S. Sabater,
S. Tomanova, I. Muñoz ...................................... 167
Global change and food webs in running waters
D.M. Perkins, J. Reiss, G. Yvon-Durocher, G. Woodward ...... 181
Effects of hydromorphological integrity on biodiversity and
functioning of river ecosystems
A. Elosegi, J. Díez, M. Mutz ............................... 199
Organic matter availability during pre- and post-drought
periods in a Mediterranean stream
I. Ylla, I. Sanpera-Calbet, E. Vázquez, A.M. Romaní,
I. Muñoz, A. Butturini, S. Sabater ......................... 217
Flow regime alteration effects on the organic С dynamics in
semiarid stream ecosystems
V. Acuña ................................................... 233
A multi-modeling approach to evaluating climate and land use
change impacts in a Great Lakes River Basin
M.J. Wiley, D.W. Hyndman, B.C. Pijanowski, A.D. Kendall,
C. Riseng, E.S. Rutherford, S.T. Cheng, M.L. Carlson,
J.A. Tyler, R.J. Stevenson, P.J. Steen, P.L. Richards,
P.W. Seelbach, J.M. Koches, R.R. Rediske
Implications of global change for the maintenance of water
quality and ecological integrity in the context of current
water laws and environmental policies
A.T. Hamilton, M.T. Barbour, B.G. Bierwagen ................ 263