Forschungsbericht; 2013-03 (Koln, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаKappel E. Process distortions in composite manufacturing: Diss. … Dr.-Ing. / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Faserverbundleichtbau und Adaptronik. - Köln: DLR, Bibliotheks- und Informationswesen, 2013. - xv, 191 p.: ill. - (Forschungsbericht; 2013-03). - Bibliogr.: p.181-187. - ISSN 1434-8454

Оглавление / Contents
List of Acronyms ............................................... ix
List of Symbols ................................................ xi
Introduction .................................................... 1
1  The Problem's Topicality and Relevance Nowadays .............. 3
   1.1  The Problem's Topicality ................................ 3
   1.2  Goals of the Thesis ..................................... 4
   1.3  Phenomena Spring-in and Warpage: A Definition ........... 7
   1.4  Relevance and Consequences of Manufacturing
        Deformations ........................................... 12
   1.5  Strategies to Counteract Process Distortions ........... 16
   1.6  Review of the Literature ............................... 18
   1.7  Essence and Cognitions of the Review ................... 24
2  Research Objectives and Thesis Outline ...................... 33
3  Characterization of the Warpage Phenomenon .................. 37
   3.1  Preliminary Remarks on Warpage Experiments ............. 37
   3.2  Effect of Tool Surface Coarseness on Warpage
        Deflections ............................................ 40
   3.3  Warpage Deflections of Flat Unidirectional Specimens ... 41
   3.4  Inspection of Laminate's Architecture by Means of
        Microsection Analysis .................................. 45
   3.5  Warpage Deflections of Flat MuJtiangle Specimens ....... 50
   3.6  Warpage of Curved Thin Specimens ....................... 51
   3.7  Cognitions from the Experimental Warpage
        Investigations ......................................... 52
4  Investigation of the Spring-In Phenomenon ................... 55
   4.1  Analytical Pre-examination of the Spring-in Effect ..... 55
   4.2  Preliminary Remarks on Experimental Investigations ..... 55
   4.3  Experimental Investigation on Spring-in Affecting
        Parameters ............................................. 68
   4.4  Statistical Analysis on obtained Spring-in Angles ...... 71
   4.5  Extended Radford Approach .............................. 80
   4.6  Experimental Quantification of Contributing Spring-In
        Fractions .............................................. 90
   4.7  Spring-in of Doubly Curved Areas and Nonlinear-Swept
        Profiles ............................................... 93
   4.8  Cognitions of the Spring-In Investigations ............. 97
5  Superposition of Distortion Mechanisms ...................... 99
   5.1  Process Distortions of an Integral Composite Box
        Structure ............................................. 102
   5.2  Evaluation of the Forced-interaction Effect ........... 106
   5.3  Cognitions from the investigation of the forced-
        interaction effect .................................... 114
   5.4  Numerical Analysis of T-Stiffener to Skin
        Connection ............................................ 114
6  A Semi-Numerical Prediction Approach ....................... 123
   6.1   Intention of the Model and its Area of Application ... 123
   6.2  Model Derivation for Warpage of Flat Laminates ........ 123
   6.3  Model Derivation for Spring-In of Single- and
        Double-Curved Sections ................................ 127
   6.4  Advanced Model Formulation ............................ 130
   6.5  Limitation and Transferability ........................ 131
7  Verification by Means of Numerical and Experimental
   Studies .................................................... 133
   7.1  Application and Extension of the Warpage Prediction
        Approach .............................................. 133
   7.2  Numerical Verification for Warpage of Curved
        Specimens ............................................. 135
   7.3  Compensation of C-profile Process Distortions ......... 137
   7.4  Spring-in Simulation for a Curved L-profile ........... 141
   7.5  Spring-in of Curvature-Changing Structures ............ 144
   7.6  Verification of the T-joint Tool by Experimental
        Means ................................................. 149
   7.7  Prediction of Process Distortions for the Integral
        CFRP Box Structure .................................... 150
   7.8  Consequences of Process Scattering on Box
        Distortions ........................................... 157
   7.9  Process Distortions of a Highly Integrated CFRP 
        Upper-Wing Cover ...................................... 159
   7.10 Feasibility of the Tool-Compensation Approach ......... 165
8  Conclusions and Outlook .................................... 169

Appendix ...................................................... 173
   A  Verification of the Advanced Model Formulation .......... 173
   В  Experimental Study on Interply Slippage ................. 175
   С  Spring-in Prediction Tool in MATLAB ..................... 176
   D  Shrinkage - isotropic, anisotropic ...................... 178
Bibliography .................................................. 181
Own Publications .............................................. 187
Curriculum Vitae .............................................. 190

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