Yee Y.H. The role of solvent ligated metal complexes associated with weakly coordinating anions (WCAs) in the polymerization of isobutylene: Diss. … Dr. rer. nat. (Dresden, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаYee Y.H. The role of solvent ligated metal complexes associated with weakly coordinating anions (WCAs) in the polymerization of isobutylene: Diss. … Dr. rer. nat. - Dresden: Techn. Univ. Dresden, 2012. - iii, 209 p.: ill.

Оглавление / Contents
1  INTRODUCTION ................................................. 5
2  THEORETICAL PART ............................................. 7
   2.1  Polyisobutylene: Industrial applications and
        importance .............................................. 7
        2.1.1  Different classes of industrial polyisobutylene:
        Their applications and industrial manufacturing ......... 8
   2.2  Polyisobutylene: Its properties and structures ......... 13
   2.3  Isobutylene: Cationic polymerization ................... 14
        2.3.1  Initiator systems: Their terminology and
               definitions ..................................... 15
        2.3.2  Conventional/uncontrolled versus living/
               controlled cationic polymerization and the
               spectrum of ionicities of active species ........ 16
        2.3.3  Conventional cationic polymerization: Its
               chemistry and mechanistic aspects ............... 18
        2.3.4  Controlled and living cationic polymerization:
               Its chemistry and mechanistic aspects ........... 21
   2.4  Double bond terminated polyisobutylene: Its
        advantages and approaches .............................. 25
        2.4.1  Monofunctional or bifunctional exo terminated
               PIB via controlled cationic polymerization
               (multisteps) .................................... 25
        2.4.2  End quenching of quasiliving polymerization ..... 26
        2.4.3  Room temperature polymerization with alkyl zinc
               chloride and alkyl halides ...................... 28
        2.4.4  AlCl3 based initiator system with added
               electron donors ................................. 29
        2.4.5  FeCl3 based initiator system with added electron
               donors .......................................... 30
        2.4.6  Cationic polymerization using heteropolyacid
               salt catalysts .................................. 31
   2.5  Weakly Coordinating Anions (WCAs) ...................... 32
        2.5.1  Definition and the properties of WCAs: The
               candidates ...................................... 32
        2.5.2  The applications of WCAs and their
               implications .................................... 32
   2.6  The application of the WCAs in isobutylene
        polymerization ......................................... 33
        2.6.1  Metallocene based and related complexes ......... 33
        2.6.2  Non metallocene-based initiator ................. 36
   2.7  Other related systems or developments in the
        polymerization of isobutylene .......................... 38
   2.8  Solvent Ligated Metal Complexes associated with WCA .... 39
        2.8.1  Background: The developments and progress of
               the application of the transition metal
               complexes ....................................... 39
        2.8.2  The complexes associated with the
               perfluoroborate WCAs or [borate WCAs]: Their
               applications In the polymerization of
               isobutylene ..................................... 42
        2.8.3  The complexes associated with the
               perfluoroalkoxyaluminates WCA or [aluminate
               WCAs] ........................................... 45
   2.9  The immobilization of the complexes on support ......... 46
        2.9.1  Immobilization via cation coordination .......... 46
        2.9.2  Immobilization via anion coordination ........... 47
3  THE AIMS OF THE WORK ........................................ 48
4  RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ..................................... 51
   4.1  Complexes and complexes intermediates used ............. 51
        4.1.1  Perfluoroborate WCAs or [borate WCAs] based
               complexes utilized .............................. 51
        4.1.2  Perfluoroalkoxyaluminates WCAs or [aluminate
               WCAs] complexes utilized ........................ 53
   4.2  The screening of the complexes for the
        homopolymerization of isobutylene at 30°C .............. 55
        4.2.1  Perfluoroborate WCAs or [borate WCA] complexes
               screened ........................................ 57
        4.2.2  Perfluoroalkoxyaluminates WCAs or [aluminate
               WCA] complex screened ........................... 68
   4.3  The detailed study of the perfluoroalkoxyaluminates
        WCAs [aluminate WCAs] for the polymerization of
        isobutylene ............................................ 71
        4.3.1  Effect of the concentration of the complexes .... 71
        4.3.2  Time dependence investigation ................... 75
        4.3.3  Effect of the solvent used ...................... 76
        4.3.4  Effect of the monomer concentration (All
               Monomer In - AMI) ............................... 79
        4.3.5  Incremental monomer addition (IMA) .............. 80
        4.3.6  Near neat isobutylene ........................... 81
        4.3.7  Usage of proton trap (2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-
               methylpyridine) ................................. 81
        4.3.8  Effect of the addition of additives ............. 82
        4.3.9  The Online HNMR testing: Temperature
               dependence ...................................... 96
        4.3.10 Autoclave Polymerization ........................ 98
        4.3.11 Summary of the work conducted with the
               aluminate based WCAs and comparison with the
               borate-WCAs analogues ........................... 98
   4.4  Detailed study of the non-metal containing complexes
        associated with WCAs [borate WCAs] for the
        polymerization of isobutylene ......................... 102
        4.4.1  Application of the acid complex in the
               homopolymerization of isobutylene .............. 102
        4.4.2  Application of the triphenylmethyl complex in
               the homopolymerization of isobutylene .......... 108
        4.4.3  Summary for the work with non-metal
               containing complexes associated with WCAs
               [borate WCAs] for the polymerization of
               isobutylene .................................... 118
   4.5  Polymerization mechanism examination and
        determination ......................................... 119
        4.5.1  The various mechanisms postulated .............. 119
        4.5.2  The isomerization of the terminal end groups ... 124
        4.5.3  The possible roles of the WCAs ................. 130
        4.5.4  The possible role of protons ................... 142
        4.5.5  The possible role of the metal complexes and
               its ligands .................................... 156
        4.5.6  Summary of the mechanistic work conducted and
               the possible mechanism determined .............. 160
   4.6  The immobilization of the metal ligated metal
        complexes by using SAN as polymeric ligands ........... 169
        4.6.1  The synthesis of the polymeric ligands - SAN
               copolymer ...................................... 169
        4.6.2  The proposed approaches and protocols for
               grafting ....................................... 170
        4.6.3  The interaction between the SAN copolymers
               with [Mn(NCCH3)6] [B(C6H3(CF3)2)4]2, or
               (SAN-MnAN2) via the readily synthesized metal
               complexes route ................................ 173
        4.6.4  The interaction between the SAN copolymers
               with copper (II) complexes (SAN-Cu) ............ 176
        4.6.5  The influence of SAN copolymer to the
               polymerization system .......................... 179
        4.6.6  The polymerization trial run with the grafted
               SAN 002 ........................................ 180
        4.6.7  Summary of the work conducted with
               poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) or SAN
               copolymers as polymeric ligands ................ 181
   4.7  Calorimetric study of the polymerization of
        isobutylene at elevated temperature ................... 184
        4.7.1  The application of [H(OCH2CH3)2][B(C6F5)4] ..... 184
        4.7.2  The application of [Cu(NCC6H5)6][B(C6F5)4]2 .... 187
        4.7.3  Summary of the calorimetric studies of the
               polymerization of isobutylene at elevated
               temperature .................................... 189
5  SUMMARY .................................................... 190
6  EXPERIMENTAL PART .......................................... 198
   6.1  Methods and materials ................................. 198
        6.1.1  Polymerization methods for isobutylene
               polymerization ................................. 198
        6.1.2  Mechanistic studies via online NMR
               spectroscopy ................................... 199
        6.1.3  Synthesis of the poly(styrene-co-
               acrylonitrile) or SAN copolymers ............... 200
   6.2  Analytical methods and measurements ................... 201
        6.2.1  Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
               spectroscopy ................................... 201
        6.2.2  Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) ............ 201
        6.2.3  Gas Chromatography (GC) ........................ 201
        6.2.4  Infrared (IR) spectroscopy ..................... 201
        6.2.5  Microelemental analysis ........................ 201
   6.3  The list of the complexes tested for the
        homopolymerization of isobutylene ..................... 202
        6.3.1  The complexes associated with the
               perfluoroborate and perfluoroalkoxyaluminates
               WCAs ........................................... 202
        6.3.2  The immobilized complexes ...................... 202
7  REFERENCE .................................................. 203


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