Vasilj A. Label-free quantitative mass spectrometry for proteomics: Diss. … Dr. rer. nat. (Dresden, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаVasilj A. Label-free quantitative mass spectrometry for proteomics: Diss. … Dr. rer. nat. - Dresden: Techn. Univ. Dresden, 2012. - viii, 87 p.: ill., graph. - Bibliogr.: p.78-86.

Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Aim ..................................................... 2
   1.2  Structure of thesis ..................................... 2
2  Proteomics background ........................................ 4
   2.1  Quantitative proteomics within current biology .......... 4
   2.2  Quantitative techniques orthogonal to mass
        spectrometry ............................................ 6
        2.2.1  Gel electrophoresis .............................. 6
        2.2.2  Western blots .................................... 7
   2.3  Sample preparation prior to mass spectrometry ........... 7
        2.3.1  Protein separation using sodium dodecyl sulfate
               Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) .... 7
        2.3.2  Peptide separation using reversed phase liquid
               chromatography ................................... 8
   2.4  Mass spectrometry of peptides ........................... 9
        2.4.1  Orbitrap mass spectrometer ....................... 9
        2.4.2  Data-dependent acquisition ...................... 10
        2.4.3  Fragmentation of peptides ....................... 11
        2.4.4  Peptide identification from fragment spectra .... 12
   2.5  Quantitative mass spectrometry ......................... 12
        2.5.1  Quantification based on stable isotopic
               labelled peptides ............................... 13
       Heavy oxygen labelling of peptides
                        upon enzymatic cleavage ................ 13
       Chemical labelling using ICAT .......... 14
       Chemical labelling using iTRAQ ......... 14
       Stable isotopic labelling by amino
                        acids in cell culture (SILAC) .......... 15
       Absolute quantification of proteins
                        (AQUA) ................................. 16
       Absolute quantification of proteins
                        using QCAT ............................. 16
       2.5.2  Label-free quantification ........................ 17
      Definition of a quantitative
                       "feature" ............................... 17
      General label-free quantification work
                       flow .................................... 19
      SuperHirn ............................... 20
      Remaining challenges .................... 21
3  The label-free pipeline ..................................... 23
   3.1  Overview of processing steps ........................... 23
   3.2  Algorithmic improvements ............................... 24
        3.2.1  Loading of pep.xml files into SuperHirn ......... 24
        3.2.2  Improving SuperHirn's feature alignment ......... 25
        3.2.3  Annotation of quantitative features with
               peptide identifications ......................... 28
        3.2.4  Improving SuperHirn memory management ........... 28
        3.2.5  Improving SuperHirn usability ................... 29
   3.3  Statistical procedures ................................. 30
        3.3.1  False discovery rate (FDR) of peptide
               identification .................................. 30
        3.3.2  Data normalization .............................. 31
       Normalization to standard peptides ..... 31
       Log transformation ..................... 32
       Central tendency normalization ......... 33
        3.3.3  Evaluation of protein-level quantitative
               changes ......................................... 33
4  Assessing label-free quantification performance ............. 36
   4.1  Model mixtures of standard proteins .................... 36
   4.2  Assessing the platform capabilities .................... 37
        4.2.1  Linear dynamic range ............................ 37
        4.2.2  Duplicate reproducibility ....................... 37
   4.3  From quantifying peptides to quantifying proteins ...... 39
   4.4  Testing the effects of varying LC gradient lengths ..... 40
   4.5  Performance comparison of label-free software
        programs ............................................... 42
        4.5.1  Software usability .............................. 42
        4.5.2  Result quality .................................. 43
5  Biological applications ..................................... 46
   5.1  Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene knockout in Mus
        musculus liver ......................................... 46
        5.1.1  Introduction .................................... 46
        5.1.2  Proteomic results overview ...................... 47
        5.1.3  Biological validation of label-free
               quantification pipeline ......................... 47
        5.1.4  Comparing label-free quantification with 2D
               gel electrophoresis ............................. 48
        5.1.5  Perturbation of energy metabolism in APC-KO
               mice ............................................ 49
   5.2  Dehydration survival of dauer state Caenorhabditis
        elegans ................................................ 51
        5.2.1  Introduction .................................... 51
        5.2.2  Desiccation of worms for proteomic analysis ..... 52
        5.2.3  Proteomic results ............................... 53
   5.3  Somitogenesis in Danio Rerio ........................... 56
        5.3.1  Introduction .................................... 56
        5.3.2  Preparation of zebrafish embryos for mass
               spectrometry .................................... 56
        5.3.3  Proteomic results ............................... 57
6  Perspectives for quantitative inference ..................... 65
   6.1  Theoretical design ..................................... 65
   6.2  Inference of zebrafish somitogenesis proteins .......... 67
7  Concluding remarks .......................................... 68
   7.1  Conclusions ............................................ 68
   7.2  Future directions ...................................... 69
8  Materials and methods ....................................... 70
   8.1  Reagents ............................................... 70
   8.2  Peptide and protein standards .......................... 70
   8.3  Preparation of standard protein model protein
        mixtures ............................................... 71
   8.4  Preparation of zebrafish samples ....................... 71
   8.5  Preparation of Mouse brain samples ..................... 71
   8.6  Preparation of APC knockout mice ....................... 71
   8.7  Extraction and gel separation of APC-KO mouse
        proteins ............................................... 72
   8.8  Preparation of C. elegans samples ...................... 72
   8.9  LC-MS/MS analyses ...................................... 72
   8.10 Data processing ........................................ 73

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