Annual report. 2012 (Chiba, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAnnual report. 2012 / Inst. of developing economies. - Chiba: IDE-JETRO, 2012. - 70 p.: ill. - ISBN 978-90-5948-3

Оглавление / Contents
I    FY2011 Research Policy (Activity Policy) of the Institute
     of Developing Economies .................................... 5

II   Review of Research Projects

Policy Proposal Research
1  The Construction of an Asian Research Network (subsidized)
   (1) Study on the Industrial Readjustment in the Mekong 
       River Basin Countries: Towards the AEC by 2015 ........... 8
   (2) A study on Cross-border Trade Facilitation and Regional
       Development along Economic Corridors ..................... 8
   (3) Causes and Consequences of Firms' FTA Utilization in
       East Asia ................................................ 9
2  ERIA/IDE-JETRO/UNIDO Joint Research Project .................. 9
   (1) Impact of Product-related Environmental Regulations
       through Supply Chains .................................... 9
   (2) Creating Green Demand: As Empirical Industrial 
       Approach to the Proliferation of Energy-efficient 
       Appliances in ........................................... 10
   (3) Development of Green Industries in the Asian Region:
       The necessary factors and what policies can do .......... 10
3  CJK (China, Japan, Korea) Joint Research Project ............ 10
4  Upgrading of the Guangdong Economy and Challenges for
   Japan-China Economic Cooperation ............................ 11

5  Study on Possible Pathways to FTAAP (Free Trade Area of
   Asia-Pacific) ............................................... 11
6  Investment Promotion Program for Africa ..................... 11
7  Economic Partnership and the Business Environment between
   Japan, China and Korea ...................................... 12
8  Prospects for Building Peace in the Middle East and South
   Asia ........................................................ 12
9  The Rise of China and India and the Implication for East
   Asia ........................................................ 13

Analytical Research Contributing to Policy Proposals

[1] Policy Issue Research
    1  How Chinese Industry Have Developed: Cross-sectional
       Analysis of the Development Process ..................... 13
    2  Social Transformation in Post-Transition South Africa ... 14
    3  The Linkage between Agriculture and Industry in India ... 14
    4  Regional and Class Disparities in India: Future 
       Direction for the Poorest State of Bihar ................ 14
    5  Islam and Political Dissent: Studies and Comparison 
       from Asia and the Middle East ........................... 15
    6  East Asia Integration and Its Theoretical Basis ......... 15
    7  The Regional Financial Cooperation in Asia Revisited:
       Progress and Issues ..................................... 16
    8  The Impact of Micro-Credit Repayment Rules on Seasonal
       Migration and Loan Repayment during the Agricultural
       Lean Season-A Randomised Experiment in Bangladesh ....... 16
    9  Coexistence with the Aging Society in Developing 
       Economies ............................................... 16
    10 Internally Valid Microeconometric Development
       Analysis ................................................ 17
    11 Economic Integration and Recycling in Asia .............. 17
    12 Reform of Local Governance for Environmental 
       Conservation and Restoration of Rivers and Lake Basins
       in China ................................................ 17
    13 International Comparison of Environmental Policy
       Development from a Historical Viewpoint ................. 18
    14 The Judges in Judicializing Asia ........................ 18
    15 The Law and Migration Policies in East Asia ............. 18
    16 Trade and Environment Issue from the Perspective of 
       Developing Countries .................................... 19
[2] Regular Analytical Research Projects
    1  Analysis of Current Affairs in Asia ..................... 19
    2  Compilation and Use of the 2005 International 
       Input-Output Table (III) ................................ 20
    3  The Frontier of International Input-Output Analyses ..... 20
    4  Compilation and Application of Trade Indices IV: 
       Feature of Long-Term Trade .............................. 20
    5  Econometric Modeling of Asia For Long-term Evaluation
       (EMALE) ................................................. 21
6  Compilation and Analysis of Geo-Economic Datasets for East
   Asia ........................................................ 21

[3] Spot Research Projects
    1  The 9th Congress of Lao People's Revolutionary Party
       and Its Development Strategies .......................... 21
    2  The Choice of Vietnam: The path toward becoming an 
       industrialized country by 2020 .......................... 22
    3  Taiwan's 2012 Presidential Election and its Impacts ..... 22
    4  "The Arabs Spring" and the Arabian Peninsula in the 
       Future .................................................. 22
    5  The 13th General Election in Malaysia: Issue outcomes
       and implications ........................................ 23

[4] Collaboration Research Projects
    1  WTO-IDE Joint Research "Trade in Value-added: A New
       Perspective of International Trade" ..................... 23
    2  Fukuoka Prefecture-IDE Joint Research "Trends in New
       Energy Policies in East Asia and Promotion of New Energy
       Industries in Fukuoka Prefecture" ....................... 24

Basic/Comprehensive Research
1  The Rise of Multinational Corporation from the Middle 
   East ........................................................ 24
2  Comparative Studies on Political Institute in Southeast
   Asia ........................................................ 24
3  The Change in the Social Contract in Egypt .................. 25
4  Political Participation by "the Excluded" in Latin 
   America ..................................................... 25
5  Social Welfare and Governmentality in Emerging Countries .... 25
6  Dealing with Differences: The Politics of Tolerance in
   Developing Countries ........................................ 26
7  Political, Economic and Social Issues in Latin America ...... 26
8  Basic Income in the Emerging Countries: Theories and 
   Discussions ................................................. 26
9  Rural Development in Vietnam: Transformation of the Rural
   Economy under Rapid Economic Growth ......................... 27
10 Dynamics of the Garment Industry in Low-income Countries 
   following the MFA Phase-out ................................. 27
11 Business Management of and Information Gathering on 
   Textile and Apparel Enterprises in Middle Eastern 
   Countries ................................................... 27
12 Costa Rica: Latin America's Small Dragon, or the Region's 
   Unique Social Democracy? .................................... 28
13 Comparative Studies on the Organizational Capabilities of
   Rural Asian Societies ....................................... 28
14 Conflict and Reconciliation in Africa and the Middle East ... 29
15 Economic Policies and Economic Structures of Transition
   Economies in Southeast Asia: A comparative Study of 
   Myanmar and Vietnam ......................................... 29
16 Global Recession and Economic Policies in Developing
   Countries ................................................... 30
17 Elimination of Child Labor in a Multi-Actor Approach ........ 30
18 Disabilities and Poverty Reduction in Developing 
   Countries ................................................... 30
19 Theory of International Input-Output Analysis ............... 31
20 Economic Development and Technology Choice .................. 31
21 Employment of Persons with Disabilities in Developing
   Countries ................................................... 31
22 Simulation Analysis of Multinational Activity in the 
   Globalizing World ........................................... 32
23 Latecomers' Catch-Up Revisited .............................. 32
24 Marine Transport and Harbors in the Asia Region ............. 33

Funded Research
1  Impact Evaluation of the Pasak Irrigation Project ........... 33
2  Food Industry Development and the Trade in Processed Food
   Products in Asia ............................................ 33

Projects Funded by Grants-ln Aid for Scientific Research
1  Analysis of poverty Reduction Policies in India Using 
   Field Experiments ........................................... 33
2  Learning through Foreign Direct Investment in Sub-Sahara 
   Africa: The Case of the Garment industry in Madagascar ...... 34
3  A Study on Production Cost in the Malaysian Manufacturing
   Sector ...................................................... 34
4  Poverty and Child Schooling: A study of Slum Households in
   Delhi, India ................................................ 34
5  Empirical Analysis of Job Matching across Space: Evidence
   from Chinatown and Urban Agglomeration ...................... 35
6  The Location Choice of Multinational Firms and the Impacts 
   of FDI Types ................................................ 35
7  Technology Diffusion of System of Rice Intensification and
   Its Economic Impacts on Household Welfare: The Case of
   Rural Indonesia ............................................. 35
8  The Bank of Taiwan and Japanese Southward Strategy in 
   Transitional Asia ........................................... 36
9  Publication Project: Strong Soldiers, Failed Revolution ..... 36
10 A Comparative Study of the Family Structure of Iranian
   Notables and the Modern Concept of 'Family .................. 36
11 Changes in Household Behaviors through Agricultural
   Integration: An empirical analysis of contract farming ...... 37
12 Innovations by Latecomer Firms: the Analysis if Taiwanese
   IT industry ................................................. 37
13 Study on Community-based Forest Resource Management and 
   Village Organizational Capability ........................... 38
14 Central-Local Relations and the Strategy of Street-Level 
   Government in Coastal Areas of China ........................ 38
15 The Shariah Court System and Judge in Southeast Asia ........ 38
16 Transformation of Agro-processing Industry in Myanmar:
   From the viewpoint of spatial Economics ..................... 38

III  Activities to promote International Research Exchanges .... 40

IV   Publications

1  The Developing Economies .................................... 43
2  Asian Economies ............................................. 43
3  Ajiken World Trends ......................................... 43
4  Latin America Report ........................................ 43
5  Yearbook of Asian Affairs ................................... 43

1  IDE Research Series ......................................... 43
2  IDE Selected Book Series .................................... 44
3  Current Affairs Report ...................................... 44
4  "What Asia" Series .......................................... 44
5  Translation ................................................. 44
6  Statistical Data Series ..................................... 45

Downloadable Papers and Reports

V    Commendation for Outstanding Publications ................. 49

VI   IDE Library
1  Library Collection .......................................... 50
2  Services to Users ........................................... 51

VII  IDE Advanced School (IDEAS) ............................... 53

VIII Support Activities for ERIA
1  Objective of Activities ..................................... 60
2  Activities in FY2011 ........................................ 60
3  Research Project ............................................ 60

IX   Organization
1  Organization Chart .......................................... 62
2  Buget for fisical 2011 ...................................... 62
3  Executive Board and Staff ................................... 63

Research Projects of the 2011 fiscal year ...................... 67

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