Li Y. The transition of social life in China (Since 1978) ([Beijing], 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаLi Y. The transition of social life in China (Since 1978) / transl. by Z.Min. - [Beijing]: Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, 2012. - 400 p. - ISBN 978-7-5000-8795-3

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Оглавление / Contents
China's Social Life Changes from the Perspective of
Institution and Life ............................................ 1

Chapter One
The Dialectical Relationship between Institution and Life ....... 4
Section One   The Research Perspective .......................... 4
Section Two   Institution Construction Aiming at Disciplining 
              Life .............................................. 8
Section Three Institution Cannot Quite Arrange Life ............ 13
Section Four  Constructing a Beneficial Interaction between
              Institution and Life ............................. 17

Chapter Two
Analyzing Autonomy with Social Theory .......................... 24
Section One   The Multiple References of Autonomy .............. 24
Section Two   The Condition of Autonomy ........................ 27
Section Three The Paradox of Autonomy .......................... 31

Chapter Three
The Return and Restrictions of Autonomy ........................ 39
Section One   Manifestation of Autonomy ........................ 39
Section Two   The Paradox of Autonomy .......................... 42
Section Three Surpassing the Dilemma: Proposal of the
              Philosophy of Harmonious Society ................. 45
Chapter Four  The Structure of the Book ........................ 50

Part One
Organizing the Society:The State Arrangement for the
Structure of Life .............................................. 56

Chapter One
New Institution, New Society, and New Identification ........... 58
Section One   The Blueprint of Social Reconstruction after
              the Revolution ................................... 58
Section Two   The Finalization of Institution and Generation 
              of New Orders .................................... 63
Section Three Structure and Identity of the Totality Society ... 71

Chapter Two
Disciplined Social Life ........................................ 73
Section One   Livelihood within the Logic of Redistribution:
              Socialist Welfare System ......................... 73
Section Two   Equality and Inequality: Different 
              Representations of Economical-Political-
              Social Status .................................... 83
Section Three "Movement" Becoming a Part of Life ............... 90
Section Four  Homogenization: The Declination of
              Individuality .................................... 95
Section Five  An Ascetic Way of Consumption and Life .......... 100

Chapter Three
The Secret Space of Autonomy .................................. 103
Section One   The Behavioral Strategy of "People of the 
              Working Units": Hidden Movement of the Informal
              Network of Relationship ......................... 104
Section Two   The Beehive like Structure: Space among the
              Work Units ...................................... 109
Section Three Change of Identities: The Hidden Class
              Movement ........................................ 114
Summary ....................................................... 118

Part Two
The Loosening of "Certainty" : Experimental Reforms ........... 120

Chapter One
Opening up the Gap of "Society of Work Units" ................. 122
Section One   Doing All That Has Been Left Undone ............. 122
Section Two   "Loosening" and "Allowing": Prelude of System
              of "Loosening" .................................. 124
Section Three The Overflowing of Free Floating Resources ...... 130

Chapter Two
Minor Adjustment of Class Relationship ........................ 141
Section One   Transformation of the Pattern of Migration ...... 141
Section Two   The Turning Point of the Value of Knowledge:
              Rising of the Social Status of the 
              Intellectuals ................................... 146
Section Three The Rise of the Standard of Career and 
              Wealth: The Miniature of New Social Groups ...... 151

Chapter Three
Family Life out of the Shadow of Politics ..................... 156
Section One   Diversification of Family Economy: Reform 
              of Relationship in Rural Families ............... 156
Section Two   Out of the Political Shadow: Reforms of
              Relationship in Urban Families .................. 164
Chapter Four  Revival of Freedom and Individuality ............ 168
Section One   Free Reading: New Enlightenment Movement ........ 168
Section Two   Between Ideal and Reality: Highlighting of
              Reflective Consciousness ........................ 173
Section Three Individuality out of Imitation: Fashion
              Life Far from Politics .......................... 177
Summary ....................................................... 179

Part Three 
The Weakening of Re-distribution System; Generation of
Autonomy ...................................................... 181

Chapter One
Radical Changes in Institution ................................ 183
Section One   The End of Ticket Era: Farewell to the Economy 
              of Shortage ..................................... 183
Section Two   Weakening of the System of Population
              Registration and Organization ................... 187
Section Three System of Labor Contract: Breaking the "Iron
              Rice Bowl" ...................................... 194
Section Four  The Return of Community: Self Arrangement 
              of Social Life .................................. 200

Chapter Two
The Growth of a New Class ..................................... 203
Section One   Manual Workers Earning More than Mental 
              Workers: Loss of the Intellectual Group ......... 203
Section Two   Rise of the New Rich: Wave of Plunging into 
              the Business Sea ................................ 206
Section Three Formation of a New Industrial Worker; Double
              Identities of Migrant Workers ................... 210
Section Four  White-Collars: Demonstrating a Life of Value
              and Taste ....................................... 213

Chapter Three
Coming of the Consumption Era ................................. 216
Section One   Improvement of the Level of Consumption:
              Transformation from Quantity to Quality ......... 216
Section Two   Entertainment Consumption: Privatization and
              Industrialization ............................... 219
Section Three Luxurious Consumption: Fashion and Social 
              Etiquette ....................................... 223
Chapter Four  New Trends in Families and Marriages ............ 226
Section One   Demonstration of the Space for the Self ......... 226
Section Two   The Trans-national Marriage;A Springboard ....... 230
Section Three Facing the Loosened Marriage: "Forgiving"
              Extra-marital Affairs ........................... 231

Chapter Five
Self Consciousness and Cultural Aphasia ....................... 235
Section One   "Humanism": Appeal of Humanity .................. 235
Section Two   Realization of Self Value: The Fourth
              Generation ...................................... 237
Section Three Cultural Aphasia; Mass Culture and Humanism ..... 239
Summary ....................................................... 242

Part Four 
Opening and Mobility:Social Life in the Context of Market ..... 244

Chapter One
Further Release of the Power of the Market .................... 246
Section One   Inhibiting the " Overheated Economy" ............ 246
Section Two   Encountering " Insufficient Domestic Demand" .... 249
Section Three Entering the Global Trade System ................ 251
Section Four  "Marketization" of Social Life .................. 253

Chapter Two
Stratification of Classes: New Characteristics
of the Social Structure ....................................... 256
Section One   Re-structuring the Society ...................... 256
Section Two   The Burgeoning of New Stratum Consciousness ..... 260
Section Three The White Collar Group; Stabilizers or .......... 263

Chapter Three
Further Generation of Autonomy; Power Consciousness and
Social Engagement ............................................. 269
Section One   "New Cells" in the Rising Society;
              Non-governmental Organizations .................. 269
Section Two   Awakening of Power Consciousness and Beginning
              of Civil Movements .............................. 276

Chapter Four
Shaping of the Era of Consumerism ............................. 279
Section One   Farewell to Shortage: Drastic Changes in the
              Structure of Family Expenditure and Receipts .... 279
Section Two   Excessive Consumption: Credit Changes Life ...... 282
Section Three Differentiation and Diversification: 
              Consumption Shaping Stratification .............. 287

Chapter Five
Way of Life in the Age of the Internet: Life in Virtuality .... 292
Section One   Communication and Life in the Age of the 
              Internet ........................................ 292
Section Two   Expression of Democracy via the Internet ........ 294

Chapter Six
Reform of Welfare System; Transforma- tion from the Release
of the Market to Protection of the Society .................... 297
Section One   Marketization of Social Welfare System and Its
              Social Consequences ............................. 297
Section Two   Reflections After the 16th National Congress 
              of the CPC and Readjustment of Social Welfare
              System .......................................... 301

Chapter Seven
Loss of Identity and Effort at Identity Reconstruction ........ 304
Section One   Structural Changes in the Foundational Area
              of Social Identity .............................. 304
Section Two   Way of Renovation to Reconstruct Identity ....... 307
Summary ....................................................... 312

Part Five 
Harmony: The New Page in Social Construction .................. 314

Chapter One
Harmonious Society and New Consensus of Reform ................ 316
Section One   Intrinsic Logic of the Change of Consensus
              of Reform ....................................... 316
Section Two   Harmonious Society: New Consensus of Reform ..... 322
Section Three Reform Consensus Renovated: Reconstruction
              of Identity Value ............................... 328

Chapter Two 
Institutional Arrangements in the Construction of
a Harmonious Society .......................................... 331
Section One   Constructing the Network of Social Security:
              Institutional Foundation of Harmonious 
              Society ......................................... 331
Section Two   Adjusting the Mechanism of Social Interests:
              Relationship Mediation of Social Construction ... 340
Section Three Burgeoning of the Pattern of Social
              Governance: The Interior Process of Harmonious
              Society ......................................... 351

Chapter Three
Beginning of a Diversified and Harmonious Life ................ 362
Section One   Between Reality and Virtuality: Social
              Foundation of Diversified Life .................. 362
Section Two   Choice among Stratification: Autonomous Life .... 367
Section Three Building Harmonious New Life: Conformity
              of Value and Reconstruction of Order ............ 374

Summary ....................................................... 379

Reconstruction of the Autonomy of Nation State in the 
Context of Globalization ...................................... 380

Chapter One   New Issuess Raised by Globalization ............. 380
Chapter Two   Nation States in a Complicated Society .......... 383
Chapter Three Nation States: Active Agents in the Context of
              Globalization ................................... 392

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