Schijve J. Fatigue of structures and materials ([Dordrecht], 2009 (2010)). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSchijve J. Fatigue of structures and materials. - [Dordrecht]: Springer, 2009 (2010). - 2nd ed. - xxi, 621 p.: ill. + 1 CD-ROM. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.615-621. - ISBN 978-1-4020-6807-2

Оглавление / Contents
Symbols, Acronyms and Units ................................... xix
1  Introduction to Fatigue of Structures and Materials .......... 1
   References ................................................... 9

Part I Fatigue under Constant-Amplitude Loading (Chapters 2-8)

2  Fatigue as a Phenomenon in the Material ..................... 13
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 13
   2.2  Different phases of the fatigue life ................... 14
   2.3  Crack initiation ....................................... 15
   2.4  Crack growth ........................................... 18
   2.5  The fatigue mechanism in more detail ................... 21
        2.5.1  Crystallographic aspects ........................ 23
        2.5.2  Crack initiation at inclusions .................. 25
        2.5.3  Small cracks, crack growth barriers,
               thresholds ...................................... 29
        2.5.4  Number of crack nuclei .......................... 32
        2.5.5  Surface effects ................................. 36
        2.5.6  Crack growth and striations ..................... 39
        2.5.7  Environmental effects ........................... 44
        2.5.8  Cyclic tension and cyclic torsion ............... 47
   2.6  Characteristic features of fatigue failures ............ 48
        2.6.1  Microscopic characteristics ..................... 50
        2.6.2  Macroscopic characteristics ..................... 51
   2.7  Main topics of the present chapter ..................... 55
   References .................................................. 56
3  Stress Concentration at Notches ............................. 59
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 59
   3.2  Definition of Kt ....................................... 60
   3.3  Analytical calculations on stress concentrations ....... 62
   3.4  Effect of the notch geometry on Kt ..................... 69
   3.5  Some additional aspects of stress concentrations ....... 76
   3.6  Superposition of notches ............................... 80
   3.7  Methods for the determination of stress
        concentrations ......................................... 82
   3.8  Main topics of the present chapter ..................... 86
   References .................................................. 87
4  Residual Stress ............................................. 89
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 89
   4.2  Different sources of residual stresses ................. 91
   4.3  Measurements or calculations of residual stresses ...... 98
   4.4  Estimation of the residual stress at a notch after a
        high load .............................................. 99
   4.5  How to remove residual stresses ....................... 102
   4.6  Main topics of the present chapter .................... 103
   References ................................................. 104
5  Stress Intensity Factors of Cracks ......................... 105
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 105
   5.2  Different types of cracks ............................. 108
   5.3  Definition of the stress intensity factor ............. 109
   5.4  Examples of stress intensity factors .................. 111
   5.5  К factors obtained by superposition ................... 122
   5.6  Cracks with curved crack fronts ....................... 124
   5.7  Crack opening and the state of stress ................. 127
   5.8  Crack tip plasticity .................................. 130
   5.9  Some energy considerations ............................ 133
   5.10 Determination of stress intensity factors ............. 135
   5.11 The similarity concept and the application of the
        stress intensity factor К ............................. 136
   5.12 Main topics of the present chapter .................... 138
   References ................................................. 139
6  Fatigue Properties ......................................... 141
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 141
   6.2  Description of fatigue properties of unnotched
        material .............................................. 143
   6.3  Some general aspects of the fatigue strength of
        unnotched specimens ................................... 149
        6.3.1  Relation between Sf and Su ..................... 149
        6.3.2  Mean stress effects ............................ 150
        6.3.3  The size effect for unnotched specimens ........ 153
        6.3.4  Type of loading, tension, bending, torsion ..... 157
        6.3.5  Combined loading ............................... 159
   6.4  Low-cycle fatigue ..................................... 162
   6.5  Main topics of the present chapter .................... 167
   References ................................................. 168
7  The Fatigue Strength of Notched Specimens .................. 171
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 171
   7.2  The fatigue limit of notched specimens at Sm = 0 ...... 173
        7.2.1  The similarity principle and the notch
               sensitivity .................................... 173
        7.2.2  The size effect on the fatigue limit of
               notched specimens .............................. 175
   7.3  The fatigue limit of notched specimens for Sm > 0 ..... 182
   7.4  Notch effect under cyclic torsion ..................... 188
   7.5  Notch effect on the fatigue limit for combined
        loading cases ......................................... 190
   7.6  Significance of the surface finish .................... 192
   7.7  Discussion on predictions of the fatigue limit ........ 195
   7.8  The S-N curves of notched specimens ................... 202
   7.9  The major topics of the present chapter ............... 206
   References ................................................. 207
8  Fatigue Crack Growth. Analysis and Predictions ............. 209
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 209
   8.2  Description of fatigue crack growth properties ........ 211
        8.2.1  Test results ................................... 211
        8.2.2  The stress intensity factor and the
               similarity concept ............................. 212
        8.2.3  Constant-Δ K tests ............................. 216
   8.3  Fatigue crack growth regions .......................... 217
   8.4  Crack closure ......................................... 225
        8.4.1  Plasticity induced crack closure and Δ Keff .... 225
        8.4.2  Plane strain/plane stress ...................... 230
        8.4.3  Thickness effect on fatigue crack growth ....... 232
        8.4.4  Other crack closure mechanisms ................. 233
   8.5  Crack growth data of different materials .............. 234
   8.6  Prediction of fatigue crack growth .................... 240
        8.6.1  Some basic aspects ............................. 240
        8.6.2  Crack growth predictions for through cracks .... 243
        8.6.3  Crack growth prediction for part through
               cracks ......................................... 248
        8.6.4  A final comment ................................ 252
   8.7  Major topics of the present chapter ................... 252
   References ................................................. 253

Part II Load Spectra and Fatigue under Variable-Amplitude
        Loading (Chapters 9-11)

9  Load Spectra ............................................... 259
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 259
   9.2  Different types of loads on a structure in service .... 261
   9.3  Description of load histories ......................... 267
   9.4  Determination of load spectra ......................... 280
        9.4.1  The qualitative approach ....................... 281
        9.4.2  The quantitative approach ...................... 284
   9.5  Service-simulation fatigue tests and load spectra ..... 287
   9.6  Major aspects of the present chapter .................. 291
   References ................................................. 292
10 Fatigue under Variable-Amplitude Loading ................... 295
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 296
   10.2 The Miner rule ........................................ 297
        10.2.1 Effect of load cycles with stress amplitudes
               below the fatigue limit ........................ 299
        10.2.2 Effect of notch root plasticity ................ 300
        10.2.3 Crack length at failure ........................ 302
        10.2.4 What is basically wrong with the Miner rule? ... 302
   10.3 Results of fatigue tests under VA loading ............. 306
   10.4 Alternative fatigue life prediction methods for VA
        loading ............................................... 313
        10.4.1 Damage calculations and extrapolation of S-N
               curves below the fatigue limit ................. 313
        10.4.2 The relative Miner rule ........................ 316
        10.4.3 Strain history prediction model ................ 316
        10.4.4 Predictions based on service-simulation
               fatigue tests .................................. 318
   10.5 Discussion of fatigue life predictions for VA
        loading ............................................... 323
        10.5.1 Life estimates for a specific component and
               the Miner rale ................................. 324
        10.5.2 Considerations on the effect of the design
               stress level ................................... 325
        10.5.3 Comparison between different options for
               design improvements ............................ 325
        10.5.4 Comparison of different load spectra ........... 325
   10.6 Major topics of the present chapter ................... 326
   References ................................................. 327
11 Fatigue Crack Growth under Variable-Amplitude Loading ...... 329
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 329
   11.2 Crack growth under simple VA-stress histories ......... 331
   11.3 Crack growth under complex VA-stress histories ........ 344
   11.4 Crack growth prediction models for VA loading ......... 351
        11.4.1 Non-interaction model .......................... 352
        11.4.2 Interaction models for prediction of fatigue
               crack growth under VA loading .................. 353
   11.5 Evaluation of prediction methods for fatigue crack
        growth under VA-load histories ........................ 361
   11.6 Major topics of the present chapter ................... 365
   References ................................................. 366

Part III Fatigue Tests and Scatter (Chapters 12 and 13)

12 Fatigue and Scatter ........................................ 373
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 373
   12.2 Sources of scatter .................................... 373
   12.3 Description of scatter ................................ 375
   12.4 Some practical aspects of scatter ..................... 385
   12.5 Major topics of the present chapter ................... 392
   References ................................................. 393
13 Fatigue Tests .............................................. 395
   13.1 Introduction .......................................... 395
   13.2 Purposes of fatigue test programs ..................... 396
   13.3 Specimens ............................................. 397
   13.4 Fatigue test procedures ............................... 402
   13.5 Reporting about fatigue test results .................. 406
   13.6 Aspects of crack growth measurements .................. 408
   13.7 Main topics of this chapter ........................... 416
   References ................................................. 416

Part IV Special Fatigue Conditions (Chapters 14-17)

14 Surface Treatments ......................................... 421
   14.1 Introduction .......................................... 421
   14.2 Aspects of surface treatments ......................... 422
   14.3 Some practical aspects of surface treatments .......... 434
   14.4 Summary of major topics of the present chapter ........ 435
   References ................................................. 435
15 Fretting Corrosion ......................................... 437
   15.1 Introduction .......................................... 437
   15.2 The fretting corrosion mechanism ...................... 438
   15.3 Effects on fretting corrosion ......................... 441
   15.4 Methods to avoid fretting corrosion problems .......... 447
   15.5 Topics of the present chapter ......................... 454
   References ................................................. 455
16 Corrosion Fatigue .......................................... 457
   16.1 Introduction .......................................... 457
   16.2 Aspects of corrosion fatigue .......................... 459
        16.2.1 Corrosion fatigue in gaseous environments ...... 462
        16.2.2 Corrosion fatigue in liquid environments ....... 464
   16.3 Practical aspects of corrosion fatigue ................ 472
   16.4 A case history ........................................ 475
   16.5 Topics of the present chapter ......................... 476
   References ................................................. 477
17 High-Temperature and Low-Temperature Fatigue ............... 481
   17.1 Introduction .......................................... 481
   17.2 Two examples of high-temperature fatigue .............. 483
   17.3 Fatigue properties at high temperatures ............... 487
   17.4 Fatigue at low temperatures ........................... 490
   17.5 Some general comments ................................. 494
   References ................................................. 495

Part V Fatigue of Joints and Structures (Chapters 18-20)

18 Fatigue of Joints .......................................... 499
   18.1 Introduction .......................................... 499
   18.2 Fatigue of lugs ....................................... 501
   18.3 Symmetric butt joints with rows of bolts or rivets .... 508
   18.4 Bolts loaded in tension ............................... 511
   18.5 Riveted and bolted joints with eccentricities ......... 517
   18.6 Adhesive-bonded joints ................................ 527
   18.7 General discussion on predictions of fatigue
        properties of joints .................................. 529
   18.8 Major topics of the present chapter ................... 531
   References ................................................. 531
19 Fatigue of Welded Joints ................................... 535
   19.1 Introduction .......................................... 535
   19.2 Some general aspects .................................. 536
   19.3 Geometry aspects of welds ............................. 538
   19.4 Fatigue life considerations for СA loading ............ 545
   19.5 Fatigue endurances of welded joints under VA
        loading ............................................... 551
   19.6 Two special cases ..................................... 552
   19.7 Spot welded joints .................................... 555
   19.8 Major topics of the present chapter ................... 556
   References ................................................. 557
20 Designing against Fatigue of Structures .................... 559
   20.1 Introduction .......................................... 559
   20.2 Different types of structural fatigue problems ........ 560
   20.3 Designing against fatigue ............................. 562
   20.4 Uncertainties, scatter and safety margins ............. 566
        20.4.1 Uncertainties .................................. 566
        20.4.2 Scatter and safety factors ..................... 567
   20.5 Some case histories ................................... 574
        20.5.1 Improved shoulder fillets ...................... 575
        20.5.2 Secondary bending introduced by non-symmetric
               hole reinforcements ............................ 576
        20.5.3 Cracked aircraft wing panel repaired with a
               poorly designed patch .......................... 580
        20.5.4 Online structural health monitoring of the
               Tsing Ma Bridge ................................ 580
   20.6 Summarizing conclusions ............................... 583
   References ................................................. 585

Part VI Fatigue Resistance of Fiber-Metal Laminates
        (Chapter 21)

21 Fatigue Resistance of Fiber-Metal Laminates ................ 589
   21.1 Introduction .......................................... 589
   21.2 Laminated sheet material without fibers ............... 591
   21.3 Fiber-metal laminates Arall and Glare ................. 595
        21.3.1 The fiber-metal laminate concept ............... 595
        21.3.2 Fiber-metal laminates as sheet material ........ 597
        21.3.3 Crack growth in Glare .......................... 600
        21.3.4 Fatigue properties of Glare components ......... 603
   21.4 More about Glare ...................................... 606
        21.4.1 Some typical properties of Glare ............... 607
        21.4.2 Production and design aspects of Glare
               structures ..................................... 607
   21.5 Some summarizing remarks .............................. 610
   References ................................................. 611

Index ......................................................... 615

CD attached to this book
I   Exercises and Summaries
II  Case Histories
III Special Topics
IV  Research on Fatigue Problems in the Future

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