Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae. Ser.1: Commentationes mathematicae: Tomus specialis in honorem Iuliani Musielak (Warszawa, 2004). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAnnales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae = Roczniki Polskiego Towarzystwa Matematycznego. Ser.1: Commentationes mathematicae: Tomus specialis in honorem Iuliani Musielak. - Warszawa, 2004. - 297 p. - ISSN 0373-8299

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Оглавление / Contents
JULIAN MUSIELAK ................................................. 1
R. Duda
On the origins of Functional Analysis and the Lvov school ....... 5
C. Bardaro, G. Vinti
On the order of ВVφ—approximation of convolution integrals ..... 47
K. Baron
Powers of topological groups characters and a theorem of van
der Corput ..................................................... 65
Shutao Chen, H. Hudzik, Yuwen Wang
Orthogonally complemented hyperplanes in Orlicz function 
spaces ......................................................... 71
R. Ger
Fischer-Muszély additivity on Abelian groups ................... 83
K. Iseki
A way to BCI ................................................... 97
J. Kaczorowski
Some remarks on Fourier coefficients of Hecke modular
functions ..................................................... 105
A. Kamińska, Han Ju Lee
M-ideal properties in Marcinkiewicz spaces .................... 123
L. Leindler
Refinement of some necessary conditions ....................... 145
M. Nowak
Weak sequential completeness and compactness in topological
function spaces ............................................... 155
D. Przeworska-Rolewicz
Antilogarithms of second order in algebras with logarithms
and their applications to special functions ................... 167
P. Pych-Taberska
On the rate of approximation of absolutely continuous
functions by certain Kantorovich-type operators ............... 193
S. Rolewicz
On uniform N-stability for discrete systems ................... 203
Zhongrui Shi, Pin Zhang
Orlicz-Bochner sequence spaces that have the uniform
λ-property .................................................... 215
L.V. Shragin
On a measurability of a superposition, which defines
nonlinear integral Musielak operator .......................... 229
L. Skrzypczak, В. Tomasz
Approximation numbers of Sobolev embeddings between radial
Besov and Sobolev spaces ...................................... 237
H. Triebel
The regularity of measures and related properties of 
eigen-functions and first eigenvalues of some fractal
elliptic operators ............................................ 257
K. Urbanik
A substitute of the expected value ............................ 285

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