Operator algebras and quantum field theory: Accademia nazionale dei Lincei ([Cambridge], 1996). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаOperator algebras and quantum field theory: Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, July 1-6, 1996 / ed. by S.Doplicher, R.Longo, J.E.Roberis, L.Zsido. - [Cambridge]: International Press, 1996. - xi, 677 p. - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 1-57146-047-0

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Оглавление / Contents
I - C*-Algebras and their Invariants

Gert K. Pedersen
   Extensions of C*-Algebras Classification of Inductive 
   Limits of the Toeplitz Algebra Tensored with K ............... 2
George A. Elliott, David E. Evans, and Hongbing Su
   Classification of Inductive Limits of the Toeplitz Algebra
   Tensored with K ............................................. 36
Mikael Rørdam
   The Stable Rank of C*red(Fn) is one - A Survey .............. 51
Klaus Thomsen
   On the Reduced С*-Exponential Length ........................ 59
N. Christopher Phillips
   Continuous Embedding of the Rotation Algebras in the Cuntz
   Algebra O2 .................................................. 65
Iain Raeburn
   Crossed Products of C*-Algebras by Coactions of Locally
   Compact Groups .............................................. 74
David Pask
   Cuntz-Krieger Algebras Associated to Directed Graphs ........ 85
Victor Arzumanian and Jean Renault
   Examples of Pseudogroups and their С-Algebras ............... 93
Jean-Luc Sauvageot
   Strong Feller Non Commutative Kernels, Strong Feller
   Semigroups and Harmonic Analysis ........................... 105
Terry A. Loring
   Almost Multiplicative Maps between C*-Algebras ............. 111
David E. Evans
   The Rohlin Property and Classification of Trace Scaling
   Automorphisms of AF Algebras ............................... 123
Claudia Pinzari
   The Ideal Structure of Cuntz-Krieger-Pimsner Algebras and
   Cuntz-Krieger Algebras over Infinite Matrices .............. 136
Ola Bratteli and Palle E.T. Jorgensen
   A Connection between Multiresolution Wavelet Theory of
   Scale N and Representations of the Cuntz Algebra On ........ 151
II - Von Neumann Algebras, Inclusions and Automorphisms

Yoshikazu Katayama, Colin E. Sutherland, Masamichi Takesaki
   The Structure of the Automorphism Group of a Factor and
   Cocycle Conjugacy of Discrete Group Actions ................ 166
Sorin Popa
   Amenability in the Theory of Subfactors .................... 199
Dietmar Bisch
   A Colored Generalization of the Temperley-Lieb Algebra 
   via Sub-factors ............................................ 212
Claire Anantharaman-Delaroche
   Amenability of Bimodules and Operator Algebras ............. 225
Hideki Kosaki
   Automorphisms arising from Composition of Subfactors ....... 236
Masaki Izumi
   Goldman's Type Theorems in Index Theory .................... 249
Yasuyuki Kawahigashi 
   Quantum Doubles and Orbifold Subfactors .................... 271
Karl-Henning Rehren 
   Generalized Cuntz Algebras associated with Subfactors ...... 284
Uffe Haagerup 
   Orthogonal Maximal Abelian *-Subalgebras of the n × n
   Matrices and Cyclic n-Roots ................................ 296
Erik Christensen and Allan M. Sinclair 
   A Cohomological Characterization of Approximately Finite
   Dimensional von Neumann Algebras ........................... 323

III - Noncommutative Geometry, Quantization and Deformations

Alain Connes 
   Noncommutative Differential Geometry and the Structure 
   of Space Time .............................................. 330
L. Carminati, B. Iochum, D. Kastler, T. Schücker
   On Connes' New Principle of General Relativity: Can 
   Spinors hear the Forces of Spacetime? ...................... 359
Marc A. Rieffel
   On the Operator Algebra for the Space-time Uncertainty 
   Relations .................................................. 374
Florin Radulescu
   Quantum Dynamics and Berezin's Deformation Quantization .... 383
Magnus B. Landstad
   Quantizations of Groups and Homogeneous Spaces ............. 390
Jonathan Rosenberg 
   Behavior of К-Theory under Quantization .................... 404
Ryszard Nest and Boris Tsygan
   Product Structures in (Cyclic) Homology and their 
   Applications ............................................... 414
Daniele Guido, Tommaso Isola
   Singular Traces and their Applications to Geometry ......... 440

IV - Free Entropy and Noncommutative Dynamical Systems

Dan Vokulescu
   Topics in Free Entropy ..................................... 458
E. Stormer
   States on Infinite Free Products of C*-Algebras and 
   Entropy of Free Shifts ..................................... 463
Marie Choda
   Endomorphisms of Shift Type (Entropy for Endomorphisms 
   of Cuntz Algebras) ......................................... 469
William Arveson
   Dynamical Invariants for Noncommutative Flows .............. 476
Robert Т. Powers
   Recent Results Concerning E0-Semigroups of B(H)............. 515
Jerome Kaminker, Ian Putnam and Jack Spielberg
   Operator Algebras and Hyperbolic Dynamics .................. 525
Christian Skau
   Orbit Structure of Topological Dynamical Systems and its
   Invariants ................................................. 533

V - Quantum Field Theory

Romeo Brunetti and Klaus Fredenhagen
   Interacting Quantum Fields in Curved Space: 
   Renormalizability of ø4 .................................... 546
Rainer Verch
   Scaling Algebras, the Renormalization Group and the
   Principle of Local Stability in Algebraic Quantum Field
   Theory ..................................................... 564
Bernard S. Kay
   Quantum Fields in Curved Spacetime: Non Global
   Hyperbolicity and Locality ................................. 578
Hans-Jürgen Borchers
   Half-Sided Modular Inclusions and Structure Analysis in
   Quantum Field Theory ....................................... 589
Hans-Werner Wiesbrock
   Modular Inclusions and Intersections of Algebras in QFT .... 609
Kornél Szlachányi
   Weak Hopf Algebras ......................................... 621
Stephen J. Summers
   Bell's Inequalities and Algebraic Structure ................ 633
D. Buchholz, S. Doplicher, G. Morchio, J.E. Roberts, 
F. Strocchi
   A Model for Charges of Electromagnetic Type ................ 647
Roberto Longo
   On the Spin-Statistics Relation for Topological Charges .... 661
Addresses of Authors .......................................... 671
List of participants .......................................... 673

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