Forest ecology: recent advances in plant ecology ([Dordrecht], 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаForest ecology: recent advances in plant ecology / ed. by A.G. van der Valk. - [Dordrecht]: Springer, 2009. - 363 p.: ill., maps. - Incl. bibl. ref. - (Previously published in Plant ecology, Vol.201, Issue 1, 2009). - ISBN 978-90-481-2794-8

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Оглавление / Contents
Quantitative classification and carbon density of the forest
vegetation in Lüliang Mountains of China
   X. Zhang, M. Wang & X. Liang ............................... 1-9
Effects of introduced ungulates on forest understory
communities in northern Patagonia are modified by timing 
and severity of stand mortality
   M.A. Relva, C.L. Westerholm & T. Kitzberger	.............. 11-22
Tree species richness and composition 15 years after strip
clear-cutting in the Peruvian Amazon
   X.J. Rondon, D.L. Gorchov & F. Cornejo ................... 23-37
Changing relationships between tree growth and climate 
in Northwest China
   Y. Zhang, M. Wilmking &  X. Gou ......................... 39-50
Does leaf-level nutrient-use efficiency explain 
Nothofagus-dominance of some tropical rain forests in New
   A. Chatain, J. Read & T. Jaffré .......................... 51-66
Dendroecological study of a subalpine fir (Abies fargesii)
forest in the Qinling Mountains, China
   H. Dang, M. Jiang, Y. Zhang, G. Dang & Q. Zhang .......... 67-75
A conceptual model of sprouting responses in relation to
fire damage: an example with cork oak (Quercus suber L.)
trees in Southern Portugal
   F. Moreira, F. Catry, I. Duarte, V. Acácio & 
   J.S. Silva ............................................... 77-85
Non-woody life-form contribution to vascular plant species
richness in a tropical American forest
   R. Linares-Palomino, V. Cardona, E.I. Hennig, 
   I. Hensen, D. Hoffmann, J. Lendzion, D. Soto,
   S.K. Herzog & M. Kessler ................................. 87-99
Relationships between spatial configuration of tropical
forest patches and woody plant diversity in northeastern
Puerto Rico
   L.T. Galanes & J.R. Thomlinson ......................... 101-113
Vascular diversity patterns of forest ecosystem before 
and after a 43-year interval under changing climate 
conditions in the Changbaishan Nature Reserve, 
northeastern China
   W. Sang & F. Bai ....................................... 115-130
Gap-scale disturbance processes in secondary hardwood
stands on the Cumberland Plateau, Tennessee, USA
   J.L. Hart & H.D. Grissino-Mayer ........................ 131-146
Plurality of tree species responses to drought
perturbation in Bornean tropical rain forest
   D.M. Newbery & M. Lingenfelder ......................... 147-167
Red spruce forest regeneration dynamics across
a gradient from Acadian forest to old field in
Greenwich, Prince Edward Island National Park, Canada
   N. Cavallin & L. Vasseur ............................... 169-180
Distance- and density-dependent seedling mortality
caused by several diseases in eight tree species
co-occurring in a temperate forest
   M. Yamazaki, S. Iwamoto & K. Seiwa ..................... 181-196
Response of native Hawaiian woody species to
lava-ignited wildfires in tropical forests and
   A. Ainsworth & J. Boone Kauffman ....................... 197-209
Evaluating different harvest intensities over understory
plant diversity and pine seedlings, in a Pinus pinaster
Ait. natural stand of Spain
   J. González-Alday, C. Martínez-Ruiz & F. Bravo ......... 211-220
Land-use history affects understorey plant species
distributions in a large temperate-forest complex,
   J.-C. Svenning, K.M. Baktoft & H. Balslev .............. 221-234
Short-term responses of the understory to the removal of
plant functional groups in the cold-temperate deciduous
   A. Leniere & G. Houle .................................. 235-245
Host trait preferences and distribution of vascular
epiphytes in a warm-temperate forest
   A. Hirata, T. Kamijo & S. Saito ........................ 247-254
Seed bank composition and above-ground vegetation in
response to grazing in sub-Mediterranean oak forests
(NW Greece)
   E. Chaidefiou, C.A. Thanos, E. Bergmeier,
   A. Kallimanis & P. Dimopoulos .......................... 255-265
On the detection of dynamic responses in a drought-
perturbed tropical rainforest in Borneo
   M. Lingenfelder & D.M. Newbery ......................... 267-290
Changes in tree and liana communities along
a successional gradient in a tropical dry forest in
south-eastern Brazil
   B.G. Madeira, M.M. Espírito-Santo, S. D'Ângelo Neto,
   Y.R.F. Nunes, G. Arturo Sánchez Azofeifa, G. Wilson
   Fernandes & M. Quesada ................................. 291-304
Woody plant composition of forest layers: the importance
of environmental conditions and spatial configuration
   M. Gonzalez, M. Deconchat & G. Balent .................. 305—318
The importance of clonal growth to the recovery of
Gauitheria procumbens L. (Ericaceae) after forest
   F.M. Moola & L. Vasseur ................................ 319-337
Species richness and resilience of forest communities:
combined effects of short-term disturbance and long-term
   M.R. Trubina ........................................... 339-350
Hurricane disturbance in a temperate deciduous forest:
patch dynamics, tree mortality, and coarse woody
   R.T. Busing, R.D. White, M.E. Harmon & P.S. White ...... 351-363

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