X-Ray Lasers 2008: proceedings of the 11th International Conference on X-Ray Lasers (New York, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаX-Ray Lasers 2008: proceedings of the 11th International Conference on X-Ray Lasers, 17-22 August 2008, Belfast, UK / ed. by C.Lewis, D.Riley. - New York: Springer, 2009. - iv, 500 p.: ill. - (Springer Proceedings in Physics; 130). - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-1-4020-9923-6; ISSN 0930-8989

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Оглавление / Contents
Part 1 - Progress in X-Ray Laser Facilities and Infrastructures

Recent Progress in X-Ray Laser Research in JAEA
T. Kawachi, M. Kishimoto, M. Kado, N. Hasegawa, M. Tanaka,
Y. Ochi, M. Nishikino, M. Ishino, T. Imazono, T. Ohba, 
Y. Kunieda, A. Faenov, T. Pikuz, K. Namikawa, S. Namba, 
Y. Kato, H. Nishimura, N. Sarukura, M. Kando, Y. Fukuda,
H. Kotaki, A. Pirozhkov, J. Ma, A. Sagisaka, M. Mori, J. Koga,
S. Bulanov, H. Daido, and T. Tajima ............................. 3

Recent Advances on LASERIX Facility: Development of XUV Sources
System and Applications. Perspectives from 2008 to 2010.
D. Ros, S. Kazamias, O. Guilbaud, J. Habib, B. Zielbauer,
M. Pittman, G. Jamelot, A. Klisnick, J.-C. Lagron, D. Joyeux,
S. de Rossi, F. Delmotte, S. Lacombe, E. Porcel, C. Lesech, 
A. M. Penhoat, A. Touati ....................................... 13

Recent Progress in Grazing-Incidence-Pumped X-Ray Lasers at
J.E. Balmer, M. Griinig, C. Imesch, and F. Staub................ 23

Review on Recent High Intensity Physics Experiments Relevant to
X-Ray and Quantum Beam Generation at JAEA
H. Daido, A. Pirozhkov, M. Nishiuchi, A. Yogo, S. Orimo,
K. Ogura, A. Sagisaka, I. Daito, M. Mori, M. Ikegami,
H.Kiriyama, H. Okada, S. Bulanov, T. Esirkepov, S. Kanazawa,
S. Kondo, T. Shimomura, M. Tanoue, Y. Nakai, H. Sasao,
D. Wakai, P. Bolton, Y, Fukuda, A. Faenov, T. Pikuz, M. Suzuki,
M. Tampo, H. Sakaki, T. Tajima, S. Kawanishi, T. Kawachi,
M. Nishikino, I.W. Choi, CM. Kim, T.M. Jeong, N. Hafz, T. J. Yu,
J. H. Sung, Y.-C. Noh, D.-K. Ko, J. Lee, Y. Oishi, K. Nemoto,
T. Nayuki, T. Fujii, H. Nagatomo, K. Nagai, H. Nishimura ....... 33

Towards an 100 Hz X-Ray Laser Station
J. Tümmler, H. Stiel, R. Jung, K.A. Janulewicz,
P.V. Nickles and W. Sandner .................................... 43

Versatile High-Energy and Short-Pulse Operation of PHELIX
T. Kuehl, V. Bagnoud, C Bruske, S. Borneis, B. Ecker,
U. Eisenbarth, J. Fils, S. Goette, T. Hahn, D. Hochhaus,
D. Javorkova, F. Knobloch, M. Kreutz, S. Kunzer, 
T. Merz-Mantwill, E. Onkels, D. Reemts, A. Tauschwitz, 
K. Witte, B. Zielbauer,D. Zimmer ............................... 53
Central Laser Facility High Power Laser Capabilities Applied
to X-Ray Laser Science
M.M. Notley, N.B. Alexander, R. Heathcote, S. Blake, R.J. Clarke,
J.L.Collier, P. Foster, S.J. Hawkes, C. Hernandez-Gomez,
C.J. Hooker, D. Pepler, I.N. Ross, M. Streeter, G. Tallents,
M. Tolley, T. Winstone, B. Wyborn and D. Neely ................. 59

TARANIS: A Pump Source for X-Ray Lasers
G. Nersisyan, T. Dzelzainis, C.L.S. Lewis, D. Riley, R. Ferrari,
M. Zepf, M. Borghesi, L. Romagnani. D. Doria, D. Marlow, 
B. Dromey ...................................................... 65

Photon Frontier Network
Y. Kato, M. Gonokami, R. Kodama, Y. Sano, S. Yagi 
and T. Yabuzaki ................................................ 71

Part 2 - Transient Collisional X-Ray Lasers

Grazing Incidence Pumping (GRIP): Single- vs. Double-Pulse
K.A. Janulewicz, C.M. Kim, H.T. Kim, J. Lee .................... 81

An Improved Double-Pulse Non-Normal Incidence Pumping Geometry
for Transient Collisionally Excited Soft X-Ray Lasers
Daniel Zimmer, Vincent Bagnoud, Boris Ecker, Udo Eisenbarth,
Jamil Habib, Daniel Hochhaus, Dasa Javorkova, Sophie Kazamias,
Thomas Kuehl, David Ros, Daniel Ursescu, Bernhard Zielbauer, 
and the PHELIX-Team ............................................ 91

Generation of the Circularly Polarized X-Ray Laser Using the 
Pulse-Power Magnet
N. Hasegawa, T. Kawachi, A. Sasaki, H Yamatani, A. Iwamae, M.
Kishimoto, M. Tanaka, Y. Ochi, M. Nishikino, Y. Kunieda, H
Kawazome, K. Nagashima and H. Yoneda ........................... 99

Gain Saturation of the Ni-like Antimony Laser at 11.4 nm in 
Grazing-Incidence Pumping Geometry
C. Imesch, F. Staub and J.E. Balmer ........................... 107

Temporal Coherence and Spectral Line Shape of a GRIP 
Transient X-Ray Laser
J. Habib, A. Klisnick, O. Guilbaud, D. Joyeux, B. Zielbauer,
S. Kazamias, D. Ros, F. de Dortan and M. Pittman .............. 115

Part 3 - High Repetition Rate X-Ray Lasers

High Coherence Injection-Seeded Table-Top Soft X-Ray Lasers 
at Wavelengths Down to 13.2 nm
J.J. Rocca, Y. Wang, F. Pedaci, B. Luther, M. Berrill,
D. Alessi, E. Granados, M. Man Shakya, S. Gilbertson,
Z. Chang ...................................................... 125

Characterization of a Seeded Optical-Field Ionized
Collisional Soft X-Ray Laser
J.P. Goddet, S. Sebban, O. Guilbaud, J. Gautier, Ph. Zeitoun, 
C. Valentin, F. Tissandier, T. Marchenko, G. Lambert, J. Nejdl,
B. Cros, G. Maynard, B.Robillard, S. Kazamias, K. Cassou,
A. Klisnick, D. Ros, J. Benredjem, T. Mocek, M. Kozlovd
and K. Jakubczak .............................................. 135

Investigation on the Spatial Properties of Silver X-Ray
Laser Using GRIP Schemes
H.T. Kim, K.A. Janulewicz, C.M. Kim, I.W. Choi,
J.H. Sung,  T.J. Yu, S.K. Lee, T.M. Jeong, D.-K. Ko, 
P.V. Nickles, J. Tiimmler, and J.Lee .......................... 143

Spatial Filtering of High Order Harmonics by an OFI Plasma
J.P. Goddet, S. Sebban, Ph. Zeitoun, J. Gautier, C. Valentin,
F. Tissandier, T. Marchenko, G. Lambert, J. Nejdl, B. Cros,
G. Maynard, B.Robillard, T. Mocek, M. Kozlovd
and K. Jakubczak .............................................. 153

New Driver Laser System for Double Target X-Ray Lasers 
at JAEA 
Y. Ochi, N. Hasegawa, T. Kawachi, M. Nishikino, M. Tanaka,
M. Kishimoto, and T. Ohba ..................................... 161

Part 4 - Optical-Field-Ionised (OFI) X-Ray Lasers

Toward Ultraintense Compact RBS Pump for Recombination
3.4 nm Laser via OFI
S. Suckewer, J. Ren, S. Li, Y. Lou, A. Morozov, D. Turnbull,
Y. Avitzour ................................................... 169

High Brightness Optical-Field-Ionization X-Ray Lasers
Driven in Plasma Waveguides
M.-C. Chou, P.-H. Lin, R.-P. Huang, S.-Y. Chen, H.-H. Chu,
J. Wang and J.-Y. Lin ......................................... 183

Temporal Coherence and Spectral Linewidth of a Seeded Soft 
X-Ray Laser Pulse
O. Guilbaud, J.P. Goddet, S. Sebban, D. Joyeux, D. Ros,
J. Gautier, K. Cassou, S. Kazamias, A. Klisnick, J. Habib,
P. Zeitoun, D. Benredjem, S. de Rossi, G. Maynard, B. Cros,
A. Boudaa, D. Phalippou and A. Calisti ........................ 193

Part 5 - Theory and Simulations

The Scaling of Recombination Following Tunnel Ionisation
and its Suitability for Generating X-Ray Laser Gain
G.J. Pert ..................................................... 201

Advances in Understanding the Anomalous Dispersion 
of Plasmas in the X-Ray Regime
Joseph Nilsen, K.T. Cheng, Walter R. Johnson .................. 211

Recent Developments on Seeded or Unseeded Transient 
X-Ray Lasers
A. Klisnick, O. Larroche, F. De Dortan, J. Habib,
O. Guilbaud, S. Kazamias, D. Ros, B. Zielbauer ................ 221

Influence of the number of atomic levels on the 
modelling of collisional X-ray lasers
F. de Dortan, M. Busquet, A. Bar-Shalom, M. Klapisch,
J. Oreg, B. Rus, M. Kozlova and J. Nejdl ...................... 231

Modelling of Capillary Z-Pinch Recombination Pumping of
Hydrogen-Like Ion EUV Lasers
P. Vrba, N.A. Bobrova, P.V. Sasorov, M. Vrbova
and J. Hubner ................................................. 239

Propagation of a High-Harmonic Pulse Through
a Population-Inverted Medium
Chul Min Kim, Karol A. Janulewicz, Hyung Taek Kim,
Do-Kyeong Ko and Jongmin Lee .................................. 247

Modeling of an Ultra-Short X-Ray Laser Pulse Amplification
Through an Optical-Field-Ionized Gas Using a Maxwell-Bloch
B. Robillart, G. Maynard, B. Cros, A. Boudaa, J. Dubau, 
S. Sebban, and JP. Goddet ..................................... 255

Effects of Inhomogeneous Incident Line Focus on 2D
Hydrodynamic Behaviour of X-Ray Laser Plasma on Slab
T. Cheng, Y.J. Li, L.M. Meng, J. Zhang ........................ 263

Excitation Rates for Transitions in Ne-Like Ni XIX
K.M. Aggarwal and F.P. Keenan ................................. 271

Conversion Efficiency Calculations for Soft X-Rays Emitted
from Tin Plasma for Lithography Applications
P. Demir, P. Demir, E. Kacar, S.K. Bilikmen and A. Demir ...... 281

Theoretical Investigation of Photo-pumping X-Ray Lasers
Using Kα Line from Solid Target
T. Kawachi and Y. Kato ........................................ 289

Part 6 - High Harmonic Generation (HHG)

Coherent Water-Window X-Ray Generation by Phase-Matched High
Harmonics in Neutral Media
Eiji J. Takahashi and Katsumi Midorikawa ...................... 299

Relativistically Oscillating Mirrors - an Ultrabright
Attosecond Source
M. Zepf, B. Dromey, M. Geissler, R. Hörlein, Y. Nomura,
G.D. Tsakiris, S. Rykovanov ................................... 307

Spectral Characteristics of Strong High-Harmonics Generated 
in a Two-Color Laser Field
C.H. Nam, I.J. Kim, G.H. Lee, S.B. Park, T.K. Kim,
and C.M. Kim .................................................. 315

Diffraction Limited Harmonic Emission from Laser Produced
B. Dromey, D. Adams, R. Hoerlein, Y. Nomura, D. Neely,
G. Tsakiris, M. Zepf .......................................... 323

Part 7 - XUV Optics and Applications of X-Ray Lasers

X-Ray Lasers as Probes of Plasma Parameters
G.J. Tallents, N. Booth, M.H. Edwards, L.M.R. Gartside,
H. Huang, A.K. Rossall, E. Wagenaars, D.S. Whittaker
and Z. Zhai ................................................... 331

Advances in Nanoscale Resolution Soft X-Ray Laser Microscopy
C.S. Menoni, F. Brizuela, C. Brewer, D. Martz, P. Wachulak,
S. Fernandez Jimenez, M.C. Marconi, J.J. Rocca, W. Chao, 
E.H. Anderson, D.T. Attwood, A.V. Vinogradov, I.A. Artioukov,
Y.P. Pershyn, and V.V. Kondratenko ............................ 341

Experimental Diagnosis of Plasma Jets by Using X-Ray Laser
Sun Jin-ren, Wang Chen, Fang Zhi-heng, Wang Wei, Xiong Jun,
Fu Si-zu, Gu Yuan, Wang Shi-ji, Zheng Wu-di, Ye Wen-Hua,
Qiao Xiu-Mei, Zhang Guo-ping .................................. 349

Soft X-Ray Holography with Wavelength Resolution
P.W. Wachulak, M.C. Marconi, R. Bartels, C.S. Menoni,
J.J. Rocca .................................................... 357

Ablation Measurements Using Ni-Like Ag X-Ray Laser Transmission
N. Booth, M.H. Edwards, Z. Zhai, G.J. Tallents, T. Dzelzainis,
R. Ferrari, C.L.S. Lewis, G. Gregori, D. Neely ................ 365

High Sensitive Characterization of Microdomain Structures in
PZN-PT (91/09) by Means of Coherent Soft X-Ray Laser Speckle
K. Namikawa, R.Z. Tai, M. Matsushita, K. Ohwada, 
M. Kishimoto .................................................. 373

Warm Photoionized Plasmas Created by Soft X-Ray Laser
Irradiation of Solid Targets
M. Berrill, F. Brizuela, B. Langdon, H. Bravo, C.S. Menoni
and J.J. Rocca ................................................ 381

Development of Multilayer Optics in EUV, Soft X-Ray 
and X-Ray Range at IPOE
Zhanshan Wang, Jingtao Zhu, Zhong Zhang, Xinbin Cheng,
Jing Xu, Fengli Wang, Xiaoqiang Wang, Lingyan Chen ............ 391

Highly Efficient Surface Modification of Solids by Dual
Action of XUV/Vis-NIR Laser Pulses
T. Mocek, K. Jakubczak, J. Polan, P. Homer, B. Rus, I.J. Kim,
C.M. Kim, S.B. Park, T.K. Kim, G.H. Lee, C.H. Nam,
J. Chalupský, V. Hájková, L. Juha ............................. 401

Strand Breaks in DNA Samples Induced with LASERIX
B. Zielbauer, J. Habib, S. Kazamias, O. Guilbaud, M. Pittman,
D. Ros, M.-A. Hervé du Penhoat, A. Touati, C. Le Sech,
E. Porcel, S. Lacombe ......................................... 409

High Resolution X-Ray Laser Backlighting of Plasmas Using
Spatial Filtering Technique
M. Kozlová, B.Rus, T. Mocek, J. Polan, P. Homer, D. 
Snopek, K. Jakubczak, M. Fajardo, A. Barszczak Sardinha ....... 417

Development of Soft X-Ray Fourier Transform Holography with
Fresnel Zone Plate
Masaharu Nishikino, Hiroshi Yamatani, Keisuke Nagashima,
and Tetsuya Kawachi ........................................... 427

Lensless Imaging Using Table-Top Soft X-Ray Lasers and High
Harmonics Sources Reaching 70 nm Resolution
R.L. Sandberg, P.W. Wachulak, D.A. Raymondson, A. Paul,
A.E. Sakdinawat, B. Amirbekian, E. Lee, Y. Liu,  
C. La-O- Vorakiat, C. Song, M.C. Marconi, C.S. Menoni,
M.M. Murnane, J.J. Rocca, H.C. Kapteyn, and J. Miao ........... 433

Gas Phase Study of The Reactivity of Optical Coating
Materials with Hydrocarbons Using a Compact Soft
X-Ray Laser
S. Heinbuch, F. Dong, E.R. Bernstein and J.J. Rocca ........... 439

Gas Phase Studies of Catalytic Processes Involving
Vmon Clusters and their Reaction with Alcohols,
Alkenes, Nox, and Nh3 Using a Desk-Top Size Soft
X-Ray Laser
S. Heinbuch, F. Dong, E.R. Bernstein and J.J. Rocca ........... 445

Time-of-Flight Measurements of Ion and Electron from Xenon 
Clusters Irradiated with a Soft X-Ray Laser Pulse
S. Namba, N. Hasegawa, M. Nishikino, M. Kishimoto, T. 
Kawachi, M. Tanaka, Y. Ochi, K Nagashima and K. Takiyama ...... 453

Calibration of a High Resolution Soft X-Ray Spectrometer
J. Dunn, P. Beiersdorfer, G.V. Brown and E.W. Magee ........... 461

XUV Probing as a Diagnostic of Rayleigh-Taylor Instability
L.M.R. Gartside, G.J. Tallents, J. Pasley, J. Gaffney
and S. Rose ................................................... 469

Line Focus Geometry for Grazing Incidence Pumped X-Ray Lasers
Z. Zhai, M.H. Edwards, N. Booth and G. Tallents ............... 475

Resolution and Feature Size Assessment in Soft X-Ray 
Microscopy Images
M.C. Marconi, P.W. Wachulak, C. Brewer, F. Brizuela, 
R. Bartels,C.S. Menoni, J.J. Rocca, E. Anderson, W. Chao ...... 483

An Approach to the Generation of Uniform Line Foci for Use
in X-Ray Laser Experiments
T. W. J. Dzelzainis and C. L. S. Lewis ........................ 489

Interferometric Lithography with a Desk-Top Size Soft 
X-Ray Laser
P.W. Wachulak, M.C. Marconi,  W. Rockward, D. Hill,
E.H. Anderson, C.S. Menoni, J.J. Rocca ........................ 495

Time-Resolved Fluorescence Spectrum of Wide-Gap 
Semiconductors Excited by 13.9 nm X-Ray Laser
M. Tanaka, Y. Furukawa, T. Nakazato, T. Tatsumi, H. Murakami,  
T. Shimizu, N. Sarukura, M. Nishikino, T. Kawachi,
Y. Kagamitani, D. Ehrentraut, T. Fukuda, H. Nishimura
and K. Mima ................................................... 501

Part 8 - Alternative Approaches for Sources of Bright X-Rays

Application of Extremely Bright and Coherent Soft and 
Hard X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Radiation
Th. Tschentscher .............................................. 509

Design Study of Compact Thomson X-Ray Sources for Material
and Life Sciences Applications
E.G. Bessonov, M.V. Gorbunkov, P.V. Kostryukov, Yu.Ya.
Maslova, V.G. Tunkin, A.A. Postnov, A.A. Mikhailichenko, 
V.I. Shvedunov, B.S. Ishkhanov, A.V. Vinogradov ............... 521

An Attempt to Generate an Inner-Shell Photo-Ionisation 
Pumped X-Ray Laser Using the ASTRA Laser at RAL
T.W.J. Dzelzainis, M. Streeter, F.Y. Khattak, R. Ferrari,
C.L.S. Lewis, D. Riley, R. Tommasini, and G. Gregori .......... 537

Electron Self-Injection and Radiation in the Laser Plasma
M.R. Islam, S. Cipiccia, B. Ersfeld, A. Reitsma, J.L. Martin,
L. Silva, D.A. Jaroszynski .................................... 543

Emission Spectroscopy from an XUV Laser Irradiated 
Solid Target
T.W.J. Dzelzainis, F.Y. Khattak, B. Nagler, S. Vinko, 
T. Whitcher, A.J. Nelson, R.W. Lee, S. Bajt, S. Toleikis, 
R. Fäustlin, T. Tschentscher, L. Juha, M. Kozlova,
J. Chalupsky, V. Hajkova, J. Krzywinski, R. Soberierski, 
M. Jurek, M. Fajardo, F.B. Rosmej, P. Heinmann, J.S. Wark,
and D. Riley .................................................. 549
Innershell X-Ray Laser in Sodium Vapor: Final Steps Towards
Experimental Verification
J. Nejdl, T. Mocek, B. Rus, S. Sebban, B. Wellegehausen ....... 557

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