Sourcebook of paleolithic transitions: methods, theories, and interpretations (New York, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSourcebook of paleolithic transitions: methods, theories, and interpretations / ed. by M.Camps, P.Chauhan. - New York: Springer, 2009. - xvi, 573 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.563-573. - ISBN 978-0-387-76478-8

Оглавление / Contents
Part I  Methodological and Theoretical Perspectives
Has the Notion of "Transitions" in Paleolithic Prehistory
Outlived Its Usefulness? The European Record in Wider Context ... 3
   Lawrence Guy Straus
Accidents of History: Conceptual Frameworks in
Paleoarchaeology ............................................... 19
   Geoffrey A. Clark
Defining Modernity, Establishing Rubicons, Imagining
the Other—and the Neanderthal Enigma ........................... 43
   Olga Soffer
The Longest Transition or Multiple Revolutions? ................ 65
   John A.J. Gowlett
Quantifying Transitions: Morphometric Approaches to
Palaeolithic Variability and Technological Change .............. 79
   Stephen J. Lycett
ESR Dating at Hominid and Archaeological Sites During
the Pleistocene ................................................ 93
   Bonnie A.B. Blackwell, Anne R. Skinner, Joel I.B.
   Blickstein, L.V. Golovanova, V.B. Doronichev, and
   M.R. Seronie-Vivien
The South Asian Paleolithic Record and Its Potential
for Transitions Studies ....................................... 121
   Parth R. Chauhan
DISCUSSION 1: An Overview of Matters Transitional, From
the Outside Looking In ........................................ 141
   Angela E. Close

Part II Changes Within the Lower Paleolithic
From Nothing to Something: The Appearance and Context
of the Earliest Archaeological Record ....................... 155
   Michael J. Rogers and Sileshi Semaw
The Oldowan-Acheulian Transition: Is there a "Developed
Oldowan" Artifact Tradition? .................................. 173
   Sileshi Semaw, Michael Rogers, and Dietrich Stout
Lower Palaeolithic Transitions in the Northern Latitudes
of Eurasia .................................................... 195
   Jan Michal Burdukiewicz
Hominin Adaptability and Patterns of Faunal Turnover
in the Early to Middle Pleistocene Transition in the Levant ... 211
   Miriam Belmaker
DISCUSSION 2: Transitions: Behavioral Change in the Early
Pleistocene ................................................... 229
   Robin Dennell

Part III  Lower to Middle Paleolithic Transitions
Assessing the Lower to Middle Paleolithic Transition .......... 237
   Michael Chazan
The East Asian Middle Paleolithic Reexamined .................. 245
   Christopher J. Norton, Xing Gao, and Xingwu Feng
The Lower to Middle Paleolithic Transition in South Asia
and Its Implications for Hominin Cognition and Dispersals ..... 255
   H. James and M.D. Petraglia
DISCUSSION 3: The Lower to Middle Paleolithic Transition ...... 265
   Paola Villa

Part IV  Middle to Upper Palaeolithic Transitions
The Middle-Upper Paleolithic Transition Revisited ............. 273
   Robert G. Bednarik
Historical Perspectives on the European Transition from
Middle to Upper Paleolithic ................................... 283
   Francis B. Harrold
From the Middle to the Later Stone Age in Eastern Africa ...... 301
   Pamela R. Willoughby
Comparing Middle to Upper Paleolithic Transitions in the
Middle East and Egypf ......................................... 315
   Deborah I. Olszewski
Through the Looking-Glass. The Most Recent Years of
Cantabrian Research in the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic
Transition .................................................... 333
   Alvaro Arrizabalaga and Maria José Iriarte
The Transitional Aurignacian and the Middle-Upper
Palaeolithic Transition Model in Cantabrian Iberia ............ 341
   Federico Bernaldo de Quirós, and José Manuel 
Hard Work Never Goes to Waste: The Role of Iberia
in the Mid-Upper Paleolithic Transition ....................... 361
   Marta Camps
What Is a 'Transitional' Industry? The Uluzzian of Southern
Italy as a Case Study ......................................... 377
   Julien Riel-Salvatore
Middle/Upper Paleolithic Interface in Vindija Cave
(Croatia): New Results and Interpretations .................... 397
   Ivor Karavanic and Marylene Patou-Mathis
Szeletian, Not Aurignacian: A Review of the Chronology
and Cultural Associations of the Vindija G1 Neandertals ....... 407
   João Zilhão
The Biikk Mountain Szeletian: Old and New Views on
"Transitional" Material from the Eponymous Site of the
Szeletian ..................................................... 427
   Brian Adams
The Subsistence Behaviours of the Last Crimean Neanderthals ... 441
   Marylene Patou-Mathis
DISCUSSION 4: The Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic Transition:
What News? .................................................... 455
   Erella Hovers

Part V  The Later Paleolithic
Investigating the Aurignacian/Gravettian Transition in the
Bistri{a Valley (NE-Romania) .................................. 465
   Leif Steguweit
Modern Human Colonization of the Siberian Mammoth Steppe:
A View from South-Central Siberia ............................. 479
   Kelly E. Graf
Shades of Gray: The Paleoindian-Early Archaic "Transition"
in the Northeast .............................................. 503
   J.M. Adovasio and Kurt W. Carr
Central Andean Lithic Techno-Typology at the Terminal
Pleistocene-Early Holocene Transition ......................... 527
   Elmo Leon Canales
The Paleolithic-Mesolithic Transition ......................... 537
   Marcel Otte
DISCUSSION 5: Transitions in the Later Palaeolithic ........... 555
   Rupert A. Housley
Afterword ..................................................... 561
   Luiz Oosterbeek
Index ......................................................... 563

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