Modern trends in applied aquatic ecology (New York, 2003). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаModern trends in applied aquatic ecology / ed. by R.S.Ambasht, N.K.Ambasht. - New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2003. - xiv, 379 p.: ill., maps. - ISBN 0-306-47334-8

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Оглавление / Contents
1  Jacob John (Australia) Curtin University
	 Bioassessment of Health of Aquatic Systems by the Use of 
   Diatoms ...................................................... 1
2  Paul A. Keddy & Lauchlan H. Fraser (USA) Univ. Louisiana &
   Univ. of Akron
   The Management of Wetlands for Biological Diversity: Four
   Principles .................................................. 21
3  Brian A. Whitton (UK) Durham University
   Use of Plants in Monitoring Heavy Metals in Freshwaters ..... 43
4  Alain Vanderpoorten (USA) Duke Univ., Durham NC
   Hydrochemical Determinism, Ecological Polymorphism, and
   Indicator Values of Aquatic Bryophytes for Water Quality .... 65
5  Lisandro Benedetti-Cecchi (Italy) Universita di Pisa
   Plant Succession in Littoral Habitats: Observations, 
   Explanations, and Empirical Evidence ........................ 97
6  Jacob John (Australia) Curtin University
   Phycoremediation: Algae as Tools for Remediation of Mine-
   Void Wetlands .............................................. 133
7  Donat-P. Häder (Germany) Erlangen Universitat
   UV-B Impact on the Life of Aquatic Plants .................. 149
8  H.E. Zagarese, Barbara Tartarotti (Austria) and D.A. Añón
   Suárez (Argentina)
   The Significance of Ultraviolet Radiation for Aquatic 
   Animals .................................................... 173
9  Rajeshwar P. Sinha (Germany) Erlangen Universitat
   Stress Responses in Cyanobacteria .......................... 201
10 Nándor Oertel and János Salánki (Hungary)
   Biomonitoring and Bioindicators  in Aquatic Ecosystems ..... 219
11 Arthur J. McComb and Jane M. Chambers (Australia)
   Murdoch University
   The Ecology of Wetlands Created in Mining-Affected 
   Landscapes ................................................. 247
12 R.S. Ambasht & Navin K. Ambasht (India) Banaras Hindu 
   Conservation of Soil and Nutrients through Plant Cover on
   Wetland Margins ............................................ 269
13 Robert Zwahlen (Switzerland)
   Identification, Assessment and Mitigation of 
   Environmental Impacts of Dam Projects ...................... 281
Index ......................................................... 371

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