Mercury fate and transport in the global atmosphere: emissions, measurements and models (Dordrecht; New York, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMercury fate and transport in the global atmosphere: emissions, measurements and models / ed. by N.Pirrone, R.Mason. - Dordrecht; New York: Springer, 2009. - xix, 637 p.: ill., maps. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.627-637. - ISBN 978-0-387-93957-5

Оглавление / Contents
Part I Sources of Mercury Released to the Global Atmosphere

1  Global Mercury Emissions to the Atmosphere from
   Natural and Anthropogenic Sources ............................ 3
   Nicola Pirrone, Sergio Cinnirella, Xinbin Feng, Robert B.
   Finkelman, Hans R. Friedli, Joy Leaner, Rob Mason, Aran B. 
   Mukherjee, Glenn Stracher, David G. Streets, and Kevin
2  Mercury Emissions from Coal Combustion in China ............. 51
   David G. Streets, Jiming Hao, Shuxiao Wang, and Ye Wu
3  Mercury Emissions from Industrial Sources in China .......... 67
   Xinbin Feng, David Streets, Jiming Hao, Ye Wu, and 
   Guanghui Li
4  Mercury Emissions from Industrial Sources in India
   and its Effects in the Environment .......................... 81
   Aran B. Mukherjee, Prosun Bhattacharya, Atanu Sarkar, and
   Ron Zevenhoven
5  Mercury Emissions from Point Sources in South Africa ....... 113
   Joy J. Leaner, James M. Dabrowski, Robert P. Mason, Tabby
   Resane, Marguerite Richardson, Martin Ginster, Gerhard 
   Gericke, Chantel R. Petersen, Elizabeth Masekoameng, 
   Peter J. Ashton, and Kevin Murray
6  World Emissions of Mercury from Artisanal and Small Scale
   Gold Mining ................................................ 131
   Kevin H. Telmer and Marcello M. Veiga
7  Mercury Emissions from Natural Processes and their
   Importance in the Global Mercury Cycle ..................... 173
   Robert P. Mason
8  Mercury Emissions from Global Biomass Burning: Spatial
   and Temporal Distribution .................................. 193
   Hans. R. Friedli, Avelino F. Arellano, Jr., Sergio 
   Cinnirella, and Nicola Pirrone
Part II Spatial Coverage and Temporal Trends of Mercury 
9  Spatial Coverage and Temporal Trends of Land-based
   Atmospheric Mercury Measurements in the Northern and
   Southern Hemispheres ....................................... 223
   Ralf Ebinghaus, Catharine Banic, Steve Beauchamp, Dan
   Jaffe, Hans Herbert Kock, Nicola Pirrone, Laurier 
   Poissant, Francesca Sprovieri, and Peter S. Weiss-
10 Spatial Coverage and Temporal Trends of Atmospheric
   Mercury Measurements in Polar Regions ...................... 293
   Aurelien Dommergue, Christophe P. Ferrari, Marc Amyot, 
   Steve Brooks, Francesca Sprovieri, and Alexandra Steffen
11 Spatial Coverage and Temporal Trends of Over-Water, Air-
   Surface Exchange, Surface and Deep Sea Water Mercury 
   Measurements ............................................... 323
   Francesca Sprovieri, Nicola Pirrone, Robert P. Mason, and
   Maria Andersson
12 Monitoring and Modeling the Fate of Mercury Species in
   Japan ...................................................... 381
   Noriyuki Suzuki, Yasuyuki Shibata, and Koyo Ogasawara
13 The Need for a Coordinated Global Mercury Monitoring
   Network for Global and Regional Models Validations ......... 390
   Gerald J. Keeler, Nicola Pirrone, Russel Bullock, and
   Sanford Sillman

Part III  Understanding Atmospheric Mercury on Hemispheric
and Global Scales

14 Our Current Understanding of Major Chemical and Physical
   Processes Affecting Mercury Dynamics in the Atmosphere
   and At the Air-Water/Terrestrial Interfaces ................ 427
   Anthony J. Hynes, Deanna L. Donohoue, Michael E. 
   Goodsite, and Ian M. Hedgecock
15 Mercury Chemical Transformation in the Gas, Aqueous
   and Heterogeneous Phases: State-of-the-art Science
   and Uncertainties .......................................... 459
   Parisa A. Ariya, Kirk Peterson, Graydon Snider, and Marc
16 Importance of a Global Scale Approach to using Regional 
   Models in the Assessment of Source-Receptor Relationships
   for Mercury ................................................ 503
   O. Russell Bullock Jr. and Lyatt Jaeglé
17 Global Mercury Modelling at Environment Canada ............. 519
   Ashu P. Dastoor and Didier Davignon
18 The Geos-Chem Model ........................................ 533
   Lyatt Jaegle, Sarah A. Strode, Noelle E. Selin, and
   Daniel J. Jacob
19 The ECHMERIT Model ......................................... 547
   Gerlinde Jung, Ian M. Hedgecock, and Nicola Pirrone
20 The EMEP/MSC-E Mercury Modeling System ..................... 571
   Oleg Travnikov and Ilia Ilyin
21 The AER/EPRI Global Chemical Transport Model for Mercury
   (CTM-HG) ................................................... 589
   Christian Seigneur, Krish Vijayaraghavan, Kristen Lohman,
   and Leonard Levin

List of Figures ............................................... 603
List of Tables ................................................ 613
Acronyms ...................................................... 621
Index ......................................................... 627

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