Ultracold gases and quantum information: Ecole d'ete de physique des Houches in Singapore (Oxford; New York, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаUltracold gases and quantum information: École d'été de physique des Houches in Singapore, session XCI, 29 June-24 July, July 2009, École thématique du CNRS / ed. by C.Miniatura et al. - Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. - xxxi, 630 p.: ill., ports. - Other titles: Les Houches 2009 - session XCI. - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-0-19-960365-7

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Оглавление / Contents
List of participants .......................................... xxv
1  Basics on Bose—Einstein condensation ......................... 1
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 2
   1.2  Ideal Bose-Einstein condensates ......................... 3
   1.3  Mean-field theory ...................................... 15
   1.4  Beyond mean-field theory ............................... 39
   1.5  Bimodal condensates .................................... 51
   Notes ....................................................... 60
   Acknowledgments ............................................. 62
   References .................................................. 62
2  Degenerate Fermi gases ...................................... 66
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 67
   2.2  Ideal Fermi gas ........................................ 69
   2.3  Two-component Fermi gas ................................ 84
   Appendix A: The renormalization procedure .................. 100
   Notes ...................................................... 101
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 101
   References ................................................. 102
3  Quantum information: primitive notions and quantum
   correlations ............................................... 105
   3.1  Quantum theory ........................................ 106
   3.2  Primitives of quantum information (I) ................. 120
   3.3  Primitives of quantum information (II) ................ 131
   3.4  Quantum correlations (I): the failure of alternative
        descriptions .......................................... 143
   3.5  Quantum correlations (II): the mathematics of
        no-signalling ......................................... 156
   3.6  Quantum correlations (III): the power of Bell ......... 165
   Notes ...................................................... 170
   References ................................................. 173
4  Quantum computing and entanglement ......................... 178
   4.1  Introduction .......................................... 179
   4.2  Quantum networks ...................................... 181
   4.3  Quantum algorithms .................................... 183
   4.4  Quantum error correction .............................. 190
   4.5  Entanglement: introduction and basic definitions ...... 195
   4.6  Entanglement and quantum algorithms ................... 203
   4.7  One-way quantum computing ............................. 209
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 216
   References ................................................. 216
5  Quantum computation with trapped ions and atoms ............ 218
   Preface .................................................... 219
   5.1  Ion (and atom) quantum logic .......................... 219
   5.2  Scalability ........................................... 234
   5.3  Qubit interfacing ..................................... 236
   Note ....................................................... 241
   References ................................................. 241
6  Quantum Hall effects ....................................... 253
   Preface .................................................... 254
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 255
   6.2  Landau quantization ................................... 267
   6.3  Integer quantum Hall effect ........................... 287
   6.4  Strong correlations and the fractional quantum Hall
        effect ................................................ 305
   6.5  Brief overview of multicomponent quantum Hall
        systems ............................................... 327
   Appendix A: Electronic band structure of graphene .......... 341
   Appendix B: Landau levels of massive Dirac particles ....... 345
   Notes ...................................................... 347
   References ................................................. 352
7  Quantum phase transitions .................................. 356
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 357
   7.2  Quantum Ising model ................................... 362
   7.3  Hubbard model ......................................... 369
   7.4  Conclusions ........................................... 390
   7.5  Appendix: The Jordan-Wigner transformation ............ 390
   References ................................................. 393
8  Interactions in quantum fluids ............................. 395
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 396
   8.2  Fermi liquids ......................................... 397
   8.3  Beyond Fermi liquid ................................... 413
   8.4  One-dimensional systems ............................... 426
   8.5  Conclusions ........................................... 438
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 439
   References ................................................. 439
9  Disorder and interference: localization phenomena .......... 441
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 442
   9.2  Transfer-matrix description of transport and
        Anderson localization in ID systems ................... 446
   9.3  Scaling theory of localization ........................ 456
   9.4  Key numerical and experimental results ................ 465
   9.5  Microscopic description of quantum transport .......... 480
   9.6  Coherent backscattering (CBS) ......................... 495
   9.7  Weak localization (WL) ................................ 509
   9.8  Kicked rotor .......................................... 517
   Notes ...................................................... 526
   References ................................................. 527
10 Quantum information processing and quantum optics
   devices .................................................... 534
   10.1 Basic field quantization - the foundations ............ 535
   10.2 A silly question: what is a photon? ................... 555
   10.3 Parametric-down conversion: a common workhouse ........ 589
   10.4 Quantum information with photons ...................... 605

Notes ......................................................... 628
References .................................................... 628

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