Geospatial free and open source software in the 21st century (Heidelberg; New York, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаGeospatial free and open source software in the 21st century: proceedings of the first Open Source Geospatial Research Symposium, OGRS 2009 / ed. by E.Bocher, M.Neteler. - Heidelberg; New York: Springer, 2012. - xiv, 261 p.: ill. - (Lecture notes in geoinformation and cartography). - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-3-642-10594-4; ISSN 1863-2246

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Оглавление / Contents
Part 1  Geoprocessing
1  A Service-Oriented Framework for Real-Time and
   Distributed Geoprocessing .................................... 3
   Bastian Schaeffer, Bastian Baranski, Theodor Foerster,
   and Johannes Brauner
2  GeOxygene  Built on Top of the Expertise of the French NMA
   to Host and Share Advanced GI Science Research Results ...... 21
   Bénédicte Bucher, Michaël Brasebin, Elodie Buard, Eric
   Grosso, Sëbastien Mustière, and Julien Perret
3  Use of Open-Source GIS for the Pre-processing of
   Distributed Hydrological Models ............................. 35
   Flora Branger, Sonja Jankowfshy, Olivier Vannier, Pierre
   Viallet, Samuel Debionne, and Isabelle Braud
4  A Platform for Spatial Data Labeling in an Urban Context .... 49
   Julien Lesbegueries, Nicolas Lachiche, Agnès Braud,
   Grzegorz Skupinski, Anne Puissant, and Julien Perret
5  TAnaTo2: A Tool to Evaluate the Impact of Natural and 
   Anthropogenic Artefacts with a TIN-Based Model .............. 63
   Erwan Bocher, and Jean-Yves Martin

Part 2  Remote Sensing
6  The E-Foto Project and the Research to Implement a 
   GNU/GPL Open source Educational Digital Photogrammetric
   Workstation ................................................. 89
   Guilherme Lucio Abelha Mota, Jorge Luís Nunes e Silva 
   Brito, João Araújo Ribeiro, Orlando Bernardo Filho,
   Marcelo Teixeira Silveira, Rafael Ahes de Aguiar, 
   Irving da Silva Badolato, Sarina Lustosa da Costa, and
   Patrícia Farias Reolon
7  An Overview on Interferometric SAR Software and 
   a Comparison Between DORIS and SARSCAPE Packages ........... 107
   Elisabeth Simonetto, and Jean-Michel Follin
8  An Object-Oriented Approach to Automatic Classification
   of Panchromatic Aerial Photographs with GRASS GIS and R .... 123
   Eduardo Corbelle Rico, and Rafael Crecente Maseda

Part 3  Cartography and Standards
9  Sensor Web Enablement Standards for Groundwater
   Monitoring ................................................. 141
   Tiana Randrianarivelo, Pierre Lagarde, and Vincent 
10 Towards an Automated Label Placement Service ............... 157
   Olivier Ertz, Maxence Laurent, Daniel Rappo, and Eric

Part 4  Geospatial Web
11 Building Location-Based Mass Collaboration Systems
   Challenges and Opportunities ............................... 175
   Arie Croitoru, and Ofer Arazy
12 GeoStream  Spatial Information Indexing Within Textual
   Documents Supported by a Dynamically Parameterized Web
   Service .................................................... 191
   Albert Royer, Christian Sallaberry, Pierre Loustau, Mauro
   Gaio, Thierry Joliveau, and Pierre-André Le Ny
13 WIND  an Interaction Lightweight Programming Model for
   Geographical Web Applications .............................. 211
   The Nhan Luong, Patrick Etcheverry, Thierry Nodenot, and
   Christophe Marquesuzaà 

Part 5  From Feedback to Future
14 Free and Open Source GIS  Will There Ever Be a Geo-
   Linux? ..................................................... 229
   Gilberto Câmara, Lúbia Vinhas, and Ricardo Cartaxo 
   Modesto de Souza
15 Free and Open Source GIS Software for Building a Spatial
   Data Infrastructure ........................................ 247
   Stefan Steiniger, and Andrew J.S. Hunter

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