The Acheulian site of Gesher Benot Ya'aqov; vol.3: Mammalian taphonomy: the assemblages of layers V-5 and V-6 (Dordrecht; London; New York, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThe Acheulian site of Gesher Benot Ya'aqov. Vol.3: Mammalian taphonomy: the assemblages of layers V-5 and V-6 / R.Rabinovich, S.Gaudzinski-Windheuser, L.Kindler, N.Goren-Inbar. - Dordrecht; London; New York: Springer, 2012. - xlii, 269 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.249-258. - Ind.: p.259-269. - (Vertebrate paleobiology and paleoanthropology series). - ISBN 978-94-007-2158-6; ISSN 1877-9077

Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
2  The Acheulian Site of Gesher Benot Ya'aqov ................... 3
   2.1  The Renewed Excavations ................................. 4
        2.1.1  Area С and the Jordan River Bank ................. 6
   2.2  Excavation Methodology ................................. 10
        2.2.1  Sediment Sorting and Its Analyses ............... 12
3  Materials and Methodology ................................... 15
   3.1  Systematic Description ................................. 15
        3.1.1  Body-Size Groups (BSG) .......................... 15
        3.1.2  Skeletal Elements ............................... 15
   3.2  Bone Density and Economic Utility ...................... 16
   3.3  Bone Damage and Surface Modifications .................. 17
        3.3.1  State of Preservation ........................... 17
        3.3.2  Animal-Induced Damage ........................... 18
        3.3.3  Hominin-Induced Damage .......................... 18
        3.3.4  Striations ...................................... 19
   3.4  Experiments ............................................ 19
        3.4.1  Experiment Methodology .......................... 19
4  Systematic Paleontology ..................................... 21
   4.1  Previous Faunal Studies ................................ 21
   4.2  Faunal Composition of the Present Study ................ 21
   4.3  Systematic Description ................................. 22
   4.4  Body-Size Groups (BSG) ................................. 38
5  Taphonomic Analysis ......................................... 41
   5.1  Bone Preservation ...................................... 41
   5.2  Striations ............................................. 43
   5.3  Skeletal-Element Representation at GBY ................. 45
        5.3.1  Dama Skeletal-Element Representation ............ 45
        5.3.2  Skeletal-Element Representation of Additional
               Species and Their Probable BSG .................. 50
        5.3.3  Skeletal-Element Representation Versus Density
               Values .......................................... 61
        5.3.4  Skeletal-Element Representation and Winnowing ... 63
        5.3.5  Nutritional Values and Skeletal-Element
               Representation .................................. 65
        5.3.6  Skeletal-Element Representation: Conclusion ..... 67
   5.4  Animal-Induced Damage .................................. 67
   5.5  Hominin-Induced Damage ................................. 75
        5.5.1  Cut Marks and Indications of Marrow
               Extraction ...................................... 75
   5.6  Animal- and Hominin-Induced Damage ..................... 87
   5.7  Conclusions of the Taphonomic Analysis ................. 88
        5.7.1  Age and Sex Profiles and Occupation Seasons ..... 88
   5.8  Summary and Conclusions ................................ 89
6  Reconstructing Site-Formation Processes at GBY—The
   Experiments ................................................. 93
   6.1  The Potential of Actualistic Studies in Taphonomic
        Research ............................................... 93
   6.2  Homogeneity or Non-homogeneity in the GBY Faunal
        Assemblage? ............................................ 94
   6.3  Materials .............................................. 94
   6.4  Description of the Experiments ......................... 97
        6.4.1  Scratching Experiment ........................... 97
        6.4.2  Burial Experiment ............................... 98
        6.4.3  Tumbling Experiments ............................ 99
        6.4.4  Trampling Experiments .......................... 138
   6.5  Summary and Results of the Experiments ................ 199
        6.5.1  Results of the Tumbling Experiments ............ 199
        6.5.2  Results of the Trampling Experiments ........... 203
   6.6  Reconstructing the Taphonomic History at GBY Based
        on Analysis of the Bone-Surface Modifications ......... 205
   6.7  The Implications of the Experiments for Taphonomic
        Research .............................................. 222
7  A Reconstruction of the Taphonomic History of GBY .......... 223
   7.1  Biogeographical Origin of the Faunal Assemblages ...... 223
   7.2  Paleoecological Reconstruction of GBY Faunal
        Assemblages ........................................... 225
   7.3  Bone Taphonomy and Subsistence Strategies ............. 227
   7.4  Conclusions Drawn from the Experiments ................ 230
   7.5  Summary of the Paleontological Analyses ............... 231
   7.6  Taphonomic History of the Lithic Assemblages .......... 232
        7.6.1  Introduction ................................... 232
        7.6.2  The Lithic Assemblages of Layers V-5 and V-6 ... 233
        7.6.3  Summary of the Lithic Assemblages' Taphonomic
               Analysis ....................................... 237
   7.7  Taphonomy and Aspects of Spatial Distribution ......... 238
        7.7.1  Spatial Distribution Based on Conjoining Bone
               Fragments and Other Faunal Observations ........ 238
        7.7.2  The Spatial Organization of Stone Artifacts .... 240
   7.8  Summary and Discussion ................................ 242
8  Summary and Conclusions .................................... 245
   References ................................................. 249

Site Index .................................................... 259
Subject Index ................................................. 261

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