Plant stress biology: from genomics to systems biology (Weinheim, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPlant stress biology: from genomics to systems biology / ed. by H.Hirt. - Weinheim: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. - xvi, 257 p.: ill. - Ind.: p.249-257. - ISBN 978-3-527-32290-9

Оглавление / Contents
   Preface ..................................................... XI
   List of Contributors ...................................... XIII

Part I  From Model Systems to Crop Improvement .................. 1

1  General Stress Response of a Model Bacterium ................. 3
   Abram Aertsen, Philipp De Spiegeleer, Laurence Van
   Melderen, and Chris W. Michiels
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 3
   1.2  General Stress Response ................................. 3
        1.2.1  The σS Regulatory Network ........................ 4
        1.2.2  E. coli Osmotic Shock Resistance ................. 5
        1.2.3  E. coli Acid Resistance: An Example of
               a Differentially Controlled σS Module ............ 6
   1.3  Regulation of σS ........................................ 7
        1.3.1  Transcriptional Regulation of σS ................. 7
        1.3.2  Translational Regulation of σS ................... 8
        1.3.3  Post-Translational Regulation of σS .............. 9
        1.3.4  Competition for RNAP and Promoters .............. 10
   1.4  Conclusions ............................................ 11

2  Moss as a Model System for Plant Stress Responses ........... 17
   Andrew C. Cuming
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 17
   2.2  Model Systems .......................................... 19
   2.3  Physcomitrella as a Model System ....................... 22
   2.4  Water Stress and Abscisic Acid ......................... 24
   2.5  T. ruralis: A Model for Poikilohydry ................... 28
   2.6  Cold Stress and Abscisic Acid .......................... 29
   2.7  Future Perspectives .................................... 30

3  Emerging Trends in Functional Genomics for Stress
   Tolerance in Crop Plants .................................... 37
   Swatismita Ray, Prasant K. Dansana, Avantika Bhaskar,
   Jitender Ciri, Sanjay Kapoor, Jitendra P. Khurana, and
   Akhilesh K. Tyagi
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 37
   3.2  Abiotic Stresses Encountered by Plants ................. 38
   3.3  Genome-Wide Investigations to Understand Components
        Involved in Abiotic Stress Responses ................... 39
        3.3.1  Transcriptome Analysis .......................... 39
        3.3.2  Role of MicroRNAs in Stress ..................... 41
        3.3.3  Analysis of Abiotic Stress-Responsive Genes
               using Proteomic Approaches ...................... 42
   3.4  Quantitative Trait Loci for Abiotic Stress Tolerance ... 44
   3.5  Networking the Stress Response Gene Function ........... 44
        3.5.1  Sensing Systems ................................. 44
        3.5.2  Calcium and Calcium-Sensing Proteins ............ 45
        3.5.3  МАРК Proteins: At the Crossroads of Signaling
               Pathways ........................................ 47
        3.5.4  Other Pathways .................................. 48
        3.5.5  Transcription Factors at the Junction ........... 49
   3.6  Functional Characterization of Stress Response Genes
        by the Transgenic Approach ............................. 51
   3.7  Conclusions ............................................ 52

Part II Stress Responses and Newly Involved Plant Hormones ..... 65

4  Stress Physiology of Higher Plants: Cross-Talk between
   Abiotic and Biotic Stress Signaling ......................... 67
   Miki Fujita, Yasunari Fujita, Fuminori Takahashi, Kazuko
   Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, and Kazuo Shinozaki
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 67
   4.2  Cuticles and Stomata ................................... 68
   4.3  Hormone Signaling Governs Biotic and Abiotic Stress
        Responses .............................................. 71
   4.4  Roles of ROS at Points of Convergence between Biotic
        and Abiotic Stress Response Pathways ................... 73
   4.5  Transcription Factors Involved in the Cross-talk
        between Abiotic and Biotic Stress Signaling ............ 74
   4.6  Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Cascade ............... 76
   4.7  Effects of Humidity and Temperature on Biotic Stress
        Responses .............................................. 78
   4.8  Conclusions ............................................ 79

5  Jasmonates in Stress, Growth, and Development ............... 91
   Claus Wastemack
   5.1  Introduction ........................................... 91
   5.2  JA Biosynthesis ........................................ 92
   5.3  JA Metabolism .......................................... 95
   5.4  Bound OPDA - Arabidopsides ............................. 97
   5.5  Mutants of JA Biosynthesis and Signaling ............... 98
   5.6  COI1-JAZ-JA-Ile-Mediated JA Signaling ................. 101
   5.7  Transcription Factors Involved in JA Signaling ........ 104
   5.8  Jasmonates and Oxylipins in Development ............... 106
   5.9  Conclusions ........................................... 108

6  Brassinosteroids Confer Stress Tolerance ................... 119
   Uday K. Divi and Priti Krishna
   6.1  I ntroduction ......................................... 119
   6.2  BR Signaling .......................................... 120
   6.3  BR Increases Stress Tolerance ......................... 121
        6.3.1  Temperature Stress ............................. 121
        6.3.2  Salt Stress .................................... 123
        6.3.3  Drought Stress ................................. 123
        6.3.4  Pathogen Attack ................................ 124
        6.3.5  Other Stresses ................................. 126
   6.4  Anticancer and Antiviral Effects ...................... 126
   6.5  Genetic Evidence for a Role of BR in Plant Stress
        Responses ............................................. 126
   6.6  BR-Independent Role of BAK1 in Innate Immunity and
        Cell Death ............................................ 127
   6.7  Systematic Study to Dissect the Role of BR in
        Abiotic Stress Tolerance .............................. 130
   6.8  Future Directions ..................................... 131

7  Cold, Salinity, and Drought Stress ......................... 137
   Narendra Tuteja
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 137
   7.2  Abiotic Stress Response and Stress-Induced Genes ...... 139
   7.3  Cold Stress ........................................... 141
        7.3.1  Effect of Low-Temperature Stress on Plant
               Physiology ..................................... 141
        7.3.2  Cold Acclimation ............................... 142
        7.3.3  Function of Cold-Regulated Genes in Freezing
               Tolerance ...................................... 142
        7.3.4  Calcium Signaling in Cold Stress Response ...... 144
   7.4  Salinity Stress ....................................... 144
        7.4.1  Negative Impact of Salinity Stress ............. 146
        7.4.2  Calcium Signaling and SOS Pathways in
               Relation to Salinity Stress .................... 147
        7.4.3  ABA and Transcription Factors in Salinity
               Stress Tolerance ............................... 148
        7.4.4  Water Stress due to Salinity ................... 149
        7.4.5  Proline and GB in Salinity Stress .............. 149
        7.4.6  ROS in Salinity Stress ......................... 150
   7.5  Drought Stress ........................................ 151
        7.5.1  Effect of Drought on Stomata and
               Photosynthesis ................................. 152
        7.5.2  Sugars and other Osmolytes in Response to
               Drought Stress ................................. 153
        7.5.3  Phospholipid Signaling in Drought Stress ....... 154
   7.6  Conclusions and Future Prospects ...................... 154

8  Heavy Metal Stress in Plants ............................... 161
   Ann Cuypers, Karen Smeets, and Jaco Vangronsveld
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 161
   8.2  Uptake and Distribution of Metals in Plants ........... 162
   8.3  Metal Stress Affects the Plant's Physiology ........... 163
   8.4  Unraveling the Cellular Responses of Metal Stress ..... 165
        8.4.1  Metal-Induced Oxidative Stress ................. 166
   8.5  Signaling Under Metal Stress .......................... 167
   8.6  Conclusions ........................................... 170

9  Systematic Analysis of Superoxide-Dependent Signaling in
   Plant Cells: Usefulness and Specificity of Methyl
   Viologen Application ....................................... 179
   Simone Jacob and Karl-Josef Dietz
   9.1  Reactive Oxygen Species and Antioxidant Defense ....... 179
        9.1.1  Reactive Oxygen Species - Generation and
               Biological Relevance ........................... 179
        9.1.2  Detoxification of ROS - Antioxidative Network
               in Plants ...................................... 182
   9.2  Methyl Viologen: From Redox Indicator and Herbicide
        to Application as Effector in Oxidative Stress
        Investigation ......................................... 183
        9.2.1  General Considerations to Methyl Viologen as
               Herbicide and Toxin ............................ 183
        9.2.2  Mechanism of Methyl Viologen Toxicity in
               Plants and Animals ............................. 185
        9.2.3  Lipid Peroxidation as a Consequence of
               Oxidative Stress upon Methyl Viologen
               Application .................................... 186
        9.2.4  Requirement of the Antioxidative Network upon
               Methyl Viologen Application .................... 186
   9.3  Gaining Insights into Superoxide Anion-Mediated
        Signaling in Plants - Goals and Limitations of
        Methyl Viologen Application ........................... 187
        9.3.1  Superoxide Anion and Hydrogen Peroxide
               Signaling: A Problem of Differentiation? ....... 187
        9.3.2  Transgenic Plants as a Powerful Tool towards
               Understanding the Participation of Superoxide
               Anion in Signal Transduction Processes ......... 187
        9.3.3  Towards Understanding of Superoxide Anion
               Signaling in Plants ............................ 190
   9.4  Conclusions ........................................... 191

Part III  From Transcriptomics and Proteomics to Signaling
          Networks ............................................ 197

10 Insights into the Arabidopsis Abiotic Stress Response
   from the AtGenExpress Expression Profile Dataset ........... 199
   Dierk Wanke, Kenneth W. Berendzen, Joachim Kilian, and
   Klaus Harter
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 199
   10.2 The AtGenExpress Abiotic Stress Experiment ............ 200
   10.3 General Findings ...................................... 201
   10.4 The Nine Stresses ..................................... 204
        10.4.1 UV-B Light Stress .............................. 204
        10.4.2 Osmotic Stress ................................. 206
        10.4.3 Salt Stress .................................... 208
        10.4.4 Cold Stress .................................... 209
        10.4.5 Drought Stress ................................. 210
        10.4.6 Heat Stress .................................... 211
        10.4.7 Wounding Stress ................................ 211
        10.4.8 Genotoxic Stress ............................... 212
        10.4.9 Oxidative Stress ............................... 213
   10.5 Signal Integration .................................... 213
   10.6 Novel Approaches and Future Developments .............. 221
   10.7 Conclusions ........................................... 221

11 Integrative Approaches to Elucidate and Analyze Protein
   Interaction and Signaling Networks ......................... 227
   Sergio de la Fuente van Bentem, Alberto de la Fuente,
   and Heribert Hirt
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 227
   11.2 Protein Networks ...................................... 228
        11.2.1 Introduction to Protein Networks ............... 228
        11.2.2 CNA ............................................ 229
   11.3 PINs .................................................. 230
        11.3.1 Toward Global Arabidopsis PINs ................. 231
        11.3.2 An Arabidopsis PIN of Calmodulin- and
               Calmodulin-Like-Binding Proteins ............... 240
   11.4 PSNs .................................................. 240
        11.4.1 Introduction to PSNs ........................... 240
        11.4.2 From Perturbations and Responses to PSNs ....... 241
        11.4.3 High-Throughput Approaches to Create
               Perturbations and to Measure Responses ......... 242
        11.4.4 A NetworKIN Approach to Construct Plant
               Phosphorylation Networks ....................... 243
   11.5 Future Outlook on Plant Networks ...................... 245

   Index ...................................................... 249

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