Modern origins: a North African perspective (Dordrecht; New York, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаModern origins: a North African perspective / ed. by J.-J.Hublin, Sh.P.McPherron. - Dordrecht; New York: Springer, 2012. - xxi, 244 p.: ill. - (Vertebrate paleobiology and paleoanthropology). - Ind.: p.241-244. - ISBN 978-94-007-2928-5; ISSN 1877-9077

Оглавление / Contents
Part I  Paleoenvironment and Chronology

1  A Multiproxy Paleoclimate Reconstruction over the 
   Last 250 kyr from Marine Sediments: The Northwest 
   African Margin and the Western Mediterranean Sea ............. 3
   A. Moreno
2  A Northeast Saharan Perspective on Environmental
   Variability in North Africa and its Implications for
   Modern Human Origins ........................................ 19
   J.C. Larrasoaña
3  Spatial and Temporal Variation in the Nature of
   Pleistocene Pluvial Phase Environments Across North
   Africa ...................................................... 35
   J.R. Smith
4  The Faunal Context of Human Evolution in the Late Middle/
   Late Pleistocene of Northwestern Africa ..................... 49
   D. Geraads
5  New Data from the Site of Ifri n'Ammar (Morocco) and Some
   Remarks on the Chronometrie Status of the Middle
   Paleolithic in the Maghreb .................................. 61
   D. Richter, J. Moser and M. Nami
6  Amino Chronology and an Earlier Age for the Moroccan
   Aterian ..................................................... 79
   J.-P. Raynal and S. Occhietti

Part II Archaeology
7  The Identity and Timing of the Aterian in Morocco ........... 93
   A. Bouzouggar and R.N.E. Barton
8  Late Pleistocene Human Subsistence in Northern Africa: The
   State of our Knowledge and Placement in a Continental
   Context .................................................... 107
   Т.E. Steele
9  Modern Human Desert Adaptations: A Libyan Perspective
   on the Aterian Complex ..................................... 127
   E.A.A. Garcea
10 Middle Stone Age in Tunisia: Present Status of Knowledge
   and Recent Advances ........................................ 143
   N. Aouadi-Abdeljaouad and L. Belhouchet
11 The Aterian of the Oases of the Western Desert of Egypt:
   Adaptation to Changing Climatic Conditions? ................ 157
   A.L. Hawkins

Part III  The Fossil Hominins
12 Morphological Continuity of the Face in the Late Middle
   and Late Pleistocene Hominins from Northwestern Africa:
   A 3D Geometric Morphometric Analysis ....................... 179
   K. Harvati and J.-J. Hublin
13 Dental Evidence from the Aterian Human Populations of
   Morocco .................................................... 189
   J.-J. Hublin, C. Verna, S. Bailey, T. Smith, 
   A. Olejniczak, F.Z. Sbihi-Alaoui and M. Zouak
14 The Upper Paleolithic Human Remains of Nazlet Khater 2
   (Egypt) and Past Modern Human Diversity .................... 205
   I. Crevecoeur
15 Middle Pleistocene Diversity in Africa and the Origin
   of Modern Humans ........................................... 221
   G. Bräuer

Index ......................................................... 241

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