Hutter K. Physics of Lakes; Vol.2: Lakes as Oscillators (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHutter K. Physics of Lakes / K.Hutter, Y.Wang, I.P.Chubarenko. Vol.2: Lakes as Oscillators. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2011. - xxxiv, 646 p.: ill. - (Advances in geophysical and environmental mechanics and mathematics; 2). - Incl. bibl. ref. and indexes. - ISBN 978-3-642-19111-4; ISSN 1866-8348

Оглавление / Contents
11  The Role of the Earth's Rotation: Fundamentals -
    Rotation and Stratification Influenced Dynamics ............. 1
    11.1  Estimations by Dimensional Reasoning .................. 1
          11.1.1  Tributary Affected Advection .................. 2
          11.1.2  Wind-Induced Circulation ...................... 3
          11.1.3  Barotropic and Baroclinic Wave Dynamics ....... 4
    11.2  Rotation Influenced Shallow Water Waves ............... 6
    11.3  A Brief Classification of Rossby Waves ............... 13
    11.4  Plane Linear Waves in a Rotating Stratified Fluid .... 19
          11.4.1  Waves in a Linearly Stratified Rotating
                  Unbounded Boussinesq Fluid ................... 20
          11.4.2  Waves in a Stably Stratified Shallow Layer
                  of a Boussinesq Fluid ........................ 28
          11.4.3  The Two-Layer Model .......................... 39
    11.5  Concluding Discussion ................................ 46
    References ................................................. 48
12  The Role of the Earth's Rotation: Oscillations in Semi-
    bounded and Bounded Basins of Constant Depth ............... 49
    12.1  Motivation ........................................... 49
    12.2  Kelvin Waves ......................................... 50
          12.2.1  Pseudo-Standing Kelvin Waves ................. 55
          12.2.2  Baroclinic Kelvin Waves ...................... 58
    12.3  Inertial Waves ....................................... 60
    12.4  Poincare Waves ....................................... 62
    12.5  Reflection from the End of a Channel Wall ............ 70
    12.6  Shallow Water Waves in a Rectangle of Constant
          Depth ................................................ 73
          12.6.1  Frequency Relation ........................... 77
          12.6.2  Modal Structure .............................. 81
          12.6.3  Additional Results ........................... 85
    12.7  A 'Second-Class' of Inertial Waves: 'Inertial Waves
          Proper' .............................................. 87
          12.7.1  Governing Equations .......................... 88
          12.7.2  Plane Inertial Sverdrup (Poincare) Waves ..... 91
          12.7.3  Inertial Kelvin Waves ........................ 92
          12.7.4  Inertial Poincare Waves in a Channel ......... 94
          12.7.5  Inertial Poincare Channel Waves Reflecting
                  from a Vertical Wall ......................... 96
          12.7.6  Inertial Waves in Rectangular Basin of
                  Constant Depth ............................... 98
          12.7.7  Discussion .................................. 101
    12.8  Concluding Discussion ............................... 103
    12.9  Appendix: Solution Scheme of Proudman-Rao to Solve
          (12.1) .............................................. 104
    References ................................................ 111
13  Basin-Scale Gravity Waves in Circular and Elliptical
    Containers on the Rotating Earth .......................... 115
    13.1  Motivation .......................................... 115
    13.2  Conceptual Prerequisites ............................ 117
    13.3  Circular Cylindrical Geometry ....................... 118
    13.4  Three-Layer Stratification - Lake Kinneret Treated
          as a Circular Cylinder of Constant Depth ............ 123
    13.5  Elliptical Cylindrical Container .................... 129
    13.6  Mathieu Functions ................................... 131
    13.7  Elliptical Basin: Normal Mode Analysis .............. 135
    13.8  Experimental Verification ........................... 147
    13.9  Discussion .......................................... 151
    References ................................................ 153
14  Barotropic and Baroclinic Basin-Scale Wave Dynamics
    Affected by the Rotation of the Earth ..................... 155
    14.1  Introduction ........................................ 155
    14.2  Barotropic Basin-Wide Oscillations of Lake
          Michigan ............................................ 157
    14.3  Internal Seiche Dynamics in Lake Geneva ............. 164
          14.3.1  Introduction ................................ 164
          14.3.2  Lake Morphology and Data Handling ........... 165
          14.3.3  Model Equations ............................. 166
          14.3.4  Modal Analysis for the TEDM ................. 168
          14.3.5  Modal Analysis for the TCDM ................. 172
          14.3.6  Internal Wave Dynamics Revealed by Surface
                  Level Data .................................. 173
    14.4  Transverse Internal Wave Motion in Lake
          Ьberlingen .......................................... 179
          14.4.1  Statement of the Problem .................... 179
          14.4.2  Observations During the Bodensee-
                  Experiment 1972 ............................. 179
          14.4.3  Numerical Solution for the TVD Model with
                  Realistic Bottom Topography ................. 182
    14.5  Lake Biwa ........................................... 186
    14.6  Concluding Discussion ............................... 190
    References ................................................ 192
15  Higher-Order Baroclinicity (I): Two Fluid Layers with
    Diffuse Interface - Three Fluid Layers with Sharp
    Interfaces ................................................ 197
    15.1  Motivation and Review ............................... 197
    A. Laboratory Experiments on Baroclinic Solitary Waves
       in a Two-Layer Fluid System with Diffusive Interface ... 199
    15.2  Experimental Set-Up and Wave Generation ............. 199
          15.2.1  The Wave Channel ............................ 199
          15.2.2  Solitary Wave Generation and Measuring
                  Technique ................................... 199
          15.2.3  Error Estimation ............................ 202
    15.3  The Experiments ..................................... 202
          15.3.1  Typical Experimental Data ................... 203
          15.3.2  Results ..................................... 208
    15.4  Analytical Models for the Evolution of Baroclinic
          Waves ............................................... 212
          15.4.1  Equations ................................... 212
          15.4.2  Baroclinic modes for a two-layer system
                  with diffuse interface ...................... 216
          15.4.3  Results of the Numerical Modeling ........... 219
    B. Three-Layer Model of the North Basin of the Lake of
       Lugano ................................................. 224
    15.5  The Thermo-Chemical Density Structure of the North
          Basin of Lake of Lugano ............................. 225
    15.6  Linear Wave Dynamics of the Three-Layer Model ....... 229
    15.7  Computational Results and Their Comparison with
          Field Data .......................................... 233
          15.7.1  Mode 1 ...................................... 234
          15.7.2  Mode 2 ...................................... 240
          15.7.3  Mode 3 ...................................... 242
          15.7.4  Modes 4 and 5 ............................... 244
    15.8  Model Sensitivity ................................... 245
    15.9  Inferences .......................................... 246
    15.10 Summary ............................................. 247
    References ................................................ 248
16  Higher-Order Baroclinicity (II): Interpretation of Lake
    Data with Rotating and Non-rotating Models ................ 251
    16.1  V2-Vertical Mode of the Internal Seiche in Lake
          Alpnach ............................................. 252
          16.1.1  Observations ................................ 253
          16.1.2  Seiche Analysis ............................. 254
    16.2  Internal Seiche Climate in Lake Banyoles,
          Catalonia (Spain) ................................... 258
          16.2.1  Description of the Site ..................... 259
          16.2.2  Methods of Computation and Data Analysis .... 260
          16.2.3  Results ..................................... 261
    16.3  Internal Wave Weather in Stratified Lake Biwa ....... 267
          16.3.1  Methodology and Overview of Field
                  Results ..................................... 267
    16.4  Basin-Scale Wave Motion in Lake Constance ........... 274
          16.4.1  Morphology and Methodology .................. 274
          16.4.2  Interpretation of the Observations .......... 278
    16.5  Closing Remarks ..................................... 281
    References ................................................ 284
17  Barotropic Oscillations in Lake Onega: A Lake of Complex
    Geometry .................................................. 287
    17.1  Lake Morphology and First Interpretations
          of Water Level Measurements ......................... 287
    17.2  Measured Water-Level Fluctuations and Water
          Currents at Isolated Points ......................... 291
    17.3  The Barotropic Eigenvalue Problem ................... 296
    17.4  Numerical Results and Their Comparison with
          Observations ........................................ 298
    17.5  Concluding Remarks .................................. 308
    17.6  Appendix: The Lanczos' Procedure in Solving
          Symmetric Eigenvalue Problems ....................... 309
    References ................................................ 313
18  Observation and Analysis of Internal Seiches in the
    Southern Basin of Lake of Lugano .......................... 315
    18.1  Introductory Remarks, Lake Morphology ............... 315
    18.2  State of Stratification and Wind Forces: 15
          August-15 October 1984 .............................. 318
    18.3  Internal Seiche Response: Variation in Isotherm
          Depth and Wind Stress ............................... 324
          18.3.1  Internal Oscillations 25 August-5
                  September ................................... 324
          18.3.2  Internal Oscillations 7-30 September ........ 326
          18.3.3  Internal Seiche After 3 October ............. 329
          18.3.4  Harmonic Analysis ........................... 329
    18.4  Model Predictions: The Two-Layered Variable-Depth
          Model ............................................... 333
    18.5  Current Structure of the Internal Seiches ........... 344
    18.6  Closing Remarks ..................................... 348
          18.6.1  Observed Features Not Reproduced by the
                  TVD-Model ................................... 348
          18.6.2  A Remark on the Generation of Topographic
                  Waves ....................................... 349
          18.6.3  Barotropic-Baroclinic Coupling of the
                  North- and South Basin ...................... 351
    References ................................................ 352
19  Topographie Waves in Enclosed Basins: Fundamentals
    and Observations .......................................... 355
    19.1  Review of Early Work ................................ 355
    19.2  Some Observations and Proposed Interpretations ...... 358
          19.2.1  Lake Michigan ............................... 358
          19.2.2  Lake of Lugano (North Basin) ................ 362
          19.2.3  Other Lakes and Ocean Basins ................ 365
    19.3  Baroclinic Coupling: The Two-Layer Model ............ 368
          19.3.1  Two-Layer-Equations ......................... 368
          19.3.2  Approximations .............................. 369
          19.3.3  Scale Analysis .............................. 372
          19.3.4  Boundary Conditions ......................... 376
    19.4  Continuous Stratification ........................... 377
          19.4.1  Modal Equations ............................. 377
          19.4.2  Spectral Decomposition of the Baroclinic
                  Fields ...................................... 382
          19.4.3  Scale Analysis .............................. 389
    19.5  Discussion .......................................... 391
    References ................................................ 396
20  Topographic Rossby Waves in Basins of Simple Geometry ..... 399
    20.1  Motivation .......................................... 399
    20.2  Topographic Wave Equation in Curvilinear
    Orthogonal Coordinate Systems ............................. 400
          20.2.1  Preparation ................................. 400
          20.2.2  Cylindrical Coordinates ..................... 403
          20.2.3  Elliptical Coordinates ...................... 403
          20.2.4  Natural Coordinates ......................... 405
          20.2.5  Cartesian-Coordinate Correspondence
                  Principle ................................... 407
    20.3  An Almanac of Analytical Solutions .................. 407
          20.3.1  Circular Basin with Parabolic Bottom ........ 407
          20.3.2  Circular Basin with a Power-Law Bottom
                  Profile ..................................... 411
          20.3.3  Elliptic Basin with Parabolic Bottom ........ 413
          20.3.4  Elliptic Basin with Exponential Bottom ...... 417
          20.3.5  Topographic Vorticity Waves in Infinite
                  Domains ..................................... 425
          20.3.6  Elliptic Island in Infinite Space ........... 432
    20.4  Application of Transformation Principles ............ 434
          20.4.1  Hyperbolically Curved Channels .............. 434
          20.4.2  Semi-Infinite Gulf and Patched-Up
                  Elongated Basins ............................ 437
    20.5  Discussion .......................................... 443
    References ................................................ 444
21  Topographic Waves in Basins with Complex Shapes and
    Complex Bathymetries ...................................... 447
    21.1  Conceptual Review ................................... 447
    21.2  The Method of Weighted Residuals .................... 448
          21.2.1  The Method of Weighted Residuals Applied
                  to Topographic Waves ........................ 448
          21.2.2  Symmetrisation .............................. 453
    21.3  Topographic Waves in Infinite Channels .............. 454
          21.3.1  Basic Concept ............................... 455
          21.3.2  Dispersion Relation ......................... 458
          21.3.3  Channel Solutions ........................... 463
    21.4  Topographic Waves in Rectangular Basins ............. 469
          21.4.1  Crude Lake Models ........................... 469
          21.4.2  The Role of the Aspect Ratio ................ 472
          21.4.3  Lake Model with Non-constant Depth Along
                  Its Thalweg ................................. 474
          21.4.4  Current Patterns ............................ 485
    21.5  Curved Channels ..................................... 490
          21.5.1  The Method of Weighted Residuals for Lakes
                  with Curved Thalwegs ........................ 490
          21.5.2  Dispersion Relation ......................... 493
          21.5.3  TW-Wave Modes in Wedges of Annuli with
                  Smooth Bathymetry ........................... 495
    21.6  Reflection of Topographic Waves ..................... 498
          21.6.1  Reflection at a Vertical Wall ............... 499
          21.6.2  Reflection at a Gulf End with Continuous
                  Depth Lines But Discontinuous Slope
                  Parameter ................................... 502
          21.6.3  Reflection at a Channel End with
                  Continuous Depth Lines and Continuous
                  Slope Parameter ............................. 504
    21.7  Bay Modes and Resonances ............................ 512
          21.7.1  The Boundary Value Problem for TWs in
                  a Semi-Infinite Gulf with Exponential
                  Bathymetry .................................. 513
          21.7.2  The Flat Channel ............................ 518
          21.7.3  Channel with Shelf Topography ............... 521
    21.8  Concluding Discussion ............................... 530
    21.9  Appendix ............................................ 533
    References ................................................ 536
22  A Class of Chrystal-Type Equations ........................ 539
    22.1  Motivation .......................................... 539
    22.2  Traditional Chrystal-Type Equations ................. 541
          22.2.1  Homogeneous Lakes ........................... 541
          22.2.2  Two-Layer Channel Model ..................... 544
    22.3  Extended Channel Models: Governing Equations ........ 555
    22.4  Method of Weighted Residuals ........................ 559
    22.5  Derivation of a Hierarchy of Channel Equations
          for Barotropic Motions in Lakes ..................... 563
          22.5.1  Mass Balance ................................ 564
          22.5.2  Momentum Balance ............................ 566
          22.5.3  Summary ..................................... 567
    22.6  Low-Order Channel Models for Curved Rotating
          Elongated Lakes ..................................... 569
          22.6.1  Non-rotating Basins ......................... 570
          22.6.2  A First-Order Model Accounting for the
                  Rotation of the Earth ....................... 572
    22.7  Gravity Waves in Channels and Lakes of Rectangular
          Cross Section on the Rotating Earth ................. 576
          22.7.1  Free Oscillations in a Non-rotating
                  Rectangle ................................... 576
          22.7.2  Kelvin-Type Waves in an Infinitely Long
                  Rectangular Straight Canal .................. 579
          22.7.3  Wave Solutions of the Full First-Order
                  System: Poincare-Like Waves ................. 581
          22.7.4  Reflection of Kelvin-Type Waves at
                  a Barrier of a Half-Open Rectangular Canal
                  and Free Oscillations in Rectangles ......... 589
    22.8  Ring-Shaped Basins with Constant Depth .............. 600
          22.8.1  Solutions of the Two-Dimensional Tidal
                  Equation .................................... 600
          22.8.2  First-Order Channel Model ................... 603
    22.9  Higher Order Chrystal-Type Models Applied to Free
          Oscillations in Natural Basins ...................... 608
          22.9.1  The Nth Order Two-Point Boundary-Value
                  Problem for Barotropic Forced or Free
                  Oscillations ................................ 608
          22.9.2  Integration Procedure ....................... 612
          22.9.3  Barotropic Seiches of the Northern Basin
                  of Lake of Lugano ........................... 614
    Appendix 22.A ............................................. 620
    Appendix 22.В ............................................. 623
    References ................................................ 626

Name Index .................................................... 629
Lake Index .................................................... 633
Subject Index ................................................. 635

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