Abhandlungen der Senckenberg-Gesellschaft für Naturforschung; 570 (Stuttgart, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаCollinson M.E. Fossil fruits and seeds of the Middle Eocene Messel biota, Germany / M.E.Collinson, S.R.Manchester, V.Wilde. - Stuttgart: Schweizerbart, 2012. - 251 p.: ill., graph. - (Abhandlungen der Senckenberg-Gesellschaft für Naturforschung; 570). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Taxonomic ind.: p.248-251. - ISBN 978-3-510-61400-4; ISSN 1868-0356

Оглавление / Contents
Introduction .................................................... 2
Geologic setting and age ........................................ 2
Modes of preservation ........................................... 3
Material and methods ............................................ 4
Floristic composition ........................................... 6
Comparison with diversity known from leaves and pollen .......... 7
   Fruit and seed biology, dispersal and animal diets ........... 7
   Soft to leathery fleshy fruit tissues ........................ 7
   Vertebrate gut contents containing fruits and seeds .......... 8
   Insect dispersal and feeding ................................. 9
   Dry fruits and seeds: dehiscence mechanisms and vertebrate
   diet ......................................................... 9
   Dry fruits and seeds as a vertebrate food resource: 
   fibrous, tough, woody and resinous tissues ................... 9
   Family Icacinaceae Miers .................................... 27
   Family Juglandaceae DC ...................................... 32
   Family Lauraceae Juss ....................................... 33
   Family Leguminosae Juss ..................................... 34
   Family Lythraceae J. St.-Hil ................................ 35
   Family Magnoliaceae Juss .................................... 36
   Family Mastixiaceae Calest .................................. 36
   Family Menispermaceae Juss .................................. 38
   Family Myristicaceae R. Br .................................. 46
   Order Nymphaeales ........................................... 46
   Family Nyssaceae Juss. ex Dumort ............................ 47
   Family Pentaphylacaceae Engl ................................ 47
   Family Rhamnaceae Juss ...................................... 47
   Family Rutaceae Juss ........................................ 48
   Family Sabiaceae Blume ...................................... 49
   Family Sapotaceae Juss ...................................... 49
   Family Simaroubaceae DC ..................................... 50
   Family Tapisciaceae Takht ................................... 50
   Family Theaceae Mirb ........................................ 50
   Family Toricelliaceae Нu .................................... 51
   Family Ulmaceae Mirb ........................................ 52
Family Vitaceae Juss ........................................... 52
Incertae Sedis ................................................. 56
Acknowledgements ............................................... 76

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