Basavaiah N. Geomagnetism: solid Earth and upper atmosphere perspectives (Dordrecht; New York, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBasavaiah N. Geomagnetism: solid Earth and upper atmosphere perspectives. - Dordrecht; New York: Springer; New Delhi: Capital Pub., 2011. - xviii, 486: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.460-476. - Ind.: p.477-486. - ISBN 978-94-007-0402-2

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ........................................................ v
Preface ....................................................... vii
Abbreviations .................................................. xv

1  The Historical Development of (Geo)Magnetism ................. 1
   1.1  Global Scene ............................................ 1
   1.2  Fundamental Similarity between Electricity and 
        Magnetism .............................................. 10
   1.3  Historical Perspective: National Scene against Global
        Backdrop ............................................... 14
   1.4  Geomagnetic Field Elements and Their Measurements ...... 16
2  Internal Magnetic Field ..................................... 24
   2.1  Interior of the Earth and Physical Properties .......... 25
   2.2  Earth Structure and Its Major Divisions ................ 31
   2.3  Magnetism in Matter and Magnetic Properties ............ 37
   2.4  Curie and Neel Temperature ............................. 42
   2.5  Rock Forming Magnetic Minerals and Rock Magnetism ...... 43
   2.6  Hysteresis Loop ........................................ 58
   2.7  Magnetic Materials, Domain States and Grain Sizes ...... 59
   2.8  Genesis of Earth's Magnetic Field and Its Dynamo
        Effect ................................................. 66
   2.9  Wegener and Continental Drift .......................... 69
   2.10 Palaeomagnetism: An Indirect Measurement of Past
        Geomagnetic Field ...................................... 71
   2.11 Mechanism of Magnetic Banding .......................... 76
   2.12 Plate Tectonics and Seismotectonics .................... 79
3  Magnetic Field that Extends into Space ...................... 87
   3.1  Structure of the Earth's Atmosphere: Traditional
        View ................................................... 89
   3.2  Structure of the Sun: Association of Sunspots with
        Terrestrial Phenomena .................................. 94
   3.3  Structure of Magnetosphere ............................ 105
   3.4  Sources of Electric Fields ............................ 107
   3.5  Radio Waves: Scintillation ............................ 110
4  Technique of Magnetic Measurements ......................... 115
   4.1  Magnetometery for Geomagnetic Observatories ........... 117
   4.2  Magnetic Survey Instruments: Fluxgate and Induction
        Magnetometers ......................................... 125
   4.3  Laboratory Magnetic Instruments ....................... 131
5  Magnetic Observatories and Data Analysis ................... 142
   5.1  Measurement and Data .................................. 146
   5.2  Geomagnetism and Secular Variation .................... 150
   5.3  Causes of Geomagnetic Field Variation: External
        Origin ................................................ 154
   5.4  Equatorial Enhancement and Geomagnetic Field
        Variations ............................................ 159
   5.5  Geomagnetic Storms and the Magnetosphere .............. 167
6  Solid Earth Geomagnetism ................................... 174
   6.1  Geopotential Field Anomaly Studies .................... 177
   6.2  Satellite Measurements of Earth's Gravity Field ....... 179
   6.3  Satellite Measurements of the Earth's Magnetic 
        Field ................................................. 187
   6.4  Air-borne Magnetic Surveys ............................ 199
   6.5  National Ground Magnetic Surveys ...................... 208
   6.6  Ground Magnetic Surveys ............................... 210
   6.7  Electromagnetic (EM) Induction Methods ................ 222
   6.8  Basic Method of EM Induction .......................... 223
   6.9  Geomagnetic Depth Sounding (GDS) ...................... 226
   6.10 Methodology, Objectives of GDS Technique .............. 226
   6.11 Acquisition, Analysis and Presentation of GDS Data .... 227
   6.12 Data Processing Techniques ............................ 228
   6.13 GDS Field Surveys ..................................... 230
   6.14 Magnetic Variation Mapping Examples ................... 231
   6.15 Ocean Bottom Magnetometer Studies ..................... 235
   6.16 OBM Field Examples .................................... 235
   6.17 Magnetotelluric Surveys ............................... 236
   6.18 Methodology, Data Acquisition and Time Series 
        Processing ............................................ 237
   6.19 Principle ofMT Method and Its Utility ................. 241
   6.20 Applications of MT in Geophysical Prospecting ......... 242
   6.21 Earthquakes: Causatives and Measurements .............. 249
   6.22 Major Earthquakes of the World and India .............. 252
   6.23 Himalayan Tectonics and Its Effect on Peninsula ....... 254
   6.24 Seismic Zonation Maps and Seimic Hazards .............. 259
   6.25 Geophysical Studies in Seismically Active Regions ..... 261
   6.26 Co-Seismic Investigations—Magnetic and Electrical
        Rock Properties ....................................... 264
   6.27 Predicting Earthquakes ................................ 265
   6.28 Earthquake Precursory Changes ......................... 266
   6.29 Earthquake Precursory Case Histories .................. 268
   6.30 Palaeosiesmology: Quasi-Empirical Earthquake
        Prediction Technique .................................. 274
   6.31 GPS Measurements and Geodynamics ...................... 277
   6.32 Observational Procedure ............................... 279
   6.33 Methodology, Data Acquisition and Analysis ............ 280
   6.34 GPS: Repeat Campaigns, Permanent Sites and Case 
        Studies ............................................... 282
7  Experimental Geomagnetism .................................. 291
   7.1  Palaeomagnetism and Geomagnetic Field in Geological
        Past .................................................. 292
   7.2  Palaeolatitude, Pole Position, Apparent Polar Wander
        Path .................................................. 304
   7.3  Magnetochronology ..................................... 309
   7.4  Implications of Palaeomagnetic Results ................ 316
   7.5  Environmental Geomagnetism ............................ 321
   7.6  Environmental Geomagnetism vs. Palaeomagnetism ........ 322
   7.7  Environmental Magnetism: Objectives and Evolution ..... 323
   7.8  Primary Magnetic Measurements—Magnetic Properties ..... 334
   7.9  Secondary Magnetic Parameters: Interparametric 
        Ratios ................................................ 348
   7.10 Magnetic Studies, Complex Issues ...................... 351
   7.11 Environmental Magnetism—Its Application to the
        Indian Depositional Settings .......................... 354
   7.12 Magnetic Susceptibility and Depositional
        Environments .......................................... 356
   7.13 Magnetomineralogical S-ratio and Palaeoclimate in
        Sediments ............................................. 373
   7.14 Future Studies ........................................ 376
8  Upper Atmosphere Studies ................................... 387
   8.1  Space Weather Effects ................................. 398
   8.2  Ionospheric Electrodynamics: Short Period
        Fluctuations .......................................... 406
   8.3  Equatorial-Latitude Electrodynamical Coupling and
        Atmospheric Structure ................................. 414
   8.4  Antarctic Magnetic Data ............................... 419
9  Usefulness of Geomagnetic Research ......................... 423
   9.1  Observatories and Data Analysis ....................... 424
   9.2  Solid Earth Geomagnetism .............................. 427
   9.3  Upper Atmospheric Studies ............................. 437
10 Perspective ................................................ 449
   10.1 Solid Earth Geomagnetism .............................. 452
   10.2 Current Trends/Geomagnetism ........................... 458

Select Bibliography ........................................... 460
Index ......................................................... 477

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