Pregosin P.S. NMR in Organometallic Chemistry (Weinheim, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPregosin P.S. NMR in Organometallic Chemistry. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2012. - xiv, 392 p. - Ind.: p.389-392. - ISBN 978-3-527-33013-3

Оглавление / Contents
   Preface ..................................................... XI
   Abbreviations ............................................. XIII
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   References ................................................... 5
2  Routine Measuring and Relaxation ............................. 7
   2.1  Getting Started ......................................... 7
   2.2  Relaxation .............................................. 9
        2.2.1  Dipole-Dipole Relaxation ........................ 12
        2.2.2  Chemical Shift Anisotropy ....................... 15
        2.2.3  Passing Comments ................................ 16
        2.2.4  Useful Tips ..................................... 16
   References .................................................. 17
3  COSY and HMQC 2-D Sequences ................................. 19
   3.1  Tactics ................................................ 19
   3.2  COSY ................................................... 20
   3.3  HMQC and HMBC .......................................... 21
        3.3.1  Methods ......................................... 21
        3.3.2  One-Bond 13С,1Н Correlations .................... 22
        3.3.3  One-Bond 2-D 15N,1H Correlations ................ 25
        3.3.4  Two and Three Long-Range Bond 13С?Н
               Correlations .................................... 26
        3.3.5  X,1H Correlations ............................... 31
   References .................................................. 36
4  Overhauser Effects and 2-D NOESY ............................ 39
   4.1  Background ............................................. 39
   4.2  Assigning Signals via NOEs and General Applications .... 40
   4.3  X,1H Overhauser Effects ................................ 41
   4.4  2-D NOESY .............................................. 43
   4.5  HOESY .................................................. 50
   4.6  Metal Complexes and NOEs. ROESY vs NOESY ............... 51
   References .................................................. 54
5  Diffusion Constants via NMR Measurements .................... 55
   References .................................................. 60
6  Chemical Shifts ............................................. 63
   6.1  1H NMR ................................................. 64
        6.1.1  Anisotropic Effects ............................. 64
        6.1.2  Hydrides ........................................ 67
        6.1.3  Molecular H2 and η2-X-H-M Complexes with X =
               C, Si, and H .................................... 72
        6.1.4  σ-Bound Alkyl Groups ............................ 73
        6.1.5  η24-Olefin, and η6-Arene Proton Chemical
               Shifts .......................................... 74
        6.1.6  Allyl and Cp Anions ............................. 79
        6.1.7  Carbene Ligands ................................. 83
   6.2  Introduction to Heavy Atom NMR ......................... 84
   6.3  13C .................................................... 87
        6.3.1  σ-Bound Alkyl, Aryl, and Alkynyl Complexes ...... 89
        6.3.2  π-Bound Olefin Complexes ........................ 99
        6.3.3  Acetylene Complexes ............................ 109
        6.3.4  Allyl and Cp Complexes ......................... 111
        6.3.5  Carbonyl Complexes ............................. 119
        6.3.6  Carbenes, Carbynes, and Related Complexes ...... 125
        6.3.7  N-Heterocyclic Carbenes (NHCs) ................. 130
   6.4  15N NMR ............................................... 134
   6.5  19F NMR ............................................... 146
   6.6  31P NMR ............................................... 155
   6.7  Transition Metals ..................................... 179
   References ................................................. 196
   Further Reading ............................................ 206
7  Coupling Constants ......................................... 207
   7.1  Background ............................................ 207
   7.2  One-Bond Interactions ................................. 208
   7.3  A Short 19F Excursion ................................. 216
   7.4  Applications Involving 1J ............................. 219
   7.5  1J(H,D) and Molecular Hydrogen Complexes .............. 220
   7.6  1J(C,H) in η2-C-H-•••M Complexes: Agostic
        Interactions .......................................... 222
   7.7  Remote Agostic Bonds .................................. 226
   7.8  1J(Si,H) in η2-Si-H-•••M Complexes .................... 226
   7.9  Trans Influence and 1J ................................ 230
   7.10 Two- and Three-Bond J-Values .......................... 238
        7.10.1 Routine 1H Coupling Constants .................. 242
        7.10.2 Two and Three-Bond 31P Coupling Constants
               with 1H ........................................ 246
        7.10.3 An Excursion Involving 31P and 13C J-Values .... 249
        7.10.4 Second-Order Effects in 13C Spectra of
               Bisphosphine Complexes ......................... 251
        7.10.5 The Geometrie Dependence of 2J(L1-M-L2) ........ 254
        7.10.6 2J(31P-M-1H) ................................... 255
        7.10.7 2J(X,1H) ....................................... 256
        7.10.8 2J(31P,31P) .................................... 258
        7.10.9 2J(31P,13C) .................................... 264
        7.10.10 2J(31P,19F) ................................... 266
       2J(31P,X) ........................... 267
   References ................................................. 273
   Further Reading ............................................ 277
8  Dynamics ................................................... 279
   8.1  Variable Temperature .................................. 280
   8.2  Line Shape Analysis ................................... 284
   8.3  Magnetization Transfer ................................ 291
   8.4  Two-Dimensional NMR and Chemical Exchange ............. 296
   References ................................................. 308
9  Preface to the Problems .................................... 311
10 Organometallic Introduction ................................ 313
   10.1 Oxidative Addition .................................... 313
   10.2 Migratory Insertion (or Intramolecular Nucleophilic
        Attack) ............................................... 314
   10.3 External Nucleophilic Attack .......................... 314
   10.4 Beta-Hydrogen Elimination ............................. 315
   10.5 Reductive Elimination ................................. 315
   10.6 Synthesis of Transition Metal-Hydride Complexes ....... 316
   10.7 Synthesis of Transition Metal Alkyl Complexes ......... 316
   10.8 Synthesis of Transition Metal Carbonyl Complexes ...... 317
   10.9 Synthesis of Transition Metal Olefin Complexes ........ 317
   10.10 Synthesis of Transition Metal Carbene Complexes ...... 318
11 NMR Problems ............................................... 319
   11.1 Three Sample Problems ................................. 319
   11.2 NMR Problems .......................................... 323
12 Solutions to the Problems and Comments ..................... 361

   Index ...................................................... 389

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