Ang H.G. Energetic polymers: binders and plasticizers for enhancing performance (Weinheim, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAng H.G. Energetic polymers: binders and plasticizers for enhancing performance / H.-G.Ang, S.Pisharath. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2012. - xvi, 218 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.208-210. - Ind.: p.211-218. - ISBN 978-3-527-33155-0

Оглавление / Contents
   Preface ..................................................... IX
   Abbreviations ............................................... XI

1  Polymers as Binders and Plasticizers-Historical
   Perspective .................................................. 1
   1.1  Nitrocellulose .......................................... 1
   1.2  Polysulfides ............................................ 2
   1.3  Polybutadienes (PBAA, PBAN, and CTPB) ................... 3
   1.4  Polyurethanes ........................................... 4
   1.5  Hydroxy Terminated Polybutadiene ........................ 5
   1.6  Explosive Binders ....................................... 5
   1.7  Thermoplastic Elastomers ................................ 6
   1.8  Energetic Polymers (Other Than NC) as Binders ........... 8
        1.8.1  Polyglycidyl Nitrate ............................. 8
        1.8.2  GAP .............................................. 9
        1.8.3  Energetic Polyoxetanes .......................... 10
        1.8.4  Polyphosphazenes ................................ 11
        1.8.5  Energetic Thermoplastic Elastomers .............. 11
   1.9  Energetic Polymer Plasticizers ......................... 12
   References .................................................. 15
2  High Nitrogen Content Polymers .............................. 19
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 19
   2.2  Preparation of Energetic Azido Polymers ................ 19
        2.2.1  Glycidyl Azide Polymer .......................... 19
        2.2.2  Azido Polymers from Oxetanes .................... 22
       Poly(BAMO) ............................. 23
       Poly(AMMO) ............................. 24
   2.3  Physical Properties of Azido Polymers .................. 25
   2.4  Curing of Azido Polymers ............................... 25
        2.4.1  Curing by Polyisocyanates ....................... 25
       Preparation ............................ 26
       Structure of Cured Polyurethane
                        Elastomer .............................. 28
       Kinetics of Curing of Azido Polymers ... 29
       Gel-Time Characteristics ............... 31
       Post-Cure Properties ................... 33
   2.5  Curing of Azido Polymers by Dipolarophiles ............. 38
   2.6  Thermal Decomposition Characteristics of Azido
        Polymers ............................................... 41
        2.6.1  Mechanism of Thermal Decomposition .............. 41
        2.6.2  Kinetics of Thermal Decomposition of Azido
               Polymers ........................................ 43
   2.7  Combustion of Azido Polymers ........................... 47
   2.8  Thermal Decomposition and Combustion of Energetic
        Formulations with Azido Polymers ....................... 49
        2.8.1  Thermal Decomposition of Azido Polymer/
               Nitramine Mixtures .............................. 50
        2.8.2  Combustion of Azido Polymer/Nitramine
               Propellant Mixtures ............................. 54
        2.8.3  Combustion of Azido Polymer/Ammonium Nitrate
               Composite Propellants ........................... 57
        2.8.4  Combustion of Azido Polymer Propellants with
               HNF ............................................. 58
   2.9  Performance of Azido Polymer-Based Propellants ......... 61
   2.10 Azido Polymers as Explosive Binders .................... 63
        2.10.1 Azido Polymer Based PBX Formulations for
               Underwater Explosives ........................... 65
   2.11 Tetrazole Polymers and Their Salts ..................... 66
   2.12 N-N-Bonded Epoxy Binders ............................... 69
   References .................................................. 70
3  Nitropolymers as Energetic Binders .......................... 81
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 81
   3.2  Preparation of Nitropolymers ........................... 82
        3.2.1  Nitrocellulose .................................. 82
        3.2.2  Poly(Glycidyl Nitrate) (PGN) .................... 83
       Curing of PGN .......................... 85
        3.2.3  Poly(Nitratomethyl-methyl Oxetane)
               (Poly(NIMMO)) ................................... 88
        3.2.4  Nitrated HTPB (NHTPB) ........................... 90
        3.2.5  Nitrated Cyclodextrin Polymers (Poly(CDN)) ...... 90
   3.3  Thermal Decomposition Behavior of Nitropolymers ........ 91
        3.3.1  Nitrocellulose .................................. 91
        3.3.2  Poly(Nitratomethyl-Methyl Oxetane)
               (Poly(NIMMO)) ................................... 94
        3.3.3  Poly(Glycidyl Nitrate) (PGN) .................... 98
   3.4  Combustion of Nitrate Ester Polymers and
        Propellants ........................................... 100
        3.4.1  NC Based Double-Base Propellants ............... 100
        3.4.2  Composite Modified Double-Base (CMDB)
               Propellants .................................... 101
        3.4.3  Poly(NIMMO)-Based Composite Propellants ........ 106
        3.4.4  PGN-Based Composite Propellants ................ 109
   3.5  Nitropolymer-Based Explosive Compositions ............. 111
   References ................................................. 115
4  Energetic Thermoplastic Elastomers ......................... 121
   4.1  Introduction .......................................... 121
   4.2  Preparation of Energetic Thermoplastic Elastomers ..... 122
   4.3  Thermal Decomposition and Combustion of ETPEs ......... 132
   4.4  Combustion of ETPE Propellant Formulations ............ 137
   4.5  Performance of ETPE Based Propellant Formulations ..... 139
   4.6  Melt-Cast Explosives Based on ETPEs ................... 141
   4.7  ETPE Based Polymer Nanocomposites ..................... 142
        References ............................................ 144
5  Fluoropolymers as Binders .................................. 147
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 147
   5.2  Poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) ...................... 148
        5.2.1  Phase Transitions of PTFE ...................... 148
        5.2.2  Energetic Composites of PTFE ................... 149
   5.3  Copolymers of Tetrafluoroethylene ..................... 152
        5.3.1  Kel-F800 ....................................... 153
       Dynamic Behavior of Kel-F800 under
                        Shock ................................. 153
       Thermal Decomposition ................. 155
        5.3.2  Viton A ........................................ 156
       Thermal Decomposition of Viton ........ 158
   5.4  Energetic Polymers Containing Fluorine ................ 159
   5.5  Miscellaneous Energetic Fluoropolymers ................ 161
   5.6  PBX Formulations with Fluoropolymers .................. 162
   References ................................................. 165
6  Energetic Plasticizers for High Performance ................ 171
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 171
   6.2  Energetic Plasticizers Based on Azido Compounds ....... 172
        6.2.1  Azido Acetate Ester Based Plasticizers ......... 172
        6.2.2  Azido Based Oligomeric Plasticizers ............ 174
   6.3  Performance of Propellant Formulations Containing
        Azido Plasticizers .................................... 178
   6.4  Nitrate Ester Plasticizers ............................ 180
        6.4.1  General Characteristics ........................ 180
        6.4.2  Performance .................................... 183
   6.5  Nitrate Ester Oligomers as Energetic Plasticizers ..... 184
   6.6  Miscellaneous Plasticizers Based on Nitro-Groups ...... 186
        6.6.1  Polynitro-Aliphatic Plasticizers ............... 186
        6.6.2  Nitratoethylnitramine (NENA) Plasticizers ...... 188
   References ................................................. 189
7  Application of Computational Techniques to Energetic
   Polymers and Formulations .................................. 193
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 193
   7.2  Overview of Computational Techniques .................. 193
   7.3  Application of Computational Modeling Techniques to
        Energetic Polymer Formulations ........................ 197
        7.3.1  Quantum Mechanical Methods ..................... 197
        7.3.2  Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulations ............ 201
        7.3.3  Mesoscale Simulations .......................... 205
        7.3.4  Macroscale Simulations ......................... 206
   7.4  Future Outlook ........................................ 207
   References ................................................. 208

   Index ...................................................... 211

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