Yeh P. Optical waves in layered media (Hoboken, 2005). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаYeh P. Optical waves in layered media. - Hoboken: John Wiley, 2005. - x, 406 p.: ill. - (Wiley series in pure and applied optics). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Auth. ind.: p.397-398. - Sub. ind.: p.399-406. - ISBN 0-471-73192-7

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Оглавление / Contents
Chapter 1  The Electromagnetic Field ............................ 1
1.1  Maxwell's Equations and Boundary Conditions ................ 1
1.2  Energy Density and Energy Flux ............................. 5
1.3  Complex Numbers and Monochromatic Fields ................... 6
1.4  Wave Equations and Monochromatic Plane Waves ............... 8
1.5  Polarization States of Light .............................. 14
1.6  Partially Polarized and Unpolarized Light ................. 22
1.7  Elementary Theory of Coherence ............................ 25
References and Suggested Readings .............................. 29
Problems ....................................................... 30

Chapter 2  Interaction of Electromagnetic Radiation with
           Matter .............................................. 36
2.1  Dielectric Constant and Atomic Polarizability ............. 36
2.2  Classical Electron Model .................................. 37
2.3  Dispersion and Complex Refractive Index ................... 38
2.4  Kramers-Kronig Relations .................................. 44
2.5  Optical Pulses and Group Velocity ......................... 50
Problems ....................................................... 54

Chapter 3  Reflection and Refraction of Plane Waves ............ 58
3.1  Snell's Law and Fresnel's Formulas ........................ 58
3.2  Total Internal Reflection ................................. 68
3.3  Polarization by Reflection; Brewster Angle ................ 76
3.4  Reflection at Surface of Absorbing Medium ................. 77
References and Suggested Readings .............................. 79
Problems ....................................................... 79

Chapter 4  Optics of A Single Homogeneous and Isotropic
           Layer ............................................... 83
4.1  Electromagnetic Treatment ................................. 83
4.2  Airy's Formulas ........................................... 86
4.3  Transmittance, Reflectance, and Absorptance ............... 90
4.4  Examples .................................................. 91
4.5  Thick Layers and Spectral Averaging ....................... 98
Problems ....................................................... 99

Chapter 5  Matrix Formulation for Isotropic Layered Media ..... 102
5.1  2×2 Matrix Formulation ................................... 102
5.2  Transmittance and Reflectance ............................ 109
5.3  General Theorems on Layered Media ........................ 112
Problems ...................................................... 114

Chapter 6  Optics of Periodic Layered Media ................... 118
6.1  Periodic Layered Media ................................... 118
6.2  Bloch Waves and Band Structures .......................... 123
6.3  Bragg Reflectors ......................................... 128
6.4  Form Birefringence ....................................... 135
6.5  Resonant Tunneling ....................................... 138
References .................................................... 142
Problems ...................................................... 142

Chapter 7  Some Applications of Isotropic Layered Media ....... 144
7.1  Fabry-Perot Interferometers .............................. 144
7.2  Gires-Tournois Interferometers ........................... 150
7.3  Antireflection Coating ................................... 151
7.4  Ellipsometry ............................................. 155
7.5  High-Reflectance Coating ................................. 157
7.6  Field of View of Spectral Filters ........................ 161
References .................................................... 163
Problems ...................................................... 163

Chapter 8  Inhomogeneous Layers ............................... 166
8.1  The WKВ Approximation .................................... 166
8.2  Some Exact Solutions ..................................... 168
8.3  Reflectance and Transmittance of Inhomogeneous Layers .... 173
8.4  Exponentially Graded Multilayers ......................... 176
8.5  Sinusoidal Layers ........................................ 186
8.6  Rays in Inhomogeneous Media .............................. 192
References .................................................... 195
Problems ...................................................... 195

Chapter 9  Optics of Anisotropic Layered Media ................ 201
9.1  Plane Waves in Homogeneous and Anisotropic Media ......... 201
9.2  Plane Waves in Uniaxially Anisotropic Media .............. 211
9.3  Jones Matrix Formulation ................................. 216
9.4  Intensity Transmission and Some Examples ................. 224
9.5  Double Refraction at a Boundary .......................... 227
9.6  Reflection and Refraction of Electromagnetic Radiation
     at a Crystal Surface ..................................... 232
9.7  4×4 Matrix Formulation ................................... 239
References .................................................... 247
Problems ...................................................... 248

Chapter 10 Some Applications of Anisotropic Layered Media ..... 254
10.1  Lyot-Ohman Filters ...................................... 254
10.2  Solc Filters ............................................ 260
10.3  Angular Properties of Birefringent Filters .............. 270
10.4  Dispersive Birefringent Filters ......................... 277
10.5  Iso-Index Filters ....................................... 284
10.6  Light Propagation in Twisted Anisotropic Media .......... 289
References .................................................... 293
Problems ...................................................... 294

Chapter 11 Guided Waves in Layered Media ...................... 298
11.1  Symmetric Slab Waveguides ............................... 298
11.2  Asymmetric Slab Waveguides .............................. 308
11.3  Multilayer Waveguides ................................... 319
11.4  Surface Plasmons ........................................ 332
11.5  Electromagnetic Bloch Surface Waves ..................... 337
11.6  General Properties of Dielectric Waveguides ............. 345
11.7  Perturbation Theory and Mode Coupling ................... 351
11.8  Coupling of Two Waveguides .............................. 357
11.9  Effective Index Theory .................................. 363
11.10  Coupling of N Identical Waveguides ..................... 365
References and Suggested Readings ............................. 369
Problems ...................................................... 369

Chapter 12 Optics of Semiconductor Quantum Wells and
           Superlattice Structures ............................ 375
12.1  Quantum Wells ........................................... 375
12.2  Multiple Quantum Wells .................................. 379
12.3  Optical Properties of Superlattices and Quantum Wells ... 383
12.4  Superlattices as Soft x-Ray Media ....................... 385
References .................................................... 391
Problems ...................................................... 392

Appendix A. Zeros of Mode  Dispersion Relation ................ 395
Author Index .................................................. 397
Subject Index ................................................. 399

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