Sterner T. Policy instruments for environmental and natural resource management (New York, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSterner T. Policy instruments for environmental and natural resource management. - 2nd ed. - New York: RFF Press, 2012. - xvii, 638 p.: ill., map. - Ref.: 551-612. - Ind.: p.613-638. - ISBN 978-1-617266-098-8

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xi
Acknowledgments .............................................. xiii
Abbreviations ................................................. xvi

1  Background and Overview ...................................... 1

Part I: The Need for Environmental and Natural Resource
Policy ......................................................... 11
2  Causes of Environmental Degradation ......................... 15
3  The Evolution of Rights ..................................... 42

Part II: Review of Policy Instruments .......................... 57
4  Direct Regulation of the Environment ........................ 61
5  Taxes ....................................................... 73
6  Tradable Permits ............................................ 82
7  Subsidies, Deposit-Refund Schemes, and Refunded Emissions
   Payments ................................................... 108
8  Property Rights, Legal Instruments, and Informational
   Policies ................................................... 116

Part III: Selection of Policy Instruments ..................... 139
9  Efficiency of Policy Instruments ........................... 143
10 Role of Uncertainty and Information Asymmetry .............. 163
11 Equilibrium Effects and Market Conditions .................. 181
12 Distribution of Costs ...................................... 198
13 Politics and Enforcement of Policy Instruments ............. 214
14 International Aspects and Climate Change ................... 231
15 Design of Policy Instruments ............................... 254

Part IV: Policy Instruments for Road Transportation ........... 263
16 Environmental Damage Caused by Transportation and Road
   Pricing .................................................... 267
17 Taxation or Regulation for Fuel Efficiency ................. 285
18 Fuel Quality Policies ...................................... 298
19 Vehicle Standards, Urban Planning, and Lessons Learned ..... 311

Part V: Policy Instruments for Industrial Pollution ........... 333
20 Experience in Developed Countries .......................... 335
21 Experience in Developing Countries ......................... 369

Part VI: Policy Instruments for the Management of Natural
Resources and Ecosystems ...................................... 399
22 Adapting Models to Ecosystems: Ecology, Time, and Space .... 401
23 Water ...................................................... 425
24 Waste ...................................................... 445
25 Fisheries .................................................. 460
26 Agriculture ................................................ 477
27 Forestry ................................................... 498
28 Ecosystems ................................................. 512

Part VII: Conclusion .......................................... 531
29 Policy Issues and Potential Solutions ...................... 533
References .................................................... 551

Index ......................................................... 613

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