Hovers E. The lithic assemblages of Qafzeh Cave (Oxford, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHovers E. The lithic assemblages of Qafzeh Cave. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. - xii, 320 p.: ill., maps. - (Human evolution series). - Ref.: p. 283-316. - Ind.: p.317-320. - ISBN-13 978-0-19-532277-4

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ....................................................... xi
   Bernard Vandermeersch and Ofer Bar-Yosef
1  Introduction ................................................. 3
   What Creates Variability? .................................... 4
   The Processes that Formed Mousterian Lithic Assemblages ...... 7
   The Levantine Middle Paleolithic: An Overview ............... 10
   Lithic Variability in the Levantine Middle Paleolithic ...... 12
   Why Look at Qafzeh Cave for Clues about Lithic
   Variability? ................................................ 15
2  Premises and Concepts Underlying the Study of the Qafzeh
   Lithics The Sample .......................................... 16
   Understanding Reduction Processes ........................... 17
   The Organization of Lithic Production and Use ............... 22
3  Qafzeh Cave: The Region and the Site ........................ 29
   The Region 29 The Site ...................................... 33
4  Lithic Production: 1. The Cores ............................. 43
   Beginning at the End: Cores as a Key to Understanding
   Lithic Variability Summary .................................. 60
5  Lithic Production: 2. The Debitage .......................... 61
   Blanks as Indicators of Reduction Sequences ................. 61
   Levallois and Non-Levallois Blanks .......................... 63
   Debitage Characteristics .................................... 64
   Core Management Pieces ...................................... 80
   Diversity and Flexibility in Lithic Production .............. 89
   Strategies of Lithic Production ............................ 102
   Summary .................................................... 105
6  Lithic Production: 3. The Retouched Artifacts .............. 107
   What Mean These Stones—And How Can We Find Out? ............ 107
   The Typological Composition of the Assemblages ............. 109
   Blank Selection ............................................ 127
   Retouch Characteristics .................................... 142
   Reduction or Imposed Form in the Side-Scrapers of
   Qafzeh? .................................................... 152
   Summary .................................................... 154
7  The Organization of Lithic Technology in Qafzeh ............ 156
   Foraging Behaviors, Form of Mobility, and Lithic
   Organization ............................................... 157
   Looking at Inter-Assemblage Variability .................... 160
   The Organizational Context of Lithic Production and Use
   in Qafzeh .................................................. 167
   Underlying Factors of Lithic Production and Use:
   Functional Efficacy or Cultural Tradition? ................. 189
   Summary .................................................... 194
8  Qafzeh Cave in a Broader Perspective: Subsistence and
   Mobility Patterns in the Middle Paleolithic of the
   Levant ..................................................... 196
   The Environmental Context of the Levantine Middle
   Paleolithic ................................................ 197
   Explanations of Lithic Variability in the Levantine
   Middle Paleolithic: Do the Models Work? .................... 207
   Reconstructing Land-Use Patterns in the Levantine Middle
   Paleolithic ................................................ 218
   The Case for Cultural Traditions ........................... 227
9  Population Dynamics during the Middle Paleolithic Period
   in the Levant .............................................. 230
   Linking Anatomy, Lithic Technology, and Mobility
   Patterns ................................................... 231
   The Three C's: Coexistence, Competition, Continuity ........ 233
10 Concluding Comments: Tracing Behavioral Modernity in the
   Levantine Record ........................................... 240

Appendix 1: The History of Excavations in Middle Paleolithic
            Sites in the Levant: 1925-1999 .................... 247
Appendix 2: Attributes Used in Core Analysis .................. 250
Appendix 3: Attributes Used in the Analysis of Flakes and
            Flake Tools ....................................... 252
Appendix 4: Notes on Typological Classification of the
            Qafzeh Assemblages ................................ 254
Appendix 5: Detailed Counts of Debitage and Tools ............. 256
Appendix 6: Radiometric Dates of Levantine Mousterian Sites ... 267

Notes ......................................................... 274
References .................................................... 283
Index ......................................................... 317

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