Fickett W. Detonation theory and experiment (Mineola, 2000). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаFickett W. Detonation theory and experiment / W.Fickett, W.C.Davis. - Mineola: Dover Publications, 2000. - xiv, 386 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.364-382. - Ind.: p.383-386. - ISBN 0-486-41456-6

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface to the Dover Edition ................................... xi
Preface ...................................................... xiii
Acknowledgments ............................................... xiv

INTRODUCTION .................................................... 1
1A  History ..................................................... 2
1B  Plan of the Book ........................................... 11

THE SIMPLE THEORY .............................................. 13
2A  The Simplest Theory ........................................ 16
    1  Conservation Laws ....................................... 16
    2  D-Discussion ............................................ 21
    3  Piston Problem .......................................... 21
2B  Application of the Simplest Theory, Product Equations of
    State ...................................................... 24
    1  Equations of State Without Explicit Chemistry ........... 25
    2  Equations of State With Explicit Chemistry .............. 31
    3  Kamlet's Short Method ................................... 34
    4  Quasistatic Cycle for Detonations ....................... 35
    5  Overview ................................................ 38
2C  The Zeldovich-von Neumann-Doering Model .................... 42
    1  Example 1: Gas .......................................... 45
    2  Example 2: Solid ........................................ 46
    Appendix 2А. Formulae for Detonation in a Polytropic Gas ... 52

3А  Gases ...................................................... 56
    1  Experiment .............................................. 59
    2  Discussion .............................................. 65
3В  Solids and Liquids ......................................... 68
    1  Theory .................................................. 69
    2  Experiment .............................................. 71

FLOW IN A REACTIVE MEDIUM ...................................... 75
4A  The Model .................................................. 76
    1  Chemical Reactions ...................................... 79
    2  Equation of State and Rate .............................. 88
    3  Equations of Motion ..................................... 89
    4  Other Forms of the Equations of Motion .................. 91
    6. Steady Solutions ........................................ 97
    6. The Shock-Change Equation .............................. 101
4B  Material Properties ....................................... 102
    1  The Polytropic Gas ..................................... 103
    2  Binary Mixture of Different Polytropic Gases ........... 105
4C  Representative Flows  ..................................... 108
    1  Flow Without Reaction  ................................. 109
    2  Reaction Without Flow  ................................. 109
    3  Sound Waves in a Reactive Mixture  ..................... 110
    4  Shock Wave in a Reactive Mixture ....................... 110
    5  Rarefaction Wave in a Reactive Mixture ................. 114
    Appendix 4A. Chemical Reaction Equations .................. 114
    Appendix 4B. Temperature from Internal Energy ............. 121
    Appendix 4C. Equations of Motion for Slab, Cylinder, and
    Sphere Symmetry ........................................... 124
    Appendix 4D. Frozen and Equilibrium Sound Speeds and σ .... 126
    Appendix 4E. Shock-Change Equations ....................... 131

STEADY DETONATION ............................................. 133
5A  One Reaction, σ > 0 ....................................... 137
    1  Properties at Fixed Composition ........................ 137
    2  Properties at Equilibrium Composition .................. 139
    3  Detonation with One Irreversible Reaction .............. 140
    4  Detonation with One Reversible Reaction ................ 143
   *5 Magnitude of the Effects of Reversibility ............... 147
   *6 A Realistic Example: Hydrogen/Oxygen .................... 151
5B  Two Irreversible Reactions ................................ 153
    1  Both Reactions Exothermic .............................. 163
    2  Second Reaction Endothermic (Eigenvalue Detonation) .... 168
5C* One Irreversible Reaction with a Mole Decrement
    (Pathological Detonation) ................................. 174
6D* Two Reversible Reactions .................................. 176
    1  The λ-plane ............................................ 177
    2  D-Discussion ........................................... 180
    3  The Piston Problem ..................................... 183
    4  Examples ............................................... 189
5E* More Than Two Reactions ................................... 190
5F  Inclusion of Transport Effects ............................ 191
5G  Slightly Divergent Flow ................................... 199
    1  The Steady-Flow Equations .............................. 204
    2  Approximation for the Radial Derivative ................ 208
    3  A Simple Example—Irreversible Reaction in an Ideal
       Gas .................................................... 212
    4  Effect of Chemical Equilibrium (Reversible Reaction) ... 220
    5  The General Case ....................................... 224
    6  Applications and Results ............................... 226

THE NONSTEADY SOLUTION ........................................ 230
6A  Stability Theory .......................................... 233
    1  General Theory ......................................... 233
    2  The Square-Wave Detonation ............................. 238
    3  Results ................................................ 246
    4  Shock Stability ........................................ 252
6B* Approximate Theories ...................................... 258
    1  Nonlinear Perturbation Theory .......................... 259
    2  Geometrical Acoustics .................................. 267
    3  One-Dimensional Oscillation in the Square-Wave
       Detonation ............................................. 275
6C  Finite-Difference Calculations ............................ 276
    1  One Dimension .......................................... 278
   *2 Two Dimensions .......................................... 288

STRUCTURE OF THE FRONT ........................................ 291
7A  Overview .................................................. 292
    1  An Intuitive Picture ................................... 293
    2  The Triple Point ....................................... 295
    3  The Simplest Regular Structure ......................... 298
    4  Experimental Methods ................................... 301
    5  Calculations ........................................... 303
7B  Macroscopic Properties .................................... 306
    1  Structures ............................................. 306
    2  Spacing and Acoustic Coupling .......................... 312
    3  The Transverse Wave .................................... 323
    4  The Sonic Surface ...................................... 326
7C* Details of Structure ...................................... 327
    1  Marginal Detonation in a Round Tube (Single Spin) ...... 328
    2  Marginal Detonation in Rectangular Tubes ............... 332
    3  Ordinary Detonation .................................... 341
7D  Comparison of Theory and Experiment ....................... 342
    1  Onset of Instability ................................... 343
    2  Fast Gallop ............................................ 343
    3  Cell Size .............................................. 346
7E  Liquids and Solids ........................................ 350
    1  Differences from Gases ................................. 351
    2  Light Confinement ...................................... 353
    3  Heavy Confinement ...................................... 356
    4  Discussion ............................................. 360
    Appendix 7A. Interpretation of Smear-Camera Photographs ... 361

Bibliography .................................................. 364
Index ......................................................... 383

* - The starred sections may be skipped with little lose of

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